2020-05-02 14:54:27 -06:00

127 lines
2.0 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`themer kitty theme generator should generate well-formatted themes 1`] = `
cursor #CC78FA
cursor_text_color background
url_color #66BFFF
active_border_color #A4CC35
inactive_border_color #474247
bell_border_color #F28144
active_tab_foreground #E0DCE0
active_tab_background #282629
inactive_tab_foreground #C1BCC2
inactive_tab_background #474247
foreground #E0DCE0
background #282629
selection_foreground #282629
selection_background #66BFFF
color0 #656066
color8 #847E85
color1 #FF4050
color9 #FF6673
color2 #A4CC35
color10 #B6D65D
color3 #FFD24A
color11 #FFDA6E
color4 #66BFFF
color12 #85CBFF
color5 #F553BF
color13 #F775CC
color6 #26C99E
color14 #51D3B1
color7 #E0DCE0
color15 #FFFCFF
mark1_foreground #282629
mark1_background #26C99E
mark2_foreground #282629
mark2_background #F553BF
mark3_foreground #282629
mark3_background #FFD24A
exports[`themer kitty theme generator should generate well-formatted themes 2`] = `
cursor #BF65F0
cursor_text_color background
url_color #53A6E1
active_border_color #97BD2D
inactive_border_color #E0DCE0
bell_border_color #F37735
active_tab_foreground #474247
active_tab_background #FFFCFF
inactive_tab_foreground #656066
inactive_tab_background #E0DCE0
foreground #474247
background #FFFCFF
selection_foreground #FFFCFF
selection_background #53A6E1
color0 #474247
color8 #656066
color1 #F03E4D
color9 #F36471
color2 #97BD2D
color10 #ACCA57
color3 #EEBA21
color11 #F1C74D
color4 #53A6E1
color12 #75B7E7
color5 #EE4EB8
color13 #F171C6
color6 #1FC598
color14 #4CD0AD
color7 #C1BCC2
color15 #E0DCE0
mark1_foreground #FFFCFF
mark1_background #1FC598
mark2_foreground #FFFCFF
mark2_background #EE4EB8
mark3_foreground #FFFCFF
mark3_background #EEBA21
exports[`themer kitty theme generator should provide installation instructions 1`] = `
In the kitty configuration file (usually \`~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf\`), \`include\` the generated theme file:
include themer-dark.conf
include themer-light.conf