rembg ===== [Rembg][1] is a tool to remove images background. ## Web Service ```bash $ docker compose up -d $ url= $ curl -sSL $url -o input.jpg $ curl -s -G http://localhost:7000/api/remove -d url=$url -o output.png $ curl -s http://localhost:7000/api/remove -F file=@input.jpg -o output.png ``` ## Ad Hoc Commands ```bash # Create an alias $ alias rembg='docker run --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $PWD:/rembg danielgatis/rembg:2' # Remove the background from a local file $ rembg i input.png output.png # Remove the background returning only the mask $ rembg i -om input.png output.png # Remove the background applying an alpha matting $ rembg i -a input.png output.png ``` [1]: