
372 lines
9.2 KiB

import fs from 'fs';
import net from 'net';
import EventEmitter from 'events';
import readline from 'readline';
import ip from 'ip';
import { PIPE_ENCODE } from '../constants';
import { logger, isValidHostname, isValidPort } from '../utils';
export const ACL_CLOSE_CONNECTION = 'acl_close_connection';
export const ACL_PAUSE_RECV = 'acl_pause_recv';
export const ACL_PAUSE_SEND = 'acl_pause_send';
export const ACL_RESUME_RECV = 'acl_resume_recv';
export const ACL_RESUME_SEND = 'acl_resume_send';
// rule's methods
function ruleIsMatch(host, port) {
const { host: rHost, port: rPort } = this;
const slashIndex = rHost.indexOf('/');
let isHostMatch = false;
if (slashIndex !== -1 && net.isIP(host)) {
isHostMatch = ip.cidrSubnet(rHost).contains(host);
} else {
isHostMatch = (rHost === host);
if (rHost === '*' || isHostMatch) {
if (rPort === '*' || port === rPort) {
return true;
return false;
function ruleToString() {
return `${}:${this.port} ${this.isBan ? 1 : 0} ${this.upLimit} ${this.dlLimit}`;
// rule parsing
function parseHost(host) {
const slashIndex = host.indexOf('/');
if (slashIndex < 0) {
if (host !== '*' && !net.isIP(host) && !isValidHostname(host)) {
return null;
return host;
if (slashIndex < 7) {
return null;
const parts = host.split('/');
const ip = parts[0];
const mask = parts[parts.length - 1];
if (!net.isIP(ip)) {
return null;
if (mask === '' || !Number.isInteger(+mask) || +mask < 0 || +mask > 32) {
return null;
return host;
function parseSpeed(speed) {
const regex = /^(\d+)(b|k|kb|m|mb|g|gb)$/g;
const results = regex.exec(speed.toLowerCase());
if (results !== null) {
const [, num, unit] = results;
return +num * {
'b': 1,
'k': 1024,
'kb': 1024,
'm': 1048576,
'mb': 1048576,
'g': 1073741824,
'gb': 1073741824,
return null;
function parseLine(line) {
if (line.length > 300) {
return null;
line = line.trim();
if (line.length < 1) {
return null;
if (line[0] === '#') {
return null;
if (line.indexOf('#') > 0) {
line = line.substr(0, line.indexOf('#'));
const [addr, ban, up, dl] = line.split(' ').filter(p => p.length > 0);
let _host = null;
let _port = null;
let _isBan = false;
let _upLimit = '-';
let _dlLimit = '-';
// [addr[/mask][:port]]
if (addr.indexOf(':') > 0) {
const parts = addr.split(':');
const host = parts[0];
const port = parts[parts.length - 1];
_host = parseHost(host);
if (port !== '*') {
if (!isValidPort(+port)) {
return null;
_port = +port;
} else {
_port = port;
} else {
_host = parseHost(addr);
_port = '*';
if (_host === null) {
return null;
// [ban]
if (ban !== undefined) {
if (ban !== '0' && ban !== '1') {
return null;
_isBan = ban !== '0';
// [max_upload_speed(/s)]
if (up !== undefined && up !== '-') {
_upLimit = parseSpeed(up);
if (!_upLimit) {
return null;
// [max_download_speed(/s)]
if (dl !== undefined && dl !== '-') {
_dlLimit = parseSpeed(dl);
if (!_dlLimit) {
return null;
return {
host: _host,
port: _port,
isBan: _isBan,
upLimit: _upLimit,
dlLimit: _dlLimit,
isMatch: ruleIsMatch,
toString: ruleToString,
* Access Control List
* // acl.txt
* # [addr[/mask][:port]] [ban] [max_upload_speed(/s)] [max_download_speed(/s)]
* 1 # prevent access to
** 1 # prevent access to*, equal to above
* 1 # prevent access to only
* *:25 1 # prevent access to SMTP servers
* *:* 1 # prevent all access from/to all endpoints
* 1 # ban localhost
* 1 # ban hosts in 192.168.*.*
* 0 120K # limit upload speed to 120KB/s
* 0 - 120K # limit download speed to 120KB/s
* 0 120K 120K # limit upload and download speed to 120KB/s
export class ACL extends EventEmitter {
_rules = [];
_cachedRules = {
// <host:port>: <rule>
_maxTries = 0;
// members
_hrTimeBegin = process.hrtime();
_sourceHost = null;
_sourcePort = null;
_targetHost = null;
_targetPort = null;
_totalOut = 0;
_totalIn = 0;
// flags
_isDlPaused = false;
_isUpPaused = false;
static async loadRules(aclPath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
logger.verbose('[acl] loading access control list');
const rs = fs.createReadStream(aclPath, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
rs.on('error', (err) => {
logger.warn(`[acl] fail to reload access control list: ${err.message}`);
const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: rs });
const _rules = [];
rl.on('line', (line) => {
const rule = parseLine(line);
if (rule !== null) {
rl.on('close', () => {
const rules = _rules.reverse();`[acl] ${rules.length} rules loaded`);
constructor({ remoteInfo, rules, max_tries = DEFAULT_MAX_TRIES }) {
this._sourceHost =;
this._sourcePort = remoteInfo.port;
this._rules = rules;
this._maxTries = max_tries;
findRule(host, port) {
const cacheKey = `${host}:${port}`;
const cacheRule = this._cachedRules[cacheKey];
if (cacheRule !== undefined) {
return cacheRule;
} else {
for (const rule of this._rules) {
if (rule.isMatch(host, port)) {
return this._cachedRules[cacheKey] = rule;
// rule not found
return this._cachedRules[cacheKey] = null;
applyRule(rule) {
const { isBan, upLimit, dlLimit } = rule;
logger.debug(`[acl] [${this._sourceHost}:${this._sourcePort}] apply rule: "${rule}"`);
// ban
if (isBan) {`[acl] baned by rule: "${rule}"`);
this.emit('action', { type: ACL_CLOSE_CONNECTION });
return true;
// max_upload_speed
if (upLimit !== '-') {
// calculate average download speed
const [sec, nano] = process.hrtime(this._hrTimeBegin);
const speed = Math.ceil(this._totalIn / (sec + nano / 1e9)); // b/s
logger.debug(`[acl] upload speed: ${speed}b/s`);
if (speed > upLimit && !this._isUpPaused) {
this._isUpPaused = true;
// determine timeout to resume
const timeout = speed / upLimit * 1.1; // more 10% cost
const direction = `[${this._sourceHost}:${this._sourcePort}] -> [${this._targetHost}:${this._targetPort}]`;`[acl] ${direction} upload speed exceed: ${speed}b/s > ${upLimit}b/s, pause for ${timeout}s...`);
this.emit('action', { type: ACL_PAUSE_RECV });
setTimeout(() => {
this.emit('action', { type: ACL_RESUME_RECV });
this._isUpPaused = false;
}, timeout * 1e3);
return true;
// max_download_speed
if (dlLimit !== '-') {
// calculate average download speed
const [sec, nano] = process.hrtime(this._hrTimeBegin);
const speed = Math.ceil(this._totalOut / (sec + nano / 1e9)); // b/s
logger.debug(`[acl] download speed: ${speed}b/s`);
if (speed > dlLimit && !this._isDlPaused) {
this._isDlPaused = true;
// determine timeout to resume
const timeout = speed / dlLimit * 1.1; // more 10% cost
const direction = `[${this._sourceHost}:${this._sourcePort}] <- [${this._targetHost}:${this._targetPort}]`;`[acl] ${direction} download speed exceed: ${speed}b/s > ${dlLimit}b/s, pause for ${timeout}s...`);
this.emit('action', { type: ACL_PAUSE_SEND });
setTimeout(() => {
this.emit('action', { type: ACL_RESUME_SEND });
this._isDlPaused = false;
}, timeout * 1e3);
return true;
return false;
checkRule(host, port) {
const rule = this.findRule(host, port);
if (rule !== null) {
return this.applyRule(rule, host, port);
return false;
setTargetAddress(host, port) {
this._targetHost = host;
this._targetPort = port;
return this.checkRule(host, port);
checkFailTimes(tries) {
const host = this._sourceHost;
const maxTries = this._maxTries;
if (tries[host] === undefined) {
tries[host] = 0;
if (++tries[host] >= maxTries) {
logger.warn(`[acl] [${host}] max tries=${maxTries} exceed, ban it`);
if (this.findRule(host, '*') === null) {
this._rules.push(parseLine(`${host}:* 1`));
this.emit('action', { type: ACL_CLOSE_CONNECTION });
return true;
collect(type, size) {
if (type === PIPE_ENCODE) {
this._totalOut += size;
} else {
this._totalIn += size;
this.checkRule(this._sourceHost, this._sourcePort);
this.checkRule(this._targetHost, this._targetPort);
destroy() {
this._rules = null;
this._cachedRules = null;