# frozen_string_literal: true def codepoints_to_filename(codepoints) codepoints.downcase.gsub(/\A[0]+/, '').tr(' ', '-') end def codepoints_to_unicode(codepoints) if codepoints.include?(' ') codepoints.split(' ').map(&:hex).pack('U*') else [codepoints.hex].pack('U') end end namespace :emojis do desc 'Generate a unicode to filename mapping' task :generate do source = 'http://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/11.0/emoji-test.txt' codes = [] dest = Rails.root.join('app', 'javascript', 'gabsocial', 'components', 'emoji', 'emoji_map.json') puts "Downloading emojos from source... (#{source})" HTTP.get(source).to_s.split("\n").each do |line| next if line.start_with? '#' parts = line.split(';').map(&:strip) next if parts.size < 2 codes << [parts[0], parts[1].start_with?('fully-qualified')] end grouped_codes = codes.reduce([]) do |agg, current| if current[1] agg << [current[0]] else agg.last << current[0] agg end end existence_maps = grouped_codes.map { |c| c.map { |cc| [cc, File.exist?(Rails.root.join('public', 'emoji', codepoints_to_filename(cc) + '.svg'))] }.to_h } map = {} existence_maps.each do |group| existing_one = group.key(true) next if existing_one.nil? group.each_key do |key| map[codepoints_to_unicode(key)] = codepoints_to_filename(existing_one) end end map = map.sort { |a, b| a[0].size <=> b[0].size }.to_h File.write(dest, Oj.dump(map)) puts "Wrote emojo to destination! (#{dest})" end end