2018-03-11 19:55:13 +08:00
.. docs: update 2018-03-11 19:55:13 +08:00


blinksocks provides several useful APIs to help you to integrate your own magic to the framework.


Install blinksocks globally, it's usually already done:

$ npm install -g blinksocks

Then you can require it in your code:

const blinksocks = require('blinksocks');

Class: Hub

The Hub class can be used to create a blinksocks client/server instance with different configurations.

new Hub(config)

  • config a configuration in plain object.

  • Returns a <Promise>.
const client = new blinksocks.Hub(clientConfig);
  .then(() => {
    console.log('blinksocks client is running now');
  .catch((err) => {


  • Returns a <Promise>.

Close all living connections and destroy the hub instance.


  • Returns connection number associate with the hub.


  • Returns total download bytes from server/client.


  • Returns total upload bytes to server/client.


  • Returns an instance of class <Performance>.

Class: Performance

new Performance(hub)

  • hub is an instance of class Hub.


  • Returns upload bytes per second.


  • Returns download bytes per second.

Class: IPreset

The IPreset class defines a specific protocol, acting as data stream interpreter.

Export a class that extends from IPreset interface:

class MyCustomPreset extends blinksocks.IPreset {

  constructor(props) {
    console.log('hello from my custom preset');

  // implement some of the methods you need


// implement static methods

MyCustomPreset.onCheckParams = function onCheckParams(params) {


MyCustomPreset.onCache = function onCache(params, store) {


module.exports = MyCustomPreset;


You can implement some of the following methods to interact with data stream:

clientOut client received data from application, and ready to forward data to server.
serverIn server received data from client, and ready to forward data to real destination.
serverOut server received data from real destination, and ready to backward data to client.
clientIn client received data from server, and ready to backward data to application.
beforeOut before calling clientOut() or serverOut().
beforeIn before calling clientIn() or serverIn().

Hint: server*() are running on the server side while client*() are running on the client side. before*() are running on both sides.

Hint: To transfer UDP packets, just postfix "Udp" to each methods and implement UDP specific protocol in them, e.g, clientOutUdp().

Each method gets an object which contains several parameters and callbacks you may need:

clientOut({buffer, next, broadcast, direct, fail}) {
  // your magic here
  // return a buffer or next(a buffer)
buffer output from the previous preset.
next(buffer, isReverse) transmit processed buffer to the next preset. If isReverse is true, send data back to the previous preset.
broadcast(action) broadcast an action to other presets in the list.
direct(buffer, isReverse) ignore the following presets, finish piping.
fail(message) report an error message when the preset fail to process.

Presets Decoupling

When communicate with other presets, you can emit an action by broadcast(action).

Action is a plain object which only requires a type field:

// action
  type: <string>,

After broadcast, all other presets will receive the action in onNotified(action) synchronously:

class MyCustomPreset extends blinksocks.IPreset {

   * how to deal with the action, return false/undefined to ignore
   * @returns {boolean}
  onNotified(/* action */) {
    return false;


module.exports = MyCustomPreset;

Handle Address

You are probably want to know the target host and port when write your own preset, an action:

  payload: {host, port}

will be emitted once pipe created, you can access to it in onNotified(action) on client side or broadcast(action) it once decoded on server side:

const {IPreset, CONNECT_TO_REMOTE} = require('blinksocks');

class MyCustomPreset extends IPreset {

  onNotified(action) {
    if (__IS_CLIENT__ && action.type === CONNECT_TO_REMOTE) {
      // host and port are obtained from client proxy protocol
      const {host, port} = action.payload;
      // on client side

  clientOut() {
    // 2.encode on client side

  serverIn({..., broadcast}) {
    // 3.decode on server side
      type: CONNECT_TO_REMOTE,
      payload: {
        host: _host,
        port: _port,
        onConnected: () => {
          // ...


module.exports = MyCustomPreset;

Check Parameters

Your presets may require several parameters, and you can validate them in:

  • constructor({ config, params })(every time a connection created)
  • onCheckParams(params)(only once, recommended)
class MyCustomPreset extends blinksocks.IPreset {


// check params passed to the preset, if any errors, should throw directly
MyCustomPreset.onCheckParams = function onCheckParams(params) {
  // or here

module.exports = MyCustomPreset;

Improve Performance

You can initialize some shared/immutable data among connections in onCache(params) to improve performance:

class MyCustomPreset extends blinksocks.IPreset {


* you can make some cache in store or just return something
* you want to put in store, then access store later in other
* hook functions via this.getStore()
* @param params
* @param store
MyCustomPreset.onCache = function onCache(params, store) {
  // or return something

module.exports = MyCustomPreset;

Access Configuration

You can access configuration from this._config in your preset:

class MyCustomPreset extends blinksocks.IPreset {

  constructor(props) {


module.exports = MyCustomPreset;

For full items you can access to, please read Config.

Helper Functions

The following functions are auto-generated to your preset, DO NOT overwrite them:, buffer)

The same as next parameter in each hook function, but here you should provide direction to tell which direction the data should transfer to.


The same as broadcast parameter in each hook function.

The same as fail parameter in each hook function.

this.readProperty(presetName, propertyName)

Directly read a property from other presets, this is useful when your logic have to depend on other presets.


Returns the store you modified in or returned from onCache(params, store).