ambari ====== The [Apache Ambari][1] project is aimed at making Hadoop management simpler by developing software for provisioning, managing, and monitoring Apache Hadoop clusters. [Ambari][2] provides an intuitive, easy-to-use Hadoop management web UI backed by its RESTful APIs. ![]( Make sure that ambari-server is reachable by ambari-agents via DNS. ## Up and Running ```bash $ docker-compose run --rm server bash >>> ambari-server setup Customize user account for ambari-server daemon [y/n] (n)? Do you want to change Oracle JDK [y/n] (n)? Enter advanced database configuration [y/n] (n)? y Enter choice (4): Hostname (postgres): Port (5432): Database name (ambari): Postgres schema (public): Username (ambari): Enter Database Password (ambari): Proceed with configuring remote database connection properties [y/n] (y)? >>> PGUSER=ambari PGPASSWORD=ambari psql -h postgres -d ambari -f /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/Ambari-DDL-Postgres-CREATE.sql CREATE TABLE ... CREATE INDEX ... $ docker-compose up -d Starting ambari_postgres_1 ... done Starting ambari_server_1 ... done $ curl http://localhost:8080/ ``` [1]: [2]: