const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const os = require('os'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const init = require('./init'); const bootstrap = require('./bootstrap'); const modules = require('./modules'); const version = require('../package.json').version; const examples = [ ['Generate json file with minimal options', '$ blinksocks init --minimal'], ['Start blinksocks client', '$ blinksocks --config blinksocks.client.json'], ['Start blinksocks server', '$ blinksocks --config blinksocks.server.json'], ['List all built-in presets', '$ blinksocks --list-presets'] ]; const usage = ` ${chalk.bold.underline(`blinksocks v${version}`)} Usage: blinksocks [command] [options] ... Commands: init generate configuration pair Options: -h, --help output usage information -v, --version output blinksocks version -c, --config file json file with configuration -m, --minimal generate minimal json files -w, --write overwrite previous json files --list-presets list all built-in presets Examples: ${[description, example]) => ` ${chalk.gray('-')} ${description}${os.EOL} ${}`).join(os.EOL)} About & Help: ${chalk.underline('')} `; const argv = process.argv; const options = argv.slice(2); function hasOption(opt) { return options.indexOf(opt) !== -1; } function getOptionValue(opt) { const index = options.indexOf(opt); if (index !== -1) { return options[index + 1]; } return undefined; } function main() { if (argv.length < 3) { return console.log(usage); } // try to treat the first argument as conf const opt0 = options[0]; const maybeConfPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), opt0); if (fs.existsSync(maybeConfPath) && path.extname(maybeConfPath) === '.json') { return bootstrap(maybeConfPath, modules); } // parse Commands if (options[0] === 'init') { const isMinimal = hasOption('-m') || hasOption('--minimal'); const isOverwrite = hasOption('-w') || hasOption('--write'); return init({isMinimal, isOverwrite}); } // parse options if (hasOption('-h') || hasOption('--help')) { return console.log(usage); } if (hasOption('-v') || hasOption('--version')) { return console.log(version); } if (hasOption('-c') || hasOption('--config')) { let configPath = getOptionValue('-c') || getOptionValue('--config'); if (configPath === undefined) { return console.log('config file must be provided')); } configPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), configPath); if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) { return console.log('config file is not found')); } return bootstrap(configPath, modules); } if (hasOption('--list-presets')) { const {presets, legacyPresets} = modules; console.log(chalk.bold.underline('[Built-In]')); console.log(presets.join(os.EOL)); console.log(''); console.log(chalk.bold.underline('[Deprecated]')); console.log( => `${chalk.gray(name)}`).join(os.EOL)); return; } // other cases console.log(usage); } // libsodium-wrappers need to be loaded asynchronously // so we must wait for it ready before run main(). // const _sodium = require('libsodium-wrappers'); _sodium.ready // a handy way to access libsodium without fighting with Promise .then(() => global.libsodium = _sodium) .then(main);