
128 lines
4.0 KiB

import { URL } from 'url';
import http from 'http';
import https from 'https';
import { logger, isValidPort } from '../utils';
function checkBasicAuthorization(credentials, { username, password }) {
if (!credentials) {
return false;
const utf8str = Buffer.from(credentials, 'base64').toString();
const [uname, passwd] = utf8str.split(':');
if (uname !== username || passwd !== password) {
return false;
return true;
export function createServer({ secure, https_key, https_cert, username, password }) {
const name = secure ? 'https' : 'http';
let server = null;
if (secure) {
server = https.createServer({ key: https_key, cert: https_cert });
} else {
server = http.createServer();
const isAuthRequired = username !== '' && password !== '';
// Simple HTTP Proxy
server.on('request', (req, res) => {
let parseResult;
try {
parseResult = new URL(req.url);
} catch (err) {
return res.end();
const { hostname, port, pathname } = parseResult;
const { socket, method, httpVersion, headers } = req;
const appAddress = `${socket.remoteAddress}:${socket.remotePort}`;
const _port = +port || 80;
if (hostname === null || !isValidPort(_port)) {
const remote = `${socket.remoteAddress}:${socket.remotePort}`;
logger.warn(`[${name}] drop invalid http request sent from ${remote}`);
return res.end();
// Basic Authorization
if (isAuthRequired) {
const proxyAuth = headers['proxy-authorization'] || '';
const [type, credentials] = proxyAuth.split(' ');
if (type !== 'Basic' || !checkBasicAuthorization(credentials, { username, password })) {
logger.error(`[${name}] [${appAddress}] authorization failed, type=${type} credentials=${credentials}`);
return res.end();
// prevent recv before we connected to the server
server.emit('proxyConnection', socket, {
host: hostname,
port: _port,
onConnected: (send) => {
// keep-alive mechanism seems problematic in our proxy
delete headers['proxy-connection'];
headers['connection'] = 'close';
// rebuild headers
const headerKeys = Object.keys(headers);
const newHeaders = headerKeys.reduce((result, key) => {
result.push(`${key}: ${headers[key]}\r\n`);
return result;
}, []);
const reqMsg = `${method} ${pathname} HTTP/${httpVersion}\r\n` + newHeaders.join('') + '\r\n';
// free to recv from application now
// HTTPS tunnel
server.on('connect', (req, socket) => {
const [hostname, _port] = req.url.split(':');
const appAddress = `${socket.remoteAddress}:${socket.remotePort}`;
const port = parseInt(_port) || 443;
if (hostname === null || !isValidPort(port)) {
const remote = `${socket.remoteAddress}:${socket.remotePort}`;
logger.warn(`[${name}] [${appAddress}] drop invalid http CONNECT request sent from ${remote}`);
return socket.destroy();
// Basic Authorization
if (isAuthRequired) {
const proxyAuth = req.headers['proxy-authorization'] || '';
const [type, credentials] = proxyAuth.split(' ');
if (type !== 'Basic' || !checkBasicAuthorization(credentials, { username, password })) {
logger.error(`[${name}] [${appAddress}] authorization failed, type=${type} credentials=${credentials}`);
return socket.write('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n\r\n');
server.emit('proxyConnection', socket, {
host: hostname,
port: port,
onConnected: () => {
socket.write('HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established\r\n\r\n');
// errors
server.on('clientError', (err, socket) => {
const appAddress = `${socket.remoteAddress || ''}:${socket.remotePort || ''}`;
logger.error(`[${name}] [${appAddress}] invalid http request: ${err.message}`);
return server;