# Colour Schemes Hi there! My name's Dayle Rees and I'm one of the Laravel PHP framework core developers. Part of the Laravel mentality is that coding should be enjoyable for the coder, not just the client receiving your hard work. For this reaon I'd like to share with you a number of themes for some popular text editors that will hopefully be pleasing to your eyes, and allow you to enjoy the time you spend in front of the screen. The themes in this package are currently compatible with Sublime Text 2, Textmate, VIM and a whole bunch of Java editors that use the IntelliJ scheme engine like PHPstorm! I hope to add more editors in the near future. ## Installation ### Sublime Text 2 For the sublime text 2 editor the themes can be installed easily by using [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) to install the 'Dayle Rees Color Schemes' package from the official repository. Otherwise, first find your Sublime Text 2 packages directory, you can find this by using the `Preferences -> Browse Packages` menu from within Sublime Text 2. Now either create a `daylerees - themes` folder within this directory, and copy the contents of the github repository inside, or clone the repo using the GIT software within the packages directory : git clone https://github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes.git daylerees-themes Now simply use the `Color Schemes` option of your preferences menu to switch between themes, enjoy! ### TextMate 1.5.x Clone the repository and copy the theme files into `~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Themes/`: $ git clone https://github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes.git daylerees-themes $ cd daylerees-themes $ mkdir ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Themes/ $ cp *.tmTheme ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Themes/ ### Textmate 2 Clone the repository and copy the theme files into `~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Themes.tmbundle/Themes/`: $ git clone https://github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes.git daylerees-themes $ cd daylerees-themes $ cp *.tmTheme ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Themes.tmbundle/Themes/ Note that you cannot clone the repository into the Themes directory -- as of this writing TextMate 2 will not recursively scan subdirectories searching for themes. Also note that you cannot symlink the themes into the Themes directory either -- TextMate will hang attempting to process them. ### VIM ## Manual Download or clone with git, the themes into your `.vim/colors` directory. ## Vundle Add the following to your `.vimrc`: ```viml Bundle "daylerees/colour-schemes", { "rtp": "vim-themes/" } ``` Either way you install it, just add the following line to your `.vimrc`: ```viml colorscheme ``` Save and launch vim to use, enjoy! ### IntelliJ See the documentation for your editor, this varies between each one! ## The Themes The editor used in the screenshots is [Sublime Text 2](http://www.sublimetext.com/) on Mac OSX with the font [Source Code Pro](http://blogs.adobe.com/typblography/2012/09/source-code-pro.html). ### BoxUK A subtle blue and green theme dedicated to my current employer BoxUK, home to passionate web developers. If you are looking for work and passionate about development [see the website](http://www.boxuk.com/careers/overview/) for employment details. ![BoxUK](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/boxuk.png) ### Carbonight For boring people. ![Carbonight](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/carbonight.png) ### Darkside Based on Pink Floyd's 'dark side of the moon', a request by Jamie Rumbelow. ![Darkside](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/darkside.png) ### Earthsong An earthy request by Mr Dan Horrigan, happy to try. ![Earthsong](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/earthsong.png) ### Earthsong Light A lighter version of Earthsong. ![Earthsong Light](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/earthsonglight.png) ### FreshCut A fresh green and blue theme. ![FreshCut](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/freshcut.png) ### Frontier Strong rich colours. ![Frontier](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/frontier.png) ### Github I love Github, and everything it has done for the open source community, thanks for everything! ![Github](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/github.png) ### Gloom Here's a gloomy alternative to peacock! I thought it looked cool, maybe you do too? ![Gloom](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/gloom.png) ### Goldfish Orange and blue theme. ![Goldfish](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/goldfish.png) ### Glowfish A retro hacker theme, enjoy Glowfish! ![Glowfish](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/glowfish.png) ### Grunge A grungy green theme with some highlights. ![Grunge](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/grunge.png) ### Iceberg A chilly breeze. ![Iceberg](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/iceberg.png) ### Laravel An orange tribute to the Laravel PHP Framework. ![Laravel](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/laravel.png) ### Laravel Darker A darker version of the Laravel theme requested by Fernando Montoya. ![Laravel Darker](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/laraveldarker.png) ### LastNight First 3rd party submission from Spielberg0, based on the Sublime Text Tomorrow Night theme, thanks! ![LastNight](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/lastnight.png) ### Lavender Here's a theme for people of all genders, faiths, height, weight, race and status, apart from Kevin Bacon, cos those EE adverts are just terrible. ![Lavender](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/lavender.png) ### Mellow Gentle and soothing. ![Mellow](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/mellow.png) ### Patriot Salute the flag. ![Patriot](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/patriot.png) ### Peacock Show your colours! ![Peacock](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/peacock.png) ### Potpourri A romantic red and purple theme. ![Potpourri](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/potpourri.png) ### Revelation Smart blue and yellow. ![Revelation](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/revelation.png) ### Slime Saved by Meroje. ![Slime](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/slime.png) ### Snappy Be snappy! ![Snappy](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/snappy.png) ### Snappy Light Be snappy but lighter! ![Snappy Light](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/snappylight.png) ### Sourlick Orange and lime green, sharp sweetness. ![Sourlick](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/sourlick.png) ### Spearmint With added fresh breath. ![Spearmint](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/spearmint.png) ### Stark Suit up. ![Stark](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/stark.png) ### Tron Requested by Aurélien Thieriot! ![Tron](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/tron.png) ### Tron Legacy Aurélien Thieriot wasn't happy with just one theme, here's Tron Legacy! ![TronLegacy](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/tronlegacy.png) ### Userscape Ian Landsman requested a light theme, I give you Userscape. ![Userscape](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/userscape.png) ### Yule Ho Ho Hope you like it! ![Yule](https://raw.github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes/master/screenshots/yule.png) ## Contribute If you would like to request a colourscheme, an alternate version of an existing scheme, or submit your own theme to the collection simply send an Issue or a Pull request. If you would like to buy me a beer for the time I have spent on these themes, my paypal address is [thepunkfan@gmail.com](mailto:thepunkfan@gmail.com), thanks a lot! :) ## Thanks! Thanks to JetBrains for the IntelliJ colour scheme converter tool! https://github.com/JetBrains/colorSchemeTool ## Enjoy This is the important part, enjoy using your new colour scheme!