created stimpost, aufhebung, ADD stimpost/

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oz 2022-01-01 08:20:07 +00:00
parent 7444d8b671
commit 921da00a2d

stimpost/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
hats off to the compositional effort of what appears to me to be both very subtle and counterintuitively extraordinarily obvious once you discern the subtleties. this seems to me that, if anyone were to take the song as a piece of intentional crafting, there suddenly grows and overwhelming body of evidence that, to me (to be fair, the part of me that believes the evidence is sufficient enough to eliminate any doubt is also the same part of me that believes with almost overwhelming certainty that the conclusions that it ་comes up with are Definitely Canonical, but that's just being sapient and cognizant of existence).
the whole shocked by both complete aesthetic immersion and externally evident passion isn't just pareidolia, simultaneously enhanced by increased pattern recognition and attentive acuity, or these perfidiously exaggerated senses of the most banal, yet simultaneously sincere and genuine profundity, often embarrassingly easy to misinterpret and misconstrue, which is a pretty bad implementation bug in the current cognitive substrate of existence tbh. oh and, it's not lost in me that this hapax legomenon of a whisper of the same old learned response learned in situations where the brain anticipated pleasure.
unfortunately for me, when they were handing it out i was still trying to get to the providers of drive, integrity and discipline, never quite managing to figure out how to really effectively engage with and exploit then develop that silly old compulsion to commit to an increased sense of self worth and inflated ego that was eternally just a few doors too far, a few years too deferred, a chunk of experience forever convinced of its eternally inscribed and ordained nature, it would seem, to be permanently off kilter and fundamentally incapable of grooming the endless fields of subjective valence that we sorta just coerce into a shared experience where, if the Canon and the axiomatic foundations it erects undeniably point to be designed to have a secret button the operator can poke to send a specific combination of monoamines and endogenous ligands which excite the systems responsible for producing the sensation of being in the proximity of Undeniable Immanence, as well as acting in what is, essentially, a continuous oscillator of potentials that cycle between local minima and maxima of polar orientation, while the wetware just averages it internally into deceptively self contained
structures of conceptual development that are, to an alarmingly consistent amount, adapted to continuously and unconsciously monitor all incoming signals to servile detail. this often bridges the path to virtual causes and actual effects. the perceived difficulty of everything is overwhelming to such an extent that the brain seems to try and compensate for the perceived inadequacy in the shadow of a daunting task.
also of concern are the emotions that result as the consequence of living a life where existence itself, generally due to the impact of trauma and other mental disorders , is basically a feral warthog, dressed up in elegantly vivid and deceptive clothing, with a presence that both "encourages" absolute credulity while also, under the cover of the the gradient from stimulus to counterstimulus, cause to effect, brings about a state of combined learned helplessness and absolute conviction absolutely , often comorbid with a state of mind that is less dynamic and therefore best described as a function that categorizes the nature of relationship between the pseudo-jntersection of the perceived complexity of some arbitrary quality and the predicted amount of resources necessary to work, or act, as well as in some conditions, the degree to which a person is ostensibly striving forwards, always appearing to put in the work, and sometimes even feigning humble responses so as to increase social favor while a slow burn of a resentment of our fellow conspecifics begins completely outside the range of detection and only once it has become so pervasive and dogmatic that you'd have to be trying to purposefully deny it to be able to not see it as a relationship between the growth of the speed at which drive and confidence decay, and the merely perceived complexity spaaace of a problem is not a 1:1 map.
not only that, potential cases may transition from being extremely meticulous about containing the secrecy of these values , to an exaggerated and explosive cry of not only support, but simple prescriptive maxims you can follow that, in the short term, reduce friction and anxiety, but in the long run, actually massively increase the decay rate of neutral or better affect, as well as encode any biases or prejudices inherent to the cognitive whole of the implementor, and ultimately contribute to the reductions of liberty rather than purported increases
instead of offering cameraderie and working towards a whole greater than the parts, and focusing on interaction as the dialectic of feedback, whether subjective or empirical, collaboration, and just basic consideration, a simple humble willingness to understand that your confidence level is always skewed in your favor, even when it skews negative, people become competitive, and they develop a lens on reality that frames the basic map of relations between everyone as a power dynamic, as inherently adversarial and duplicitous, often to such a subtle level that if they claim they can't see it, they may not even be wrong. even worse beyond these potential short term consequences is the unmapped and probalistic spaaace of actual complexity vs feigned approximations of difficulty rather than complexity / consistency adversarially antagonistic short term adaptations and the mental gymnastics that come with the.less resistant to sustained forces. we are structurally a d functionally incapable of activating except by often deceptively confirmational actions
having a good old game of say the thingy a lot = spaaacehax = free robux and seeing how long as well as how . spaaace between claimed is impossible to be designed well enough to always just skip into the it, but it also exists in a constant multidimensional configuration spaaace mapping the estimated
though, perhaps I shouldn't be so disingenuous in crafting the situation to appear as though t, these are often if not nearly always promoted by a member of a collective mishmash of self referential consciousness who is, quite surprising (but not to me)ly, and yet again, paradoxically also often obnoxiously obvious and, well, tend to appear to believe that their capacity to act in duplicity is masterfully concealed and probably ultimately just a game of Brockian Ultra Cricket . rather than resist cognitive dissonance with such consistent and arresting synchrony. and ,r more predictably, to confirm or evidence to support and verify such a myopic claim (you ever punch a scatecrow? boy if I only had a brain ;-) , is dominated almost oppressively with a tendency for people to to be reactive and to have associated perceived ineptitude or intellectual asymmetry with the overall conceptual cognitive spaaace they contribute to as inherently targeted and malicious, which is understandable but if we're being honest, at the end of the day, interaction is just packets of disturbances we emit into the structure of existence that we have somehow roughly bashed into a shape approximating that of substance, whilst smoothing patterns of noise into a consistent conception of the never consciously present "Now"