urlwatch ======== [urlwatch][1] is a tool for monitoring webpages for updates. ## docker-compose.yml ```yaml urlwatch: image: vimagick/urlwatch volumes: - ./data:/root/.urlwatch restart: unless-stopped ``` ## urls.yaml ```yaml --- url: "https://github.com/thp/urlwatch/releases/latest" filter: - xpath: '(//div[contains(@class,"release-timeline-tags")]//h4)[1]/a' - html2text: re --- url: "https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev/releases/latest" filter: - css: 'div.f1>a' - html2text: re ... ``` ## up and running ```bash $ docker-compose up -d $ docker-compose exec urlwatch sh >>> urlwatch --test-slack Successfully sent message to Slack >>> urlwatch --list 1: https://github.com/thp/urlwatch/releases/latest 2: https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev/releases/latest >>> urlwatch --test-filter 2 v3.2.5 >>> exit ``` [1]: https://thp.io/2008/urlwatch/ ## customizing cron schedule ### Create a crontab file ``` */30 * * * * cd /root/.urlwatch && urlwatch --urls urls.yaml --config urlwatch.yaml --hooks hooks.py --cache cache.db */15 * * * * cd /root/.urlwatch && urlwatch --urls urls-every-15m.yaml --config urlwatch.yaml --hooks hooks.py --cache cache.db ``` See the [crontab manpage for details on format](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/crontab.5.html#DESCRIPTION). ### Mount the crontab file as a docker volume ```yaml urlwatch: image: vimagick/urlwatch volumes: - ./data:/root/.urlwatch - ./data/crontab:/etc/crontabs/root restart: unless-stopped ```