# Change Log ## 3.3.8 (2019-03-24) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **ci**: cancel nightly release when ci done. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **package**: update package.lock to fix potential security vulnerability in dependencies. ### Migrating from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.3.8 ``` ## 3.3.7 (2018-11-03) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **package**: upgrade `js-sha3` to `0.8.0`. - **package**: upgrade `winston` to `3.1.0`, `winston-daily-rotate-file` to `3.4.1`. - **package**: upgrade `ws` to `6.1.0`. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **package**: fix a potential security vulnerability in `merge` dependency. - **proxies**: fix http parsing error and 401 status code. ### Migrating from 3.3.6 to 3.3.7 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.3.7 ``` ## 3.3.6 (2018-07-28) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **package**: upgrade `ws` to `6.0.0`. - **package**: upgrade `jest` and fix test environment. - **src**: reduce `MaxListenersExceededWarning`s. - **src**: load `libsodium-wrappers` on demand. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **core**: fix `TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of null`. ### Migrating from 3.3.5 to 3.3.6 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.3.6 ``` ## 3.3.5 (2018-07-14) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **benchmark**: refactor. - **package**: upgrade `ws` to `5.2.2` and `winston-daily-rotate-file` to `3.3.0`. - **src**: reduce memory usage when enable `multiplexing`. - **src**: weakly dependent on `http2` module. ### Migrating from 3.3.4 to 3.3.5 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.3.5 ``` ## 3.3.4 (2018-07-07) ### :exclamation: Notable Changes - **presets**: - Add new encryption algorithms(`aes-128-ccm`, `aes-192-ccm` and `aes-256-ccm`) to `ss-aead-cipher`. ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **package**: add `semver` to compare versions. - **ci**: log curl error message. - **core**: remove mux related things from `Pipe`. - **core**: move `core/speed-tester.js` to `utils/speed-tester.js`. - **docs**: add a [basic example](./docs/examples/basic). - **docs**: add an example of [using kcptun with blinksocks](./docs/examples/kcptun). - **transports**: refactor `ws` transport. - **transports**: remove dependency on `http2session` for `h2` transport. - **transports**: decouple `drain` event from other bounds. - **transports**: reduce memory usage of `ws` and `wss`. - **transports**: disable the Nagle algorithm and enable keep-alive functionality of `tcp`. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **core**: fix connection status record of `Hub`. - **core**: check writable of inbound before using it in `MuxRelay`. - **transports**: fix crash when error occurred in http2stream. [#105](https://github.com/blinksocks/blinksocks/issues/105) ### Migrating from 3.3.3 to 3.3.4 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.3.4 ``` ## 3.3.3 (2018-06-24) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **src**: refactor multiplexing to pass pressure test. - **test**: add test case for https and redirect. - **deps**: upgrade `ws` to v5.2.1, `winston-daily-rotate-file` to v3.2.3. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **presets**: fail() should return undefined. ### Migrating from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.3.3 ``` ## 3.3.2 (2018-06-17) ### :exclamation: Notable Changes `http2` transport is added in version. For usage please refer to [examples/http2](./docs/examples/http2). ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **src**: refactor handling presets failure. - **docs**: add examples of using http2 and http2/caddy. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **core**: fix wss multiplexing. - **transports**: fix tcp error logging. - **proxies**: fix a vulnerability in log output. ### Migrating from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.3.2 ``` ## 3.3.1 (2018-06-15) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **package**: upgrade winston to v3.0.0. - **proxies**: add `https` support. - **transport**: set handshake timeout of ws to 10s. - **docs**: add `Test Using curl`. - **docs**: add a batch of [examples](./docs/examples). ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **config**: fix default port issue. ### Migrating from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.3.1 ``` ## 3.3.0 (2018-06-12) ### :exclamation: Notable Changes - **transports**: add `wss`([WebSocket/TLS](docs/config#blinksocks-over-websockettls)). If you encounter the following warning, and the certificate is `self-signed`, please add `"tls_cert_self_signed": true` to client configuration and provide server certificate in `"tls_cert"` as well: ``` warn: [xxx:outbound] [x.x.x.x:xxxxx] self signed certificate ``` ```diff --- a/blinksocks.client.old.json +++ b/blinksocks.client.new.json { "service": "socks5://", "server": { "service": "tls://localhost:1082", "key": "AuM3R$]Pnj^Cqg^9", "presets": [ @@ -18,11 +17,10 @@ "mux": false, "mux_concurrency": 10, "tls_cert": "cert.pem", + "tls_cert_self_signed": true }, "dns": [], "dns_expire": 3600, "timeout": 300, ``` ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **config**: add `tls_cert_self_signed` option. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **transports/tls**: require `"tls_cert_self_signed": true` if use `self-singed` certificate. ### Migrating from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.3.0 ``` ## 3.2.2 (2018-06-10) ### :exclamation: Notable Changes > For security reason, **executables** are no longer uploaded in the following releases, we only publish npm packages. ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **deploy**: add `install-run-debian.sh`. - **transports**: add `pathname` support for websocket. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **proxies**: fix a security bug of authorization bypass when use `socks` or `http` protocol. ### Migrating from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.2.2 ``` ## 3.2.1 (2018-05-12) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **benchmark**: add test for chacha20-ietf. - **hub**: set a timer to prune udp relays. - **src**: move constants from `presets/actions.js` to `src/constants.js`. - **src**: remove `preset.js`, implement `_write()` in `IPreset`. - **test**: add udp test for `obfs-tls1.2-ticket`. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **core**: add `speed-tester.js`, fix speed measurement. ### Migrating from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.2.1 ``` ## 3.2.0 (2018-04-28) > Node.js 10 is supported in this version! ### :exclamation: Notable Changes - **src**: support socks4(a), socks5, http `basic authorization`(username/password). - **presets**: add `IPresetAddressing::onInitTargetAddress()` and `IPresetAddressing::resolveTargetAddress()`. - **presets**: add `chacha20-ietf` method for `ss-stream-cipher`, but require Node.js 10.x. - **presets**: deprecated `IPreset::onNotified()`. - **presets**: deprecated `auto-conf` preset. ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **core**: add `Pipe::initTargetAddress()`. - **utils**: add `uint64ToBuffer()`, `incrementLE()` and `incrementBE()`. - **package**: upgrade ws from v3.3.3 to v5.1.1. - **package**: use WHATWG URL API instead of legacy qs api. - **package**: add package-lock.json. - **package**: remove unused dependencies. - **ci**: add test on the latest stable Node.js. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **hub**: fix sequence between calling `relay::on()` and `relay.init()`. - **hub**: patch `server.getConnections()` for ws. ### Migrating from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.2.0 ``` ## 3.1.1 (2018-04-10) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **api**: remove Hub::getPerformance(). - **api**: add Hub::getUploadSpeed(), Hub::getDownloadSpeed() and Hub::getConnStatuses(). - **benchmark**: enlarge wait time before kill iperf server. - **package**: upgrade winston logger to v3. - **package**: remove husky and precommit hook, it's annoying. - **test**: add udp tests for multiplexing. - **docs**: add usage for systemd. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - src: fix crash when onConnected() triggered after ss-base is destroyed. ### Migrating from 3.0.0 to 3.1.1 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.1.1 ``` ## 3.1.0 (2018-03-11) > The minimal version of Node.js required is 8.x now, please upgrade your Node.js if necessary. ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **lib**: compiled to Node.js 8. - **core**: start udp server only when use socks protocol on client. - **core**: add performance.js to collect upload/download speed. - **core**: add Hub::getConnections(), Hub::getTotalRead(), Hub::getTotalWritten() and Hub::getPerformance(). - **test**: add tests for udp relay. - **test**: add tests for multiplexing over ws and tls. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **src**: reduce error rate when enable multiplexing on server. - **core**: include target address in tracker's log when enable multiplexing. - **core**: avoid putting duplicate target address in tracker's log. ### Migrating from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.1.0 ``` ## 3.0.0 (2018-02-27) ### :boom: Breaking Changes: - **bin/init**: remove "workers". - **bin/init**: replace "servers: []" to "server: {}". - **core**: remove balancer. - **presets**: remove `stats` preset. - **presets**: remove `tracker` preset, re-implement in core. - **presets**: remove `access-control` preset, re-implement in core. ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **bin/init**: add "acl" and "acl_conf" on server side. - **src**: refactor src/dns-cache.js and move it to utils/. - **src**: move config items from global to local. - **core**: expose Config::getLogFilePath(). - **benchmark**: use json output of iperf. - **presets/mux**: discretize cid and other improvements. - **ci**: add scripts to do nightly release automatically. - **test**: add e2e tests. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **src**: fix "send() is not a function" when using mux though http proxy. - **core**: fix "cannot read property 'remoteInfo' of null" of mux-relay.js. - **core**: fix sub connection id collision. - **core**: handle listen "error" event. ### Committers: 2 * [Micooz](https://github.com/micooz) * [Indexyz](https://github.com/Indexyz) ### Migrating from 2.9.0 to 3.0.0 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@3.0.0 ``` After v3, blinksocks no longer support multiple servers and cluster mode, so you should make some changes in your client config.json after upgrade: ```diff --- a/blinksocks.client.old.json +++ b/blinksocks.client.new.json { "service": "socks5://", - "servers": [{ - "enabled": true, + "server": { "service": "tcp://localhost:1082", "key": "AuM3R$]Pnj^Cqg^9", "presets": [ @@ -18,11 +17,10 @@ "mux": false, "mux_concurrency": 10, "tls_cert": "cert.pem" - }], + }, "dns": [], "dns_expire": 3600, "timeout": 300, - "workers": 0, "log_path": "bs-client.log", "log_level": "debug", "log_max_days": 1 ``` `access-control` preset was removed in v3 as well, if you want to enable ACL on server side, please add `acl` and `acl_conf` to server.json: ```diff --- a/blinksocks.server.old.json +++ b/blinksocks.server.new.json @@ -14,12 +14,13 @@ ], "tls_key": "key.pem", "tls_cert": "cert.pem", + "acl": true, + "acl_conf": "acl.txt", "mux": false, "dns": [], "dns_expire": 3600, "timeout": 300, "redirect": "", - "workers": 0, "log_path": "bs-server.log", "log_level": "debug", "log_max_days": 1 ``` ## 2.9.0 (2018-02-03) > TCP/TLS/WS [multiplexing](docs/config#multiplexing) is introduced in this version. :sparkles: ### :boom: Breaking Changes: - presets: remove base-auth-stream and base-with-padding. - config: remove "dstaddr", use uri querystring "?forward" instead. ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **core**: add mux-relay. - **benchmark**: archive reports of 2017. - **package**: upgrade pkg to v4.3.0. - **package**: compile before running benchmark. - **presets**: add mux preset. - **transports**: refactor and optimize websocket transport. - **transports**: add this.ctx. - **transports**: add mux transport. - **utils**: add a faster version of crypto.randomBytes(). ** ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **proxies**: fix crash when client reset the socks connection later. - **utils**: fix getRandomInt(). - **utils**: remove generateMutexId(). ### Upgrade from 2.8.5 to 2.9.0 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@2.9.0 ``` ## 2.8.5 (2017-12-13) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **bin/init**: add `obfs-random-padding` to presets by default. - **benchmark**: use project version rather than installed version. - **core**: pre-init presets at startup. - **package**: bundle Node.js runtime v8.9.0 to binaries. - **package**: run compile before benchmark. - **presets/ss-stream-cipher**: add `none` method for `ssr-auth-chain-*`. - **presets/auto-conf**: protocol change: UTC field is now encrypted by rc4. - **presets/auto-conf**: allow to load suites from remote. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **balancer**: fix `undefined` bug when only use `service` in configuration. - **transports/tcp**: handle half-close correctly. - **transports/udp**: fix a bug when use `auto-conf` preset. ### Upgrade from 2.8.4 to 2.8.5 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@2.8.5 ``` ## 2.8.4 (2017-11-22) > dynamic protocol is introduced in this version, it's an **experimental** feature. To use dynamic protocol, prepare a `suites.json` or pick one from the [official versions](suites), then change your preset list(on both client and server) to: ``` "presets": [ { "name": "auto-conf", "params": { "suites": "suites.json" } }, // no other presets ] ``` ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **core**: support dynamic protocol. :sparkles: - **presets**: add **auto-conf**. :sparkles: ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **core**: prevent calling onReceive() on null inbound during udp relay. - **transports**: wait until connection established before reply to peer. - **transports**: fix RangeError \[ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT\] when sending data via udp socket. ### Upgrade from 2.8.3 to 2.8.4 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@2.8.4 ``` ## 2.8.3 (2017-11-07) ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **presets**: fix hard coded "userKey" in ssr-auth-xxx. ### Upgrade from 2.8.2 to 2.8.3 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@2.8.3 ``` ## 2.8.2 (2017-11-07) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **presets**: add **ssr-auth-aes128-md5**, **ssr-auth-aes128-sha1**. :sparkles: - **presets**: add **ssr-auth-chain-a**, **ssr-auth-chain-b**. :sparkles: - **presets**: add **rc4-md5**, **rc4-md5-6** methods to **ss-stream-cipher**. - **presets**: refactor **obfs-http**. - **presets**: apply a padding strategy to reduce heavy bandwidth usage of **obfs-random-padding**. - **presets**: add getName() interface and readProperty() helper function. - **presets**: expose headSize getter of ss-base, expose iv getter of ss-stream-cipher. - **benchmark**: add test cases for ssr-*. - **utils**: add dumpHex(). ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **core**: destroy relay when inbound closed. - **benchmark**: bypass error cases. ### Upgrade from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@2.8.2 ``` ## 2.8.1 (2017-10-28) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **presets**: print transport type in tracker preset. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **transports**: fix verbose log for udp transport. ### Upgrade from 2.8.0 to 2.8.1 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@2.8.1 ``` ## 2.8.0 (2017-10-27) > UDP relay is now available for testing! :beers: ### :boom: Breaking Changes: - **presets**: deprecated **base-auth-stream** and **base-with-padding** presets, please use **base-auth** instead. ### :rocket: Features & Improvements - **bin**: add "-w" option to force overwrite exist jsons. - **src**: expose all api interfaces to the top package level. - **core**: add UDP relay support. :sparkles: - **core**: disable json output to reduce log size. - **core**: refactor presets creation. - **core**: convert port to Number after parsed by url.parse(). - **proxies**: log error details when received invalid requests. - **transports**: reduce memory grow for websocket. - **transports**: pause inbound receiving before remote connection established. - **presets**: allow to use external presets. :sparkles: - **presets**: add [base-auth](docs/presets#base-auth) preset. :sparkles: - **presets**: implement protocols for UDP. :sparkles: - **test**: add test for `base-auth` preset. ### :bug: Bug Fixes: - **package**: fix `pkg` command. ### Upgrade from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@2.8.0 ``` To use external presets, please read [presets](docs/presets#use-external-preset). ## 2.7.0 (2017-10-17) ### :boom: Breaking Changes: - **preset**: remove over designed "proxy" and "tunnel" preset. - **preset**: remove useless "exp-compress" preset. - **package**: remove unnecessary webpack bundle. - **transports**: change "websocket" to "ws". ### :rocket: Features & Improvements: - **core**: add "service" and "dstaddr" option. - **core**: refactor service creation of hub. - **benchmark**: rearrange test cases. - **proxies**: refactor http, socks4(a) and socks5, use more lightweight approach. - **proxies**: add "tcp" transparent proxy. - **presets**: add `chacha20-poly1305`, `chacha20-ietf-poly1305`, `xchacha20-ietf-poly1305` support for ss-aead-cipher. - **presets**: add `chacha20-poly1305` support for v2ray-vmess. - **utils**: remove unsafe parseURI(). ### :bug: Fixes: - **core**: destroy socket when "end" emitted. - **presets**: fix "invalid length: 0" error caused by obfs-random-padding. - **test**: fix preset runner. ### Upgrade from 2.6.3 to 2.7.0 ``` $ npm install -g blinksocks@2.7.0 ``` ### :exclamation: Notice 1. blinksocks client no longer handle both http and socks proxy connections at the same port now, please specify only one of them using `service`: ``` // client.json { "service": "socks5://:" // or "service": "http://:" } ``` 2. If you are using websocket transport, please change `websocket` to `ws`: ``` // client.json { "servers": [{ "service": "ws://:", // or "transport": "ws" }] } // server.json { "service": "ws://:" // or "transport": "ws" } ``` ## 2.6.3 (2017-10-09) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements: - **benchmark**: rank by bitrate instead of transfer. - **core**: add "log_max_days" option to configuration. - **core**: improve pipe performance. - **package**: bundle node runtime v8.6.0 to binaries. To keep the last 30 days logs, add `log_max_days` to your configuration: ```json { "log_max_days": 30 } ``` ### :bug: Fixes: - **core**: clear preset cache after switched to another server. - **core**: fix compatibility to node v6.x. - **doc**: fix links of benchmark. - **transports**: make context sync return. - **transports**: fix TypeError: Cannot read property 'send' of null when using websocket. - **package**: fix "main" field. ## 2.6.2 (2017-09-21) ### Notable Changes Two experimental presets are ready for production use: `exp-base-with-padding` is linked to `base-with-padding`. `exp-base-auth-stream` is linked to `base-auth-stream`. For backward compatibility, you can still use `exp-xxx` without changing configurations. ### :boom: Breaking Changes: - **core**: deprecated ~~__IS_TLS__~~, you should make judgement by __TRANSPORT__ instead. ### :rocket: Features & Improvements: - **core**: display dns cache hitting info in verbose log level. - **transports**: abstract transport layer, and add **websocket**. :sparkles: - **presets**: refactor exp-compress, expose "threshold" and "options" parameters. - **test**: refactor preset runner, run preset through Middleware directly. ### :bug: Fixes: - **presets**: fix an "out-of-range" bug in v2ray-vmess. - **presets**: fix access to static members. ## 2.6.1 (2017-09-15) ### :rocket: Features & Improvements: - **benchmark**: print blinksocks version before running tests. - **benchmark**: add v2ray-vmess benchmark. - **utils**: add `clear()` method to `AdvancedBuffer`. - **utils**: split common module into separated modules. - **presets**: add [v2ray vmess](https://www.v2ray.com/chapter_02/protocols/vmess.html) support. :sparkles: - **presets**: **info** now removed from `ss-aead-cipher`, always use "ss-subkey". - **presets**: **info** now has a default value **bs-subkey** for `aead-random-cipher`. - **presets**: add `static onInit()`, `next()` method to IPreset and remove `PRESET_INIT` action. - **presets**: improve performance and reduce memory usage. - **tests**: add e2e tests for presets. ### :bug: Fixes: - **core**: fix a typo in action-handler.js. ## 2.6.0 (2017-09-06) ### :boom: Breaking Changes: - **bin**: remove **.js** configuration file support, now you can only use **.json** file. - **core**: remove ~~behaviours~~ because it's not as convenient as I thought. - **package**: now **lib/** is back. ### :rocket: Features & Improvements: - **benchmark**: add tests for `obfs-random-padding`. - **bin**: try to load config file from the first argument. - **core**: refactor relay and change **MAX_BUFFERED_SIZE** to 512KB. - **core**: refactor pipe.js. - **core**: refactor middleware.js. - **presets**: add a new class `IPresetStatic` which extends from IPreset. - **presets**: add `static checkParams()` to IPreset and move all parameters check logic to it. - **presets**: add `onDestroy()` lifecycle hook to IPreset. - **presets**: add `fail()` and `broadcast()` convenience methods to IPreset. - **presets**: add [access-control](src/presets/access-control.js). - **presets**: add [exp-compress](src/presets/exp-compress.js). - **presets**: add [obfs-random-padding](src/presets/obfs-random-padding.js). - **presets**: allow to set relative path to `save_to` of [stats](src/presets/stats.js) preset. ### :bug: Fixes: - **benchmark**: ranking by `SUM` of receiver transfer. - **benchmark**: remove `log_path` in generated jsons. - **core**: prevent calling close() on null in hub. - **core**: prevent onNotified() emitter itself. - **presets**: fix several indicators of stats preset. - **utils**: fix getRandomInt() and isValidPort().