ot-recorder =========== The [OwnTracks Recorder][1] is a lightweight program for storing and accessing location data published via MQTT (or HTTP) by the OwnTracks apps. ## docker-compose.yml ```yaml ot-recorder: image: vimagick/ot-recorder ports: - "8083:8083" volumes: - ./data:/var/spool/owntracks/recorder/store environment: - OTR_HOST=iot.eclipse.org - OTR_PORT=8883 - OTR_USER=username - OTR_PASS=password - OTR_CAFILE=/etc/ssl/certs/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem - OTR_TOPICS=owntracks/# - OTR_BROWSERAPIKEY=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - OTR_OPTIONS=--qos 0 restart: always ``` You can pass any options to process via `OTR_OPTIONS` environment variable. Click [this][2] to generate a google map api key. [1]: https://github.com/owntracks/recorder [2]: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/?authuser=1