mgabdev e3af1b4a26 Updated LinkBlock checks for if status text contains blocked domain
• Updated:
- LinkBlock checks for if status text contains blocked domain
- normalize_link to use domain instead of normalized_host

• Added:
- normalize_link_domain to check for if entire domains are blocked or not for spam
2021-02-11 00:01:45 -05:00

42 lines
1.1 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
# == Schema Information
# Table name: link_blocks
# id :bigint(8) not null, primary key
# link :string default(""), not null
# created_at :datetime not null
# updated_at :datetime not null
class LinkBlock < ApplicationRecord
include LinkNormalizable
validates :link, presence: true, uniqueness: true
scope :alphabetical, -> { reorder(link: :asc) }
def self.block?(text)
return false if text.nil?
return false if text.length < 1
return true if text.include? ''
urls = text.scan(FetchLinkCardService::URL_PATTERN).map {|array|
url = urls.first
return false if url.nil?
link_for_fetch = TagManager.instance.normalize_link(url)
link_for_fetch = link_for_fetch.chomp("/")
domain_for_fetch = TagManager.instance.normalize_link_domain(url)
where("LOWER(link) LIKE LOWER(?)", "%#{link_for_fetch}").or(
where("LOWER(link) LIKE LOWER(?)", "#{domain_for_fetch}")