ocserv ====== ![](https://badge.imagelayers.io/vimagick/ocserv:latest.svg) [OpenConnect server][1] (ocserv) is an SSL VPN server. Its purpose is to be a secure, small, fast and configurable VPN server. ## docker-compose.yml ```yaml ocserv: image: vimagick/ocserv ports: - "4443:443/tcp" - "4443:443/udp" environment: - VPN_DOMAIN=vpn.easypi.info - VPN_NETWORK= - VPN_NETMASK= - VPN_USERNAME=username - VPN_PASSWORD=password cap_add: - NET_ADMIN restart: always ``` > - :warning: Please choose a strong password to protect VPN service. > - These environment variables are used to generate config files/keys. > - VPN accounts can be managed via [ocpasswd][2] command. > - You can edit the config file [/etc/ocserv/ocserv.conf][3], then restart service. ## up and running ```bash $ docker-compose up -d $ docker-compose exec ocserv bash >>> cd /etc/ocserv/ >>> ocpasswd -c /etc/ocserv/ocpasswd username Enter password: ****** Re-enter password: ****** >>> exit $ docker cp ocserv_ocserv_1:/etc/ocserv/certs/client.p12 . $ docker-compose logs -f ``` ## android client There are two auth types: - :-1: passwd: type everytime - :+1: certificate: import once ``` AnyConnect -> Connection -> Add New VPN Connection... -> Advanced Preferences... -> Certificate -> Import -> File System ``` [1]: http://www.infradead.org/ocserv/ [2]: http://www.gnutls.org/manual/html_node/certtool-Invocation.html [3]: http://www.infradead.org/ocserv/manual.html