2020-04-24 06:28:16 -06:00

77 lines
2.9 KiB

const path = require('path');
const {capitalize, mapValues} = require('lodash');
const Color = require('color');
const {version} = require('../package.json');
const rgbColorSet = colors =>
mapValues(colors, hex => Color(hex).rgb().array());
const hslColorSet = colors =>
mapValues(colors, hex => Color(hex).hsl().array());
const themeName = colorSet => `Themer ${}`;
const themeDirectory = themeName;
const renderManifest = (colorSet) => {
return Promise.resolve({
name: path.join(themeDirectory(colorSet), 'manifest.json'),
contents: Buffer.from(
manifest_version: 2,
name: themeName(colorSet),
theme: {
colors: {
bookmark_text: colorSet.rgbColors.shade7,
frame: colorSet.isDark ? colorSet.rgbColors.shade0 : colorSet.rgbColors.shade1,
ntp_background: colorSet.isDark ? colorSet.rgbColors.shade1 : colorSet.rgbColors.shade0,
ntp_text: colorSet.rgbColors.shade7,
tab_background_text: colorSet.rgbColors.shade7,
tab_background_text_inactive: colorSet.rgbColors.shade7,
tab_background_text_incognito: colorSet.rgbColors.shade7,
tab_background_text_incognito_inactive: colorSet.rgbColors.shade7,
tab_text: colorSet.rgbColors.shade7,
toolbar: colorSet.isDark ? colorSet.rgbColors.shade1 : colorSet.rgbColors.shade0,
omnibox_text: colorSet.rgbColors.shade7,
omnibox_background: colorSet.isDark ? colorSet.rgbColors.shade0 : colorSet.rgbColors.shade1,
tints: {
buttons: [colorSet.hslColors.accent5[0] / 360, 0.5, 0.5],
frame_inactive: [-1, -1, -1],
frame_incognito: [colorSet.hslColors.accent6[0] / 360, 1.0, colorSet.isDark ? 0.55 : 0.45],
frame_incognito_inactive: [colorSet.hslColors.accent6[0] / 360, 1.0, colorSet.isDark ? 0.55 : 0.45],
const render = colors => {
const colorSets = Object.keys(colors).map(key => ({
name: capitalize(key),
rgbColors: rgbColorSet(colors[key]),
hslColors: hslColorSet(colors[key]),
isDark: key === 'dark',
return => renderManifest(colorSet));
const renderInstructions = paths => {
const directories = new Set(;
return `
1. Launch Chrome and go to \`chrome://extensions\`.
2. Check the "Developer mode" checkbox at the top.
3. Click the "Load unpacked extension..." button and choose the desired theme directory (${[...directories].map(dir => `\`${dir}\``).join(' or ')}).
(To reset or remove the theme, visit \`chrome://settings\` and click "Reset to Default" in the "Appearance" section.)
module.exports = {render, renderInstructions};