2018-05-05 15:51:13 +08:00

208 lines
5.6 KiB

import crypto from 'crypto';
import { EVP_BytesToKey, numberToBuffer, hmac, hash, dumpHex } from '../utils';
import { IPresetAddressing } from './defs';
// available HMACs and length
const HMAC_METHODS = {
'md5': 16, 'sha1': 20, 'sha256': 32,
const DEFAULT_HASH_METHOD = 'sha1';
* @description
* Deliver destination address and verify it using HMAC as well.
* @params
* method: The hash algorithm for HMAC, default is "sha1".
* @examples
* {
* "name": "base-auth",
* "params": {
* "method": "sha1"
* }
* }
* @protocol
* # TCP stream (client -> server)
* +------+----------+----------+----------+----------+---------+
* | ALEN | DST.ADDR | DST.PORT | HMAC | DATA | ... |
* +------+----------+----------+----------+----------+---------+
* | 1 | Variable | 2 | Fixed | Variable | ... |
* +------+----------+----------+----------+----------+---------+
* |<------ aes-128-cfb ------->|
* # UDP packet (client -> server)
* +------+----------+----------+----------+----------+
* +------+----------+----------+----------+----------+
* | 1 | Variable | 2 | Fixed | Variable |
* +------+----------+----------+----------+----------+
* # any others of TCP and UDP
* +----------+
* | DATA |
* +----------+
* | Variable |
* +----------+
* @explain
* 1. ALEN = len(DST.ADDR).
* 3. IV for encryption is md5(user_key + 'base-auth').
* 4. key for encryption and HMAC are derived from EVP_BytesToKey.
export default class BaseAuthPreset extends IPresetAddressing {
_hmacLen = null;
_hmacKey = null;
_cipher = null;
_decipher = null;
_isConnecting = false;
_isHeaderSent = false;
_isHeaderRecv = false;
_pending = Buffer.alloc(0);
_host = null; // buffer
_port = null; // buffer
static onCheckParams({ method = DEFAULT_HASH_METHOD }) {
const methods = Object.keys(HMAC_METHODS);
if (!methods.includes(method)) {
throw Error(`base-auth 'method' must be one of [${methods}]`);
onInit({ method = DEFAULT_HASH_METHOD }) {
const key = EVP_BytesToKey(this._config.key, 16, 16);
const iv = hash('md5', Buffer.from(this._config.key + 'base-auth'));
this._hmacMethod = method;
this._hmacLen = HMAC_METHODS[method];
this._hmacKey = key;
if (this._config.is_client) {
this._cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-cfb', key, iv);
} else {
this._decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-128-cfb', key, iv);
onInitTargetAddress({ host, port }) {
this._host = Buffer.from(host);
this._port = numberToBuffer(port);
onDestroy() {
this._cipher = null;
this._decipher = null;
this._pending = null;
this._host = null;
this._port = null;
encodeHeader() {
const header = Buffer.concat([numberToBuffer(this._host.length, 1), this._host, this._port]);
const encHeader = this._cipher.update(header);
const mac = hmac(this._hmacMethod, this._hmacKey, encHeader);
return Buffer.concat([encHeader, mac]);
decodeHeader({ buffer, fail }) {
const hmacLen = this._hmacLen;
// minimal length required
if (buffer.length < 31) {
return fail(`length is too short: ${buffer.length}, dump=${dumpHex(buffer)}`);
// decrypt the first byte and check length overflow
const alen = this._decipher.update(buffer.slice(0, 1))[0];
if (buffer.length <= 1 + alen + 2 + hmacLen) {
return fail(`unexpected length: ${buffer.length}, dump=${dumpHex(buffer)}`);
// check hmac
const givenHmac = buffer.slice(1 + alen + 2, 1 + alen + 2 + hmacLen);
const expHmac = hmac(this._hmacMethod, this._hmacKey, buffer.slice(0, 1 + alen + 2));
if (!givenHmac.equals(expHmac)) {
return fail(`unexpected HMAC=${dumpHex(givenHmac)} want=${dumpHex(expHmac)} dump=${dumpHex(buffer)}`);
// decrypt the following bytes
const plaintext = this._decipher.update(buffer.slice(1, 1 + alen + 2));
// addr, port, data
const addr = plaintext.slice(0, alen).toString();
const port = plaintext.slice(alen, alen + 2).readUInt16BE(0);
const data = buffer.slice(1 + alen + 2 + hmacLen);
return { host: addr, port, data };
// tcp
clientOut({ buffer }) {
if (!this._isHeaderSent) {
this._isHeaderSent = true;
return Buffer.concat([this.encodeHeader(), buffer]);
} else {
return buffer;
serverIn({ buffer, next, fail }) {
if (!this._isHeaderRecv) {
if (this._isConnecting) {
this._pending = Buffer.concat([this._pending, buffer]);
const decoded = this.decodeHeader({ buffer, fail });
if (!decoded) {
const { host, port, data } = decoded;
// notify to connect to the real server
this._isConnecting = true;
this.resolveTargetAddress({ host, port }, () => {
next(Buffer.concat([data, this._pending]));
this._isHeaderRecv = true;
this._isConnecting = false;
this._pending = null;
} else {
return buffer;
// udp
clientOutUdp({ buffer }) {
return Buffer.concat([this.encodeHeader(), buffer]);
serverInUdp({ buffer, next, fail }) {
const decoded = this.decodeHeader({ buffer, fail });
if (!decoded) {
const { host, port, data } = decoded;
this.resolveTargetAddress({ host, port }, () => next(data));