import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { ACL, ACL_CLOSE_CONNECTION } from './acl'; import { Pipe } from './pipe'; import { Tracker } from './tracker'; import { getRandomInt, logger } from '../utils'; import { TcpInbound, TcpOutbound, UdpInbound, UdpOutbound, TlsInbound, TlsOutbound, Http2Inbound, Http2Outbound, WsInbound, WsOutbound, WssInbound, WssOutbound, } from '../transports'; import { PIPE_ENCODE, PIPE_DECODE, CONNECT_TO_REMOTE, PRESET_FAILED } from '../constants'; // .on('_connect') // .on('_read') // .on('_write') // .on('_error') // .on('close') export class Relay extends EventEmitter { _config = null; _acl = null; _tracker = null; _source = null; _transport = null; _inbound = null; _outbound = null; _pipe = null; _destroyed = false; get destroyed() { return this._destroyed; } constructor({ config, source, transport, presets = [] }) { super(); this._config = config; this._transport = transport; this._source = source; // pipe this._pipe = new Pipe({ config, presets, isUdp: transport === 'udp' }); this._pipe.on('broadcast', this.onBroadcast); this._pipe.on(`pre_${PIPE_DECODE}`, this.onPreDecode); this._pipe.on(`post_${PIPE_ENCODE}`, this.onEncoded); this._pipe.on(`post_${PIPE_DECODE}`, this.onDecoded); // acl if (config.is_server && config.acl) { this._acl = new ACL({ sourceAddress: this._source, rules: config.acl_rules }); this._acl.on('action', this.onBroadcast); } // tracker this._tracker = new Tracker({ config, transport }); this._tracker.setSourceAddress(, this._source.port); } async addInboundOnClient(context, proxyRequest) { const { source } = context; const { host, port, onConnected } = proxyRequest; const remote = `${}:${source.port}`; const target = `${host}:${port}`; this._init(context); this._pipe.initTargetAddress({ host, port }); this._tracker.setTargetAddress(host, port);`[relay] [${remote}] request: ${target}`); await this._outbound.connect(); try { if (typeof onConnected === 'function') { onConnected((buffer) => { if (buffer) { this._inbound.onReceive(buffer); } }); } } catch (err) { logger.error(`[relay] [${remote}] onConnected callback error: ${err.message}`); this.emit('_error', err); } } addInboundOnServer(context) { this._init(context); } _init(context) { const { Inbound, Outbound } = this._getBounds(this._transport); const props = { config: this._config, source: context.source, conn: context.conn }; const inbound = new Inbound(props); const outbound = new Outbound(props); this._inbound = inbound; this._outbound = outbound; // outbound this._outbound.setInbound(this._inbound); this._outbound.on('_error', (err) => this.emit('_error', err)); this._outbound.on('data', this.onOutboundReceive); this._outbound.on('close', () => this.onBoundClose(outbound, inbound)); // inbound this._inbound.setOutbound(this._outbound); this._inbound.on('_error', (err) => this.emit('_error', err)); this._inbound.on('data', this.onInboundReceive); this._inbound.on('close', () => this.onBoundClose(inbound, outbound)); } _getBounds(transport) { const mapping = { 'tcp': [TcpInbound, TcpOutbound], 'udp': [UdpInbound, UdpOutbound], 'tls': [TlsInbound, TlsOutbound], 'h2': [Http2Inbound, Http2Outbound], 'ws': [WsInbound, WsOutbound], 'wss': [WssInbound, WssOutbound], }; let Inbound = null, Outbound = null; if (transport === 'udp') { [Inbound, Outbound] = [UdpInbound, UdpOutbound]; } else { [Inbound, Outbound] = this._config.is_client ? [TcpInbound, mapping[transport][1]] : [mapping[transport][0], TcpOutbound]; } return { Inbound, Outbound }; } // inbound & outbound events onInboundReceive = (buffer) => { const direction = this._config.is_client ? PIPE_ENCODE : PIPE_DECODE; this._pipe.feed(direction, buffer); }; onOutboundReceive = (buffer) => { const direction = this._config.is_client ? PIPE_DECODE : PIPE_ENCODE; this._pipe.feed(direction, buffer); }; onBoundClose(thisBound, anotherBound) { if (anotherBound.__closed) { this.destroy(); this.emit('close'); } else { thisBound.__closed = true; } } // hooks of pipe onBroadcast = (action) => { if (action.type === CONNECT_TO_REMOTE) { return this.onConnectToRemove(action); } if (action.type === PRESET_FAILED) { if (this._acl && this._acl.checkFailTimes(this._config.acl_tries)) { return; } return this.onPresetFailed(action); } if (action.type === ACL_CLOSE_CONNECTION) { const source = this._source; const transport = this._transport; const remote = `${}:${source.port}`; logger.warn(`[relay] [${transport}] [${remote}] acl request to close this connection`); this.destroy(); return; } this._inbound && this._inbound.onBroadcast(action); this._outbound && this._outbound.onBroadcast(action); }; async onConnectToRemove(action) { const { host: sourceHost, port: sourcePort } = this._source; const { host, port, onConnected } = action.payload; const remote = `${sourceHost}:${sourcePort}`; const target = `${host}:${port}`; this.emit('_connect', action.payload); // tracker this._tracker.setTargetAddress(host, port); // acl if (this._acl && this._acl.setTargetAddress(host, port)) { return; }`[relay] [${remote}] request: ${target}`); if (this._config.is_server) { await this._outbound.connect(host, port); if (typeof onConnected === 'function') { onConnected(); } } } async onPresetFailed(action) { const { name, message, orgData } = action.payload; const source = this._source; const transport = this._transport; const remote = `${}:${source.port}`; logger.error(`[relay] [${transport}] [${remote}] preset "${name}" fail to process: ${message}`); this.emit('_error', new Error(message)); // close connection directly on client side if (this._config.is_client) { logger.warn(`[relay] [${transport}] [${remote}] connection closed`); this.destroy(); } // for server side, redirect traffic if "redirect" is set, otherwise, close connection after a random timeout if (this._config.is_server) { if (this._config.redirect) { const [host, port] = this._config.redirect.split(':'); logger.warn(`[relay] [${transport}] [${remote}] connection is redirecting to: ${host}:${port}`); // clear preset list this._pipe.updatePresets([]); // connect to "redirect" remote await this._outbound.connect(host, port, true); if (this._outbound.writable) { this._outbound.write(orgData); } } else { this._outbound.pause && this._outbound.pause(); const timeout = getRandomInt(5, 30); logger.warn(`[relay] [${transport}] [${remote}] connection will be closed in ${timeout}s...`); setTimeout(this.destroy.bind(this), timeout * 1e3); } } } // hooks of pipe onPreDecode = (buffer, cb) => { this._tracker.trace(PIPE_DECODE, buffer.length); if (this._acl) { this._acl.collect(PIPE_DECODE, buffer.length); } cb(buffer); setImmediate(() => this.emit('_read', buffer.length)); }; onEncoded = (buffer) => { this._tracker.trace(PIPE_ENCODE, buffer.length); if (this._config.is_client) { this._outbound.write(buffer); } else { if (this._acl) { this._acl.collect(PIPE_ENCODE, buffer.length); } this._inbound.write(buffer); } setImmediate(() => this.emit('_write', buffer.length)); }; onDecoded = (buffer) => { if (this._config.is_client) { this._inbound.write(buffer); } else { this._outbound.write(buffer); } }; destroy() { if (!this._destroyed) { this._destroyed = true; if (this._pipe) { this._pipe.destroy(); this._pipe.removeAllListeners(); this._pipe = null; } if (this._inbound) { this._inbound.close(); this._inbound.removeAllListeners(); this._inbound = null; } if (this._outbound) { this._outbound.close(); this._outbound.removeAllListeners(); this._outbound = null; } if (this._tracker) { this._tracker.destroy(); this._tracker = null; } if (this._acl) { this._acl.destroy(); this._acl = null; } } } }