# frozen_string_literal: true # conversations #chat_block_relationships #chat_blocked_by_relationships #chat_conversations #chat_messages #subscriptions #group_accounts #group_join_requests #group_removed_accounts #shortcuts class SuspendAccountService < BaseService ASSOCIATIONS_ON_SUSPEND = %w( active_relationships block_relationships blocked_by_relationships custom_filters favourites follow_requests list_accounts media_attachments mute_relationships muted_by_relationships notifications owned_lists passive_relationships report_notes scheduled_statuses status_bookmarks status_pins ).freeze ASSOCIATIONS_ON_DESTROY = %w( reports targeted_moderation_notes targeted_reports ).freeze # Suspend an account and remove as much of its data as possible # @param [Account] # @param [Hash] options # @option [Boolean] :including_user Remove the user record as well # @option [Boolean] :destroy Remove the account record instead of suspending def call(account, **options) @account = account return true if @account.is_pro? || @account.is_verified? || @account.is_donor? || @account.is_investor? @options = options purge_user! purge_profile! purge_content! resolve_reports! end private def purge_user! return if !@account.local? || @account.user.nil? if @options[:including_user] @account.user.destroy else @account.user.disable! end end def purge_content! @account.statuses.reorder(nil).find_in_batches do |statuses| BatchedRemoveStatusService.new.call(statuses, skip_side_effects: @options[:destroy]) end associations_for_destruction.each do |association_name| destroy_all(@account.public_send(association_name)) end @account.destroy if @options[:destroy] end def purge_profile! # If the account is going to be destroyed # there is no point wasting time updating # its values first return if @options[:destroy] @account.silenced_at = nil @account.suspended_at = @options[:suspended_at] || Time.now.utc @account.locked = false @account.display_name = '' @account.note = '' @account.fields = [] @account.statuses_count = 0 @account.followers_count = 0 @account.following_count = 0 @account.moved_to_account = nil @account.avatar.destroy @account.header.destroy @account.save! end def resolve_reports! Report.where(target_account: @account).unresolved.update_all(action_taken: true) unless @options[:destroy] end def destroy_all(association) association.in_batches.destroy_all end def associations_for_destruction if @options[:destroy] ASSOCIATIONS_ON_SUSPEND + ASSOCIATIONS_ON_DESTROY else ASSOCIATIONS_ON_SUSPEND end end end