reconcile-csv ============= [Reconcile-csv][1] is a reconciliation service for [OpenRefine][2] running from a CSV file. It uses fuzzy matching to match entries in one dataset to entries in another dataset, helping to introduce unique IDs into the system - so they can be used to join your data painlessly. ## docker-compose.yml ```yaml reconcile-csv: image: vimagick/openrefine-reconcile-csv ports: - "8000:8000" volumes: - ./data:/data environment: - JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx2g - CSV_FILE=input.csv - SEARCH_COLUMN=name - ID_COLUMN=id restart: always ``` ## input.csv ```csv id,name 1,kevin 2,tom 3,sarah 4,mike 5,lucy ``` ## up and running ```bash $ docker-compose up -d $ curl http://localhost:8000/reconcile?query=kev $ curl http://localhost:8000/reconcile?query={%22query%22:%22kev%22,%22limit%22:1} $ curl http://localhost:8000/view/1 ``` [1]: [2]: