mantisbt ======== [MantisBT][1] is an open source issue tracker that provides a delicate balance between simplicity and power. ## docker-compose.yml ```yaml version: "3.8" services: mantisbt: image: vimagick/mantisbt ports: - "8989:80" depends_on: - mysql restart: unless-stopped mysql: image: mysql volumes: - ./data:/var/lib/mysql environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root - MYSQL_DATABASE=bugtracker - MYSQL_USER=mantis - MYSQL_PASSWORD=mantis restart: unless-stopped ``` > You can use `mariadb`/`postgres` instead of `mysql`. ## install ``` $ firefox http://localhost:8989/admin/install.php >>> username: administrator >>> password: root ``` ``` ================================================================================== Installation Options ================================================================================== Type of Database MySQL/MySQLi Hostname (for Database Server) mysql Username (for Database) mantisbt Password (for Database) mantisbt Database name (for Database) bugtracker Admin Username (to create Database if required) root Admin Password (to create Database if required) root Print SQL Queries instead of Writing to the Database [ ] Attempt Installation [Install/Upgrade Database] ================================================================================== ``` ## email Append following to `/var/www/html/config_inc.php` ``` $g_phpMailer_method = PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP; $g_administrator_email = ''; $g_webmaster_email = ''; $g_return_path_email = ''; $g_from_email = ''; $g_smtp_host = ''; $g_smtp_port = 25; $g_smtp_connection_mode = 'tls'; $g_smtp_username = 'mantisbt'; $g_smtp_password = '********'; ``` [1]: