
497 lines
19 KiB

* ByePASS by Moony
* Version 1.0.0
* This file file handles the API on the web server.
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const sensor = require('./src/sensorGather');
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const fs = require("fs");
const whitelist = require('./whitelist.json');
const uuid = require('uuid/v1');
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const request = require('request');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
const db = require('better-sqlite3')('database.db');
const virtualization = require('./src/virtualization');
const scriptCache = require('./cache.json')
const app = express();
const jsdom = require("jsdom");
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => {});
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
app.use((req, res, next) => {
if(req.get('host') && req.get('host').includes('platinbots.')) return res.end(require('fs').readFileSync('./closed.html')); else next();
app.use((req, res, next) => {
var path = (req.url === '/' ? '/index.html' : req.url);
if (fs.existsSync('./sites/'+req.get('host').toLowerCase())) {
fs.readFile('./sites/'+req.get('host').toLowerCase() + path, (err, data) => {
if(err) return res.status(404), res.end('path ' + path + ' not found');
return res.end(data);
} else next();
app.get('/', async (req, res) => {
return res.render('index', {
avg: calculateAvg(),
servers: getServers().length
app.get('/login', async (req, res) => {
let row = databaseOperations.checkToken(req.cookies.token);
if(!row)return res.render('login');
return res.redirect('/panel');
app.get('/register', async (req, res) => {
let row = databaseOperations.checkToken(req.cookies.token);
if(!row) return res.render('register');
return res.redirect('/panel');
app.get('/panel', async (req, res) => {
let row = databaseOperations.checkToken(req.cookies.token);
if(!row)return res.render('login');
if(!databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(row.id, 'expire')) databaseOperations.updateOrSetMetadataValue(row.id, 'expire', -1);
if(!databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(row.id, 'admin')) databaseOperations.updateOrSetMetadataValue(row.id, 'admin', false);
if(!databaseOperations.getFromId(row.id).apiKey) databaseOperations.setApiToken(row.id);
return res.render('panel', {
apiToken: row.apiKey,
sub: databaseOperations.hasActiveSub(row.id),
admin: databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(row.id, 'admin'),
uid: row.id,
subExpire: getExpire(row.id),
limited: databaseOperations.isLimitedAccount(row.id),
users: db.prepare('SELECT id, username FROM users').all()
app.get('/panel/support', async (req, res) => {
let row = databaseOperations.checkToken(req.cookies.token);
if(!row)return res.render('login');
if(!databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(row.id, 'expire')) databaseOperations.updateOrSetMetadataValue(row.id, 'expire', -1);
if(!databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(row.id, 'admin')) databaseOperations.updateOrSetMetadataValue(row.id, 'admin', false);
return res.render('support', {
apiToken: row.apiKey,
sub: databaseOperations.hasActiveSub(row.id),
admin: databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(row.id, 'admin'),
uid: row.id,
subExpire: getExpire(row.id),
limited: databaseOperations.isLimitedAccount(row.id)
function getExpire(id)
let distance = new Date(databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(id, 'expire')) - new Date().getTime();
var days = Math.floor(distance / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
var hours = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60));
return `${days} days and ${hours} hours.`;
app.get('/api/regenerate', (req, res) => {
let row = databaseOperations.checkToken(req.cookies.token);
if(!row)return res.json({err: true, msg: 'authorization error'});
return res.json({err: false, token: databaseOperations.setApiToken(row.id)});
app.post('/api/login', (req, res) => {
let result = databaseOperations.checkCredentials(req.body.username, req.body.password);
if(!result) return res.json({err: true, msg: 'incorrect credentials'});
let token = databaseOperations.setToken(result.id);
res.cookie('token', token);
app.post('/api/extendsub', (req, res) => {
let row = databaseOperations.checkToken(req.cookies.token);
let isAdmin = databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(row.id, 'admin');
if(!isAdmin) return;
databaseOperations.updateOrSetMetadataValue(req.body.target, 'expire', req.body.time);
app.post('/api/setrestrictions', (req, res) => {
let row = databaseOperations.checkToken(req.cookies.token);
let isAdmin = databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(row.id, 'admin');
if(!isAdmin) return;
if(req.body.modules !== '') databaseOperations.updateOrSetMetadataValue(req.body.target, 'modules', req.body.modules.split('\n')); else databaseOperations.updateOrSetMetadataValue(req.body.target, 'modules', []);
app.post('/api/register', (req, res) => {
let token = databaseOperations.register(req.body.username, req.body.password);
if(!token) return res.json({err: true, msg: 'username taken'})
res.cookie('token', token);
function ab(a) {
if (null == a) return -1;
try {
for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var n = a.charCodeAt(e);
n < 128 && (t += n)
return t
} catch (a) {
return -2
function getO9()
var a = get_cf_date() % 1e7
for (var t = a, e = 0; e < 5; e++) {
var n = pi(a / Math.pow(10, e)) % 10,
o = n + 1,
m = "return a" + cc(n) + o + ";";
t = new Function("a", m)(t)
return t;
function cc (a) {
var t = a % 4;
2 == t && (t = 3);
var e = 42 + t;
return String.fromCharCode(e)
function pi(a) {
return parseInt(a)
function get_cf_date() {
return Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date
function rir(a, t, e, n) {
return a > t && a <= e && (a += n % (e - t)) > e && (a = a - e + t), a
function od(a, t) {
try {
a = String(a), t = String(t);
var e = [],
n = t.length;
if (n > 0) {
for (var o = 0; o < a.length; o++) {
var m = a.charCodeAt(o),
r = a.charAt(o),
i = t.charCodeAt(o % n);
m = rir(m, 47, 57, i), m != a.charCodeAt(o) && (r = String.fromCharCode(m)), e.push(r)
if (e.length > 0) return e.join("")
} catch (a) {}
return a
app.post('/api/sensor', async (req, res) => {
let row = false;
let old = false;
if (req.body.old) {
row = whitelist.includes(req.body.auth);
old = true;
} else row = databaseOperations.checkApiToken(req.body.auth);
if(!row) return res.json({msg: 'incorrect auth'});
if(!req.body.cookie) return res.json({msg: 'no cookie string'});
if(!req.body.url) return res.json({msg: 'no url string'});
if(!old && !databaseOperations.hasActiveSub(row.id)) return res.json({msg: 'sub expired'});
if(!old && databaseOperations.isLimitedAccount(row.id) && !databaseOperations.isInLimitedList(row.id, req.body.url)) return res.json({msg: 'invalid url'})
var useHost = true;
if (req.body.host) {
useHost = (req.body.host.toLowerCase() === 'true');
if (!req.body.url.startsWith('http')) return res.json({msg: 'invalid url'})
/* fs.readFile("akamai.js", 'utf8', function (err,data) {
if (err) {
res.status(500).end("Error getting script...");
return console.log(err);
var url = new URL(req.body.url)
var script = data.replace(/document.URL/g, '"' + req.body.url + '"').replace(/document.location.protocol/g, '"' + url.protocol.replace('//', '') + '"').replace(/document.location.hostname/g, '"' + url.hostname + '"').replace(/window.navigator.userAgent/g, '"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36"');
const dom = new JSDOM(`<script>document.cookie="_abck=${req.body.cookie}";${script};bmak.bpd();document.title = bmak.sensor_data</script>`, {runScripts: "dangerously" })
let sensordata = dom.window.document.title;
/* if(!scriptCache.find((z) => z.url === req.body.url)) sensor.grabScriptUrl(req.body.url, `_abck=${req.body.cookie}`, (grabbedScript) => {
url: req.body.url,
location: grabbedScript
getCookie(grabbedScript, req.body.url, req.body.cookie, sensor_data, (cookie) =>
cookie.forEach((x) => {
res.cookie(x.split('=')[0], x.split('=')[1].split(';')[0])
res.end("sup bro");
}); else {
getCookie(scriptCache.find((z) => z.url === req.body.url).location, req.body.url, req.body.cookie, sensor_data, (cookie) => {
cookie.forEach((x) => {
res.cookie(x.split('=')[0], x.split('=')[1].split(';')[0])
res.end("sup bro");
// res.json({sensor_data: sensordata})
// });
// JSDOM.fromFile('akamai.html', {runScripts: "dangerously", resources: "usable"}).then((dom) => {
// });
/* var api_public_key = "afSbep8yjnZUjq3aL010jO15Sawj2VZfdYK8uY90uxq"
var cs = "0a46G5m17Vrp4o4c"
var ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36"
var ver = "1.4.5"
var aaaa = get_cf_date();
var C = od(cs, api_public_key).slice(0, 16)
var S = Math.floor(get_cf_date() / 36e5);
var E = C + od(S, C)
var start_ts = get_cf_date()
var _abck = req.body.cookie;
var xagg = "12147" // this is from my chrome installation on my pc
var z1 = pi(start_ts / (2016 * 2016)) // 2016 is bmak.y1
var d3 = get_cf_date() % 1e7 // x2() just returns get_cf_date()
var url = req.body.url.replace(/\\|"/g, "")
var sensor_data = `${E}${ver}-1,2,-94,-100,${ua},uaend,${xagg},20030107,en-US,Gecko,0,0,0,0,${z1},${d3},2048,1112,2048,1152,2048,1010,2050,,cpen:0,i1:0,dm:0,cwen:0,non:1,opc:0,fc:0,sc:0,wrc:1,isc:0,vib:1,bat:1,x11:0,x12:1,8330,${Math.random()},${start_ts / 2},loc:-1,2,-94,-101,do_en,dm_en,t_en-1,2,-94,-105,-1,2,-94,-102,-1,2,-94,-108,-1,2,-94,-110,-1,2,-94,-117,-1,2,-94,-111,-1,2,-94,-109,-1,2,-94,-114,-1,2,-94,-103,-1,2,-94,-112,${url},-1,2,-94,-115,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,6,0,${start_ts},${Math.floor(Math.random() * (42 - 35 + 1) + 35) + 1},16896,0,0,2816,0,0,${get_cf_date() - start_ts},49,0,${_abck},${ab(_abck)},${Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random()).toString()},-5098406,30261693-1,2,-94,-106,9,1-1,2,-94,-119,-1-1,2,-94,-122,0,0,0,0,1,0,0-1,2,-94,-123,-1,2,-94,-124,-1,2,-94,-125,`
sensor_data = `${sensor_data}-1,2,-94,-70,-739578230;dis;,7,8;true;true;true;300;true;24;24;true;false;1-1,2,-94,-80,4911-1,2,-94,-116,${getO9()}-1,2,-94,-118,${ab(sensor_data)}-1,2,-94,-121,;${get_cf_date() - aaaa};${Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 - 10 + 1) + 10) + 1};0`
res.json({sensor_data: sensor_data});*/
var uriObject = new URL(req.body.url);
var realURL = useHost ? uriObject.protocol + '//' + uriObject.hostname : req.body.url;
if(!scriptCache.find((z) => z.url === realURL)) sensor.grab(realURL, `_abck=${req.body.cookie}`, useHost, (e) => {
if(e.err) return res.json(e);
var owo = scriptCache.push({
url: realURL,
scripturl: e.url,
script: e.d
/*virtualization.getSensorData(e.d, {target: req.body.url, cookievalue: req.body.cookie},(h) => {
res.json({sensor_data: h});
let timedOut = false;
getSensorData(e.d, req.body.cookie, (h) => {
if(!timedOut) res.json({sensor_data: h}), timedOut = true;
/* getCookie(e.url, uriObject.hostname, uriObject.origin, `_abck=${req.body.cookie}`, h, (eee) => {
// res.json({cookie: eee});
eee.forEach((x) => {
res.cookie(x.split('=')[0], x.split('=')[1].split(';')[0])
res.end("sup bro");
timedOut = true;
setTimeout(() => {if(!timedOut)res.json({err: 'Request timed out'}), timedOut = true;}, 10*1000);
}); else {
let timedOut = false;
var sex = scriptCache.find((z) => z.url === realURL);
getSensorData(sex.script, req.body.cookie, (h) => {
if(!timedOut)res.json({sensor_data: h}), timedOut = true
/* if(!sex.scripturl) sensor.grabScriptUrl(realURL, `_abck=${req.body.cookie}`, (de) => {
sex.scripturl = de;
getCookie(de, req.body.url, `_abck=${req.body.cookie}`, h, (eee) => {
timedOut = true;
return res.status(200), res.send(eee);
}); else */
/*getCookie(sex.scripturl, uriObject.hostname, uriObject.origin, `_abck=${req.body.cookie}`, h, (eee) => {
timedOut = true;
//return res.status(200), res.send(eee);
eee.forEach((x) => {
res.cookie(x.split('=')[0], x.split('=')[1].split(';')[0])
res.end("sup bro");
setTimeout(() => {if(!timedOut)res.json({err: 'Request timed out'}), timedOut = true;}, 10*1000);
function getCookie(urls, gay, gay2, cocaine, sensor_data, cb) {
request.post(urls, {
headers: {
'Accept': '*/*',
'Host': gay,
'Referer': gay,
'Origin': gay2,
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.117 Safari/537.36',
'Cookie': `_abck=${cocaine};`,
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
body: {
sensor_data: sensor_data
jar: request.jar(),
json: true
}, (err, res) => {
if(err) return cb('err' + err);
if(!res.headers['set-cookie']) return cb('nigga wtf no cookie header?!');
if(res.body.success)return cb(res.headers['set-cookie']); else return cb('nope')
app.listen(80, () => console.log('http memes'))
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 42154 });
wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
const payload = JSON.parse(message);
case 'GOT_SENSOR':
var target = respqeueue.find((e) => e.id === payload.d.id);
if(!target) return;
solveSpeedCache.push(Date.now() - target.timestamp);
setInterval(() => {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({t: 'PING'}))
}, 30 * 1000);
var solveSpeedCache = [];
var respqeueue = [];
function getServers() {
var possible = [];
wss.clients.forEach((e) => {
if(e.readyState === e.OPEN) possible.push(e);
return possible;
function calculateAvg()
let tmp = 0;
solveSpeedCache.forEach((e) => tmp += e);
return Math.floor(tmp / solveSpeedCache.length);
function getSensorData(script, cookie, cb)
let sensorSession = randomSession();
if(!sensorSession) return cb('error while grabbing sensor data, No servers found!');
var identifier = uuid();
id: identifier,
callback: cb,
timestamp: Date.now()
d: {
eval: script,
cookie: cookie,
id: identifier
function randomSession()
let tmp = getServers();
return tmp[Math.floor(Math.random() * tmp.length)];
const databaseOperations = {
hasActiveSub: (id) => {
let expire = databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(id, 'expire');
if(expire < 0) return false;
return expire - Date.now() > 0 ? true : false;
isInLimitedList: (id, target) => {
let modules = databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(id, 'modules');
if(modules.includes(target.toLowerCase())) return true;
return false;
isLimitedAccount: (id) => {
let modules = databaseOperations.getMetadataValue(id, 'modules');
if(!modules || modules.length === 0) return false;
return true;
register: (username, password) => {
if(databaseOperations.isUsernameTaken(username)) return false;
let token = crypto.createHash('md5').update(`this timestamp is a nigger =>${Date.now()}GODpls buy me a shiba${Math.random() * 2312831}`).digest('hex');
let hash = bcrypt.hashSync(password, 10);
db.prepare('INSERT INTO users (username, password, token) VALUES (?, ?, ?)').run(username, hash, token);
return token;
isUsernameTaken: (username) => {
let row = db.prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=?').get(username);
return row ? true : false;
checkToken: (token) => {
return db.prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE token=?').get(token);
checkApiToken: (token) => {
return db.prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE apiKey=?').get(token);
getFromId: (id) => {
return db.prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?').get(id);
checkCredentials: (username, password) => {
let row = db.prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=?').get(username);
if(!row) return false;
let match = bcrypt.compare(password, row.password);
if(!match) return false;
return row;
setToken: (id) => {
let token = crypto.createHash('md5').update(`this timestamp is a nigger =>${Date.now()}GODpls buy me a shiba${id}`).digest('hex');
db.prepare('UPDATE users SET token=? WHERE id=?').run(token, id);
return token;
setApiToken: (id) => {
let token = crypto.createHash('md5').update(`this also this is a api key btw GOD sex timestamp is a nigger =>${Date.now()}GODpls buy me a shiba${id}`).digest('hex');
db.prepare('UPDATE users SET apiKey=? WHERE id=?').run(token, id);
return token;
getMetadataValue: (id, key) => {
let row = db.prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?').get(id);
return JSON.parse(row.metadata)[key];
updateOrSetMetadataValue: (id, key, value) => {
let row = db.prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?').get(id);
let deserialized = row ? JSON.parse(row.metadata) : {};
deserialized[key] = value;
db.prepare('UPDATE users SET metadata=? WHERE id=?').run(JSON.stringify(deserialized), id);
destroyMetadataKey: (id, key) => {
let row = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?").get(id);
let deserialized = JSON.parse(row.metadata);
delete deserialized[key];
db.prepare("UPDATE users SET metaData=? WHERE id=?").run(JSON.stringify(deserialized), id);
setInterval(() => {
require('fs').writeFileSync('./cache.json', JSON.stringify(scriptCache));
}, 10 * 1000);