shairplay ========= [Shairplay][1] is a free portable AirPlay server implementation similar to [ShairPort][2]. Currently only AirPort Express emulation is supported. ## docker-compose.yml ```yaml shairplay: image: easypi/shairplay-arm devices: - /dev/snd environment: - APNAME=EasyPi net: host restart: unless-stopped ``` ## Quick Start On MacOSX: click 🔉 to show a list of output devices, then click `EasyPi` to connect. ```bash # Enable Audio $ grep audio /boot/config.txt dtparam=audio=on # Start Container $ docker-compose up -d # Control Volume $ docker-compose exec shairplay alsamixer >>> Press ↑ to volume up >>> Press ↓ to volume down >>> Press ESC to quit ``` [1]: [2]: