2022-04-07 21:02:26 +02:00

65 lines
1.8 KiB

const { Plugin } = require('powercord/entities');
const { getModule } = require('powercord/webpack');
const { inject, uninject } = require('powercord/injector');
const Settings = require('./components/settings.jsx');
module.exports = class NitroBypass extends Plugin {
async startPlugin() {
powercord.api.settings.registerSettings(this.entityID, {
category: this.entityID,
label: 'Nitro Bypass',
render: Settings,
const message = await getModule(['sendMessage', 'editMessage']);
const currentUser = await getModule(['getCurrentUser']);
// spoof client side premium
let tries = 1;
let intervalId = setInterval(() => {
if (++tries > 5) clearInterval(intervalId);
const user = currentUser.getCurrentUser();
if (!user) return;
user.premiumType = 2;
}, 1000);
const emojiReplacePatch = this.emojiReplacePatch.bind(this);
inject('replace-on-send', message, 'sendMessage', emojiReplacePatch, true);
emojiReplacePatch(args) {
const message = args[1];
const emojis = message.validNonShortcutEmojis;
emojis.forEach((emoji) => {
// skip discord emojis
if (!emoji.require_colons) return;
// create the emoji string which we will replace
const emojiString = `<${emoji.animated ? 'a' : ''}:${emoji.originalName || emoji.name}:${
let url = emoji.url;
// change the size of the emoji in the url
const emojiSize = this.settings.get('size', 48);
url = url.replace(/\?size=[0-9]+/, `?size=${emojiSize}`);
// replace the message containing the emoji with the url
message.content = message.content.replace(emojiString, url);
return args;
pluginWillUnload() {