[cache] # Configure carbon directories. # # OS environment variables can be used to tell carbon where graphite is # installed, where to read configuration from and where to write data. # # GRAPHITE_ROOT - Root directory of the graphite installation. # Defaults to ../ # GRAPHITE_CONF_DIR - Configuration directory (where this file lives). # Defaults to $GRAPHITE_ROOT/conf/ # GRAPHITE_STORAGE_DIR - Storage directory for whisper/rrd/log/pid files. # Defaults to $GRAPHITE_ROOT/storage/ # # To change other directory paths, add settings to this file. The following # configuration variables are available with these default values: # # STORAGE_DIR = $GRAPHITE_STORAGE_DIR # LOCAL_DATA_DIR = %(STORAGE_DIR)s/whisper/ # WHITELISTS_DIR = %(STORAGE_DIR)s/lists/ # CONF_DIR = %(STORAGE_DIR)s/conf/ # LOG_DIR = %(STORAGE_DIR)s/log/ # PID_DIR = %(STORAGE_DIR)s/ # # For FHS style directory structures, use: # # STORAGE_DIR = /var/lib/carbon/ # CONF_DIR = /etc/carbon/ # LOG_DIR = /var/log/carbon/ # PID_DIR = /var/run/ # #LOCAL_DATA_DIR = /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/ # Specify the database library used to store metric data on disk. Each database # may have configurable options to change the behaviour of how it writes to # persistent storage. # # whisper - Fixed-size database, similar in design and purpose to RRD. This is # the default storage backend for carbon and the most rigorously tested. # # ceres - Experimental alternative database that supports storing data in sparse # files of arbitrary fixed-size resolutions. DATABASE = whisper # Enable daily log rotation. If disabled, a new file will be opened whenever the log file path no # longer exists (i.e. it is removed or renamed) ENABLE_LOGROTATION = True # Specify the user to drop privileges to # If this is blank carbon-cache runs as the user that invokes it # This user must have write access to the local data directory USER = # Limit the size of the cache to avoid swapping or becoming CPU bound. # Sorts and serving cache queries gets more expensive as the cache grows. # Use the value "inf" (infinity) for an unlimited cache size. # value should be an integer number of metric datapoints. MAX_CACHE_SIZE = inf # Limits the number of whisper update_many() calls per second, which effectively # means the number of write requests sent to the disk. This is intended to # prevent over-utilizing the disk and thus starving the rest of the system. # When the rate of required updates exceeds this, then carbon's caching will # take effect and increase the overall throughput accordingly. MAX_UPDATES_PER_SECOND = 500 # If defined, this changes the MAX_UPDATES_PER_SECOND in Carbon when a # stop/shutdown is initiated. This helps when MAX_UPDATES_PER_SECOND is # relatively low and carbon has cached a lot of updates; it enables the carbon # daemon to shutdown more quickly. # MAX_UPDATES_PER_SECOND_ON_SHUTDOWN = 1000 # Softly limits the number of whisper files that get created each minute. # Setting this value low (e.g. 50) is a good way to ensure that your carbon # system will not be adversely impacted when a bunch of new metrics are # sent to it. The trade off is that any metrics received in excess of this # value will be silently dropped, and the whisper file will not be created # until such point as a subsequent metric is received and fits within the # defined rate limit. Setting this value high (like "inf" for infinity) will # cause carbon to create the files quickly but at the risk of increased I/O. MAX_CREATES_PER_MINUTE = 50 # Set the minimum timestamp resolution supported by this instance. This allows # internal optimisations by overwriting points with equal truncated timestamps # in order to limit the number of updates to the database. It defaults to one # second. MIN_TIMESTAMP_RESOLUTION = 1 # Set the minimum lag in seconds for a point to be written to the database # in order to optimize batching. This means that each point will wait at least # the duration of this lag before being written. Setting this to 0 disable the feature. # This currently only works when using the timesorted write strategy. # MIN_TIMESTAMP_LAG = 0 # Set the interface and port for the line (plain text) listener. Setting the # interface to listens on all interfaces. Port can be set to 0 to # disable this listener if it is not required. LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = LINE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2003 # Set this to True to enable the UDP listener. By default this is off # because it is very common to run multiple carbon daemons and managing # another (rarely used) port for every carbon instance is not fun. ENABLE_UDP_LISTENER = True UDP_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = UDP_RECEIVER_PORT = 2003 # Set the interface and port for the pickle listener. Setting the interface to # listens on all interfaces. Port can be set to 0 to disable this # listener if it is not required. PICKLE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = PICKLE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2004 # Set the interface and port for the protobuf listener. Setting the interface to # listens on all interfaces. Port can be set to 0 to disable this # listener if it is not required. # PROTOBUF_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = # PROTOBUF_RECEIVER_PORT = 2005 # Limit the number of open connections the receiver can handle as any time. # Default is no limit. Setting up a limit for sites handling high volume # traffic may be recommended to avoid running out of TCP memory or having # thousands of TCP connections reduce the throughput of the service. #MAX_RECEIVER_CONNECTIONS = inf # Per security concerns outlined in Bug #817247 the pickle receiver # will use a more secure and slightly less efficient unpickler. # Set this to True to revert to the old-fashioned insecure unpickler. USE_INSECURE_UNPICKLER = False CACHE_QUERY_INTERFACE = CACHE_QUERY_PORT = 7002 # Set this to False to drop datapoints received after the cache # reaches MAX_CACHE_SIZE. If this is True (the default) then sockets # over which metrics are received will temporarily stop accepting # data until the cache size falls below 95% MAX_CACHE_SIZE. USE_FLOW_CONTROL = True # If enabled this setting is used to timeout metric client connection if no # metrics have been sent in specified time in seconds #METRIC_CLIENT_IDLE_TIMEOUT = None # By default, carbon-cache will log every whisper update and cache hit. # This can be excessive and degrade performance if logging on the same # volume as the whisper data is stored. LOG_UPDATES = False LOG_CREATES = False LOG_CACHE_HITS = False LOG_CACHE_QUEUE_SORTS = False # The thread that writes metrics to disk can use one of the following strategies # determining the order in which metrics are removed from cache and flushed to # disk. The default option preserves the same behavior as has been historically # available in version 0.9.10. # # sorted - All metrics in the cache will be counted and an ordered list of # them will be sorted according to the number of datapoints in the cache at the # moment of the list's creation. Metrics will then be flushed from the cache to # disk in that order. # # timesorted - All metrics in the list will be looked at and sorted according # to the timestamp of there datapoints. The metric that were the least recently # written will be written first. This is an hybrid strategy between max and # sorted which is particularly adapted to sets of metrics with non-uniform # resolutions. # # max - The writer thread will always pop and flush the metric from cache # that has the most datapoints. This will give a strong flush preference to # frequently updated metrics and will also reduce random file-io. Infrequently # updated metrics may only ever be persisted to disk at daemon shutdown if # there are a large number of metrics which receive very frequent updates OR if # disk i/o is very slow. # # naive - Metrics will be flushed from the cache to disk in an unordered # fashion. This strategy may be desirable in situations where the storage for # whisper files is solid state, CPU resources are very limited or deference to # the OS's i/o scheduler is expected to compensate for the random write # pattern. # CACHE_WRITE_STRATEGY = sorted # On some systems it is desirable for whisper to write synchronously. # Set this option to True if you'd like to try this. Basically it will # shift the onus of buffering writes from the kernel into carbon's cache. WHISPER_AUTOFLUSH = False # By default new Whisper files are created pre-allocated with the data region # filled with zeros to prevent fragmentation and speed up contiguous reads and # writes (which are common). Enabling this option will cause Whisper to create # the file sparsely instead. Enabling this option may allow a large increase of # MAX_CREATES_PER_MINUTE but may have longer term performance implications # depending on the underlying storage configuration. # WHISPER_SPARSE_CREATE = False # Only beneficial on linux filesystems that support the fallocate system call. # It maintains the benefits of contiguous reads/writes, but with a potentially # much faster creation speed, by allowing the kernel to handle the block # allocation and zero-ing. Enabling this option may allow a large increase of # MAX_CREATES_PER_MINUTE. If enabled on an OS or filesystem that is unsupported # this option will gracefully fallback to standard POSIX file access methods. WHISPER_FALLOCATE_CREATE = True # Enabling this option will cause Whisper to lock each Whisper file it writes # to with an exclusive lock (LOCK_EX, see: man 2 flock). This is useful when # multiple carbon-cache daemons are writing to the same files. # WHISPER_LOCK_WRITES = False # On systems which has a large number of metrics, an amount of Whisper write(2)'s # pageback sometimes cause disk thrashing due to memory shortage, so that abnormal # disk reads occur. Enabling this option makes it possible to decrease useless # page cache memory by posix_fadvise(2) with POSIX_FADVISE_RANDOM option. # WHISPER_FADVISE_RANDOM = False # By default all nodes stored in Ceres are cached in memory to improve the # throughput of reads and writes to underlying slices. Turning this off will # greatly reduce memory consumption for databases with millions of metrics, at # the cost of a steep increase in disk i/o, approximately an extra two os.stat # calls for every read and write. Reasons to do this are if the underlying # storage can handle stat() with practically zero cost (SSD, NVMe, zRAM). # Valid values are: # all - all nodes are cached # none - node caching is disabled # CERES_NODE_CACHING_BEHAVIOR = all # Ceres nodes can have many slices and caching the right ones can improve # performance dramatically. Note that there are many trade-offs to tinkering # with this, and unless you are a ceres developer you *really* should not # mess with this. Valid values are: # latest - only the most recent slice is cached # all - all slices are cached # none - slice caching is disabled # CERES_SLICE_CACHING_BEHAVIOR = latest # If a Ceres node accumulates too many slices, performance can suffer. # This can be caused by intermittently reported data. To mitigate # slice fragmentation there is a tolerance for how much space can be # wasted within a slice file to avoid creating a new one. That tolerance # level is determined by MAX_SLICE_GAP, which is the number of consecutive # null datapoints allowed in a slice file. # If you set this very low, you will waste less of the *tiny* bit disk space # that this feature wastes, and you will be prone to performance problems # caused by slice fragmentation, which can be pretty severe. # If you set this really high, you will waste a bit more disk space (each # null datapoint wastes 8 bytes, but keep in mind your filesystem's block # size). If you suffer slice fragmentation issues, you should increase this or # run the ceres-maintenance defrag plugin more often. However you should not # set it to be huge because then if a large but allowed gap occurs it has to # get filled in, which means instead of a simple 8-byte write to a new file we # could end up doing an (8 * MAX_SLICE_GAP)-byte write to the latest slice. # CERES_MAX_SLICE_GAP = 80 # Enabling this option will cause Ceres to lock each Ceres file it writes to # to with an exclusive lock (LOCK_EX, see: man 2 flock). This is useful when # multiple carbon-cache daemons are writing to the same files. # CERES_LOCK_WRITES = False # Set this to True to enable whitelisting and blacklisting of metrics in # CONF_DIR/whitelist.conf and CONF_DIR/blacklist.conf. If the whitelist is # missing or empty, all metrics will pass through # USE_WHITELIST = False # By default, carbon itself will log statistics (such as a count, # metricsReceived) with the top level prefix of 'carbon' at an interval of 60 # seconds. Set CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL to 0 to disable instrumentation # CARBON_METRIC_PREFIX = carbon # CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL = 60 # Enable AMQP if you want to receve metrics using an amqp broker # ENABLE_AMQP = False # Verbose means a line will be logged for every metric received # useful for testing # AMQP_VERBOSE = False # AMQP_HOST = localhost # AMQP_PORT = 5672 # AMQP_VHOST = / # AMQP_USER = guest # AMQP_PASSWORD = guest # AMQP_EXCHANGE = graphite # AMQP_METRIC_NAME_IN_BODY = False # The manhole interface allows you to SSH into the carbon daemon # and get a python interpreter. BE CAREFUL WITH THIS! If you do # something like time.sleep() in the interpreter, the whole process # will sleep! This is *extremely* helpful in debugging, assuming # you are familiar with the code. If you are not, please don't # mess with this, you are asking for trouble :) # # ENABLE_MANHOLE = False # MANHOLE_INTERFACE = # MANHOLE_PORT = 7222 # MANHOLE_USER = admin # MANHOLE_PUBLIC_KEY = ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABiwAaAIEAoxN0sv/e4eZCPpi3N3KYvyzRaBaMeS2RsOQ/cDuKv11dlNzVeiyc3RFmCv5Rjwn/lQ79y0zyHxw67qLyhQ/kDzINc4cY41ivuQXm2tPmgvexdrBv5nsfEpjs3gLZfJnyvlcVyWK/lId8WUvEWSWHTzsbtmXAF2raJMdgLTbQ8wE= # Patterns for all of the metrics this machine will store. Read more at # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Message_Queuing_Protocol#Bindings # # Example: store all sales, linux servers, and utilization metrics # BIND_PATTERNS = sales.#, servers.linux.#, #.utilization # # Example: store everything # BIND_PATTERNS = # # URL of graphite-web instance, this is used to add incoming series to the tag database # GRAPHITE_URL = # Tag support, when enabled carbon will make HTTP calls to graphite-web to update the tag index # ENABLE_TAGS = True # Tag update interval, this specifies how frequently updates to existing series will trigger # an update to the tag index, the default setting is once every 100 updates # TAG_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 100 # Tag batch size, this specifies the maximum number of series to be sent to graphite-web in a single batch # TAG_BATCH_SIZE = 100 # Tag queue size, this specifies the maximum number of series to be queued for sending to graphite-web # There are separate queues for new series and for updates to existing series # TAG_QUEUE_SIZE = 10000 # To configure special settings for the carbon-cache instance 'b', uncomment this: #[cache:b] #LINE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2103 #PICKLE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2104 #CACHE_QUERY_PORT = 7102 # and any other settings you want to customize, defaults are inherited # from the [cache] section. # You can then specify the --instance=b option to manage this instance # # In order to turn off logging of successful connections for the line # receiver, set this to False # LOG_LISTENER_CONN_SUCCESS = True [relay] LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = LINE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2013 PICKLE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = PICKLE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2014 # Carbon-relay has several options for metric routing controlled by RELAY_METHOD # # Use relay-rules.conf to route metrics to destinations based on pattern rules #RELAY_METHOD = rules # # Use consistent-hashing for even distribution of metrics between destinations #RELAY_METHOD = consistent-hashing # # Use consistent-hashing but take into account an aggregation-rules.conf shared # by downstream carbon-aggregator daemons. This will ensure that all metrics # that map to a given aggregation rule are sent to the same carbon-aggregator # instance. # Enable this for carbon-relays that send to a group of carbon-aggregators #RELAY_METHOD = aggregated-consistent-hashing # # You can also use fast-hashing and fast-aggregated-hashing which are in O(1) # and will always redirect the metrics to the same destination but do not try # to minimize rebalancing when the list of destinations is changing. RELAY_METHOD = rules # If you use consistent-hashing you can add redundancy by replicating every # datapoint to more than one machine. REPLICATION_FACTOR = 1 # For REPLICATION_FACTOR >=2, set DIVERSE_REPLICAS to True to guarantee replicas # across distributed hosts. With this setting disabled, it's possible that replicas # may be sent to different caches on the same host. This has been the default # behavior since introduction of 'consistent-hashing' relay method. # Note that enabling this on an existing pre-0.9.14 cluster will require rebalancing # your metrics across the cluster nodes using a tool like Carbonate. #DIVERSE_REPLICAS = True # This is a list of carbon daemons we will send any relayed or # generated metrics to. The default provided would send to a single # carbon-cache instance on the default port. However if you # use multiple carbon-cache instances then it would look like this: # # DESTINATIONS =, # # The general form is IP:PORT:INSTANCE where the :INSTANCE part is # optional and refers to the "None" instance if omitted. # # Note that if the destinations are all carbon-caches then this should # exactly match the webapp's CARBONLINK_HOSTS setting in terms of # instances listed (order matters!). # # If using RELAY_METHOD = rules, all destinations used in relay-rules.conf # must be defined in this list DESTINATIONS = # This define the protocol to use to contact the destination. It can be # set to one of "line", "pickle", "udp" and "protobuf". This list can be # extended with CarbonClientFactory plugins and defaults to "pickle". # DESTINATION_PROTOCOL = pickle # When using consistent hashing it sometime makes sense to make # the ring dynamic when you don't want to loose points when a # single destination is down. Replication is an answer to that # but it can be quite expensive. # DYNAMIC_ROUTER = False # Controls the number of connection attempts before marking a # destination as down. We usually do one connection attempt per # second. # DYNAMIC_ROUTER_MAX_RETRIES = 5 # This is the maximum number of datapoints that can be queued up # for a single destination. Once this limit is hit, we will # stop accepting new data if USE_FLOW_CONTROL is True, otherwise # we will drop any subsequently received datapoints. MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 10000 # This defines the maximum "message size" between carbon daemons. If # your queue is large, setting this to a lower number will cause the # relay to forward smaller discrete chunks of stats, which may prevent # overloading on the receiving side after a disconnect. MAX_DATAPOINTS_PER_MESSAGE = 500 # Limit the number of open connections the receiver can handle as any time. # Default is no limit. Setting up a limit for sites handling high volume # traffic may be recommended to avoid running out of TCP memory or having # thousands of TCP connections reduce the throughput of the service. #MAX_RECEIVER_CONNECTIONS = inf # Specify the user to drop privileges to # If this is blank carbon-relay runs as the user that invokes it # USER = # This is the percentage that the queue must be empty before it will accept # more messages. For a larger site, if the queue is very large it makes sense # to tune this to allow for incoming stats. So if you have an average # flow of 100k stats/minute, and a MAX_QUEUE_SIZE of 3,000,000, it makes sense # to allow stats to start flowing when you've cleared the queue to 95% since # you should have space to accommodate the next minute's worth of stats # even before the relay incrementally clears more of the queue QUEUE_LOW_WATERMARK_PCT = 0.8 # To allow for batch efficiency from the pickle protocol and to benefit from # other batching advantages, all writes are deferred by putting them into a queue, # and then the queue is flushed and sent a small fraction of a second later. TIME_TO_DEFER_SENDING = 0.0001 # Set this to False to drop datapoints when any send queue (sending datapoints # to a downstream carbon daemon) hits MAX_QUEUE_SIZE. If this is True (the # default) then sockets over which metrics are received will temporarily stop accepting # data until the send queues fall below QUEUE_LOW_WATERMARK_PCT * MAX_QUEUE_SIZE. USE_FLOW_CONTROL = True # If enabled this setting is used to timeout metric client connection if no # metrics have been sent in specified time in seconds #METRIC_CLIENT_IDLE_TIMEOUT = None # Set this to True to enable whitelisting and blacklisting of metrics in # CONF_DIR/whitelist.conf and CONF_DIR/blacklist.conf. If the whitelist is # missing or empty, all metrics will pass through # USE_WHITELIST = False # By default, carbon itself will log statistics (such as a count, # metricsReceived) with the top level prefix of 'carbon' at an interval of 60 # seconds. Set CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL to 0 to disable instrumentation # CARBON_METRIC_PREFIX = carbon # CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL = 60 # # In order to turn off logging of successful connections for the line # receiver, set this to False # LOG_LISTENER_CONN_SUCCESS = True # If you're connecting from the relay to a destination that's over the # internet or similarly iffy connection, a backlog can develop because # of internet weather conditions, e.g. acks getting lost or similar issues. # To deal with that, you can enable USE_RATIO_RESET which will let you # re-set the connection to an individual destination. Defaults to being off. USE_RATIO_RESET=False # When there is a small number of stats flowing, it's not desirable to # perform any actions based on percentages - it's just too "twitchy". MIN_RESET_STAT_FLOW=1000 # When the ratio of stats being sent in a reporting interval is far # enough from 1.0, we will disconnect the socket and reconnecto to # clear out queued stats. The default ratio of 0.9 indicates that 10% # of stats aren't being delivered within one CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL # (default of 60 seconds), which can lead to a queue backup. Under # some circumstances re-setting the connection can fix this, so # set this according to your tolerance, and look in the logs for # "resetConnectionForQualityReasons" to observe whether this is kicking # in when your sent queue is building up. MIN_RESET_RATIO=0.9 # The minimum time between resets. When a connection is re-set, we # need to wait before another reset is performed. # (2*CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL) + 1 second is the minimum time needed # before stats for the new connection will be available. Setting this # below (2*CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL) + 1 second will result in a lot of # reset connections for no good reason. MIN_RESET_INTERVAL=121 [aggregator] LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = LINE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2023 PICKLE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = PICKLE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2024 # If set true, metric received will be forwarded to DESTINATIONS in addition to # the output of the aggregation rules. If set false the carbon-aggregator will # only ever send the output of aggregation. FORWARD_ALL = False # Filenames of the configuration files to use for this instance of aggregator. # Filenames are relative to CONF_DIR. AGGREGATION_RULES = aggregation-rules.conf REWRITE_RULES = rewrite-rules.conf # This is a list of carbon daemons we will send any relayed or # generated metrics to. The default provided would send to a single # carbon-cache instance on the default port. However if you # use multiple carbon-cache instances then it would look like this: # # DESTINATIONS =, # # The format is comma-delimited IP:PORT:INSTANCE where the :INSTANCE part is # optional and refers to the "None" instance if omitted. # # Note that if the destinations are all carbon-caches then this should # exactly match the webapp's CARBONLINK_HOSTS setting in terms of # instances listed (order matters!). DESTINATIONS = # If you want to add redundancy to your data by replicating every # datapoint to more than one machine, increase this. REPLICATION_FACTOR = 1 # This is the maximum number of datapoints that can be queued up # for a single destination. Once this limit is hit, we will # stop accepting new data if USE_FLOW_CONTROL is True, otherwise # we will drop any subsequently received datapoints. MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 10000 # Set this to False to drop datapoints when any send queue (sending datapoints # to a downstream carbon daemon) hits MAX_QUEUE_SIZE. If this is True (the # default) then sockets over which metrics are received will temporarily stop accepting # data until the send queues fall below 80% MAX_QUEUE_SIZE. USE_FLOW_CONTROL = True # If enabled this setting is used to timeout metric client connection if no # metrics have been sent in specified time in seconds #METRIC_CLIENT_IDLE_TIMEOUT = None # This defines the maximum "message size" between carbon daemons. # You shouldn't need to tune this unless you really know what you're doing. MAX_DATAPOINTS_PER_MESSAGE = 500 # This defines how many datapoints the aggregator remembers for # each metric. Aggregation only happens for datapoints that fall in # the past MAX_AGGREGATION_INTERVALS * intervalSize seconds. MAX_AGGREGATION_INTERVALS = 5 # Limit the number of open connections the receiver can handle as any time. # Default is no limit. Setting up a limit for sites handling high volume # traffic may be recommended to avoid running out of TCP memory or having # thousands of TCP connections reduce the throughput of the service. #MAX_RECEIVER_CONNECTIONS = inf # By default (WRITE_BACK_FREQUENCY = 0), carbon-aggregator will write back # aggregated data points once every rule.frequency seconds, on a per-rule basis. # Set this (WRITE_BACK_FREQUENCY = N) to write back all aggregated data points # every N seconds, independent of rule frequency. This is useful, for example, # to be able to query partially aggregated metrics from carbon-cache without # having to first wait rule.frequency seconds. # WRITE_BACK_FREQUENCY = 0 # Set this to True to enable whitelisting and blacklisting of metrics in # CONF_DIR/whitelist.conf and CONF_DIR/blacklist.conf. If the whitelist is # missing or empty, all metrics will pass through # USE_WHITELIST = False # By default, carbon itself will log statistics (such as a count, # metricsReceived) with the top level prefix of 'carbon' at an interval of 60 # seconds. Set CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL to 0 to disable instrumentation # CARBON_METRIC_PREFIX = carbon # CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL = 60 # In order to turn off logging of successful connections for the line # receiver, set this to False # LOG_LISTENER_CONN_SUCCESS = True # In order to turn off logging of metrics with no corresponding # aggregation rules receiver, set this to False # LOG_AGGREGATOR_MISSES = False # Specify the user to drop privileges to # If this is blank carbon-aggregator runs as the user that invokes it # USER = # Part of the code, and particularly aggregator rules, need # to cache metric names. To avoid leaking too much memory you # can tweak the size of this cache. The default allow for 1M # different metrics per rule (~200MiB). # CACHE_METRIC_NAMES_MAX=1000000 # You can optionally set a ttl to this cache. # CACHE_METRIC_NAMES_TTL=600