const { React, getModuleByDisplayName, getModule, i18n: { Messages } } = require('powercord/webpack'); const { AsyncComponent, Menu } = require('powercord/components'); const { inject, uninject } = require('powercord/injector'); const { Plugin } = require('powercord/entities'); const { sleep } = require('powercord/util'); const ErrorBoundary = require('./components/ErrorBoundary'); const GeneralSettings = require('./components/GeneralSettings'); // const Labs = require('./components/Labs'); const FormTitle = AsyncComponent.from(getModuleByDisplayName('FormTitle')); const FormSection = AsyncComponent.from(getModuleByDisplayName('FormSection')); module.exports = class Settings extends Plugin { async startPlugin() { powercord.api.settings.registerSettings('pc-general', { category: 'pc-general', label: () => Messages.POWERCORD_GENERAL_SETTINGS, render: GeneralSettings }); await this.loadStylesheet('scss/style.scss'); // Force load await this._forceLoadSettings(); // this.patchSettingsContextMenu(); this.patchSettingsComponent(); this.patchExperiments(); } async pluginWillUnload() { powercord.api.settings.unregisterSettings('pc-general'); uninject('pc-settings-items'); uninject('pc-settings-actions'); uninject('pc-settings-errorHandler'); } async patchExperiments() { try { const experimentsModule = await getModule(r => r.isDeveloper !== void 0); Object.defineProperty(experimentsModule, 'isDeveloper', { get: () => powercord.settings.get('experiments', false) }); // Ensure components do get the update experimentsModule._changeCallbacks.forEach(cb => cb()); } catch (_) { // memes } } async patchSettingsComponent() { const SettingsView = await getModuleByDisplayName('SettingsView'); inject('pc-settings-items', SettingsView.prototype, 'getPredicateSections', (_, sections) => { if (sections.length < 10) { return sections; } const changelog = sections.find(c => c.section === 'changelog'); if (changelog) { const settingsSections = Object.keys(powercord.api.settings.tabs).map(s => this._makeSection(s)); sections.splice( sections.indexOf(changelog), 0, { section: 'HEADER', label: 'Powercord' }, ...settingsSections, { section: 'DIVIDER' } ); } if (sections.find(c => c.section === 'CUSTOM')) { sections.find(c => c.section === 'CUSTOM').element = ((_element) => function () { const res = _element(); if (res.props.children && res.props.children.length === 3) { res.props.children.unshift( Object.assign({}, res.props.children[0], { props: Object.assign({}, res.props.children[0].props, { href: '', title: 'Milky Quest', className: `${res.props.children[0].props.className} powercord-pc-icon` }) }) ); } return res; })(sections.find(c => c.section === 'CUSTOM').element); } const latestCommitHash = powercord.gitInfos.revision.substring(0, 7); const debugInfo = sections[sections.findIndex(c => c.section === 'CUSTOM') + 1]; if (debugInfo) { debugInfo.element = ((_element) => function () { const res = _element(); if (res.props.children && res.props.children.length === 4) { res.props.children.push( Object.assign({}, res.props.children[0], { props: Object.assign({}, res.props.children[0].props, { children: ['Powercord', ' ', React.createElement('span', { className: res.props.children[0].props.children[4].props.className, children: [powercord.gitInfos.branch, ' (', latestCommitHash, ')'] })] }) }) ); } return res; })(debugInfo.element); } return sections; }); } _makeSection(tabId) { const props = powercord.api.settings.tabs[tabId]; const label = typeof props.label === 'function' ? props.label() : props.label; return { label, section: tabId, element: () => this._renderWrapper(label, props.render) }; } _renderWrapper(label, Component) { return React.createElement(ErrorBoundary, null, React.createElement(FormSection, {}, React.createElement(FormTitle, { tag: 'h2' }, label), React.createElement(Component) ) ); } async patchSettingsContextMenu() { const SettingsContextMenu = await getModule(m => m.default?.displayName === 'UserSettingsCogContextMenu'); inject('pc-settings-actions', SettingsContextMenu, 'default', (_, res) => { const parent = React.createElement(Menu.MenuItem, { id: 'powercord-actions', label: 'Powercord' }, Object.keys(powercord.api.settings.tabs).map(tabId => { const props = powercord.api.settings.tabs[tabId]; const label = typeof props.label === 'function' ? props.label() : props.label; return React.createElement(Menu.MenuItem, { label, id: tabId, action: async () => { const settingsModule = await getModule(['open', 'saveAccountChanges']);; } }); })); parent.key = 'Powercord'; const items = res.props.children.find(child => Array.isArray(child)); const changelog = items.find(item => item?.props?.id === 'changelog'); if (changelog) { items.splice(items.indexOf(changelog), 0, parent); } else { this.error('Unable to locate "Change Log" item; forcing element to context menu!'); res.props.children.push(parent); } return res; }); } async _forceLoadSettings() { await sleep(5e3); // Everyone's favorite fix document.body.classList.add('__powercord-no-settings-animation'); const layers = await getModule(['popLayer'], false); const opener = await getModule(['open', 'updateAccount'], false);; layers.popLayer(); setTimeout(() => document.body.classList.remove('__powercord-no-settings-animation'), 1100); } };