#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'pathname' require 'cinch' require "json" require 'pastebinrb' require_relative "Hooks.rb" require_relative "Meta.rb" module Util #utilities and such class Util require 'mongo'; include Mongo; Mongo::Logger.logger.level = ::Logger::FATAL def self.pb() @pb ||= Pastebinrb::Pastebin.new 'ce1ac130ad6810a535f893df0647b6c9' return @pb end def getExcuse puts "trying to get an excuse.... excuses count: #{@@excuses.count}" if(@@excuses.count <= 0) puts "rebnuilding excuses!!!!" rebuildExcuses() end return @@excuses.sample end def getSuccess puts "trying to get a success.... success count: #{@@success.count}" if(@@success.count <= 0) puts "rebuilddng successes!!!" rebuildSuccess() end return @@success.sample end def addExcuse(exc) excuses = getCollection("extendobot", "excuses") res = excuses.insert_one({"string" => exc}) if(res) rebuildExcuses() return 1 else return 0 end end def addSuccess(suc) succ = getCollection("extendobot", "success") res = succ.insert_one({"string" => suc}) if(res) rebuildSuccess() return 1 else return 0 end end def rebuildSuccess @@success = [] success = getCollection("extendobot","success") success.find().each { |excuse| puts "got a success: " + excuse.inspect @@success.push(excuse[:string]) } end def rebuildExcuses @@excuses = []; excuses = getCollection("extendobot","excuses") excuses.find().each { |excuse| puts "got a excuse: " + excuse.inspect @@excuses.push(excuse[:string]) } end def self.instance @@instance ||= new end def initialize @@excuses = []; @@success = []; config = JSON.parse( File.open("config.json","r") { |f| f.read() } ) mUsr = config['username'] mPass = config['password'] @@url = "mongodb://#{mUsr}:#{mPass}@" @@baseMongo = Mongo::Client.new(@@url, :max_pool_size => 50, :database => 'extendobot') @@mongos = {}; @@mongos[:chans] = @@baseMongo.use("chans") @@mongos[:extendobot] = @@baseMongo.use("extendobot") @@mongos[:acl] = @@baseMongo.use("acl") @@mongos[:markov] = @@baseMongo.use("markov") end def getDB(dbn) db = @@mongos[dbn.to_sym] if(db) return db else @@mongos[dbn.to_sym] = @@baseMongo.use(dbn) return @@mongos[dbn.to_sym] end end def getCollection(dbn,col) return self.getDB(dbn)[col.to_sym] end def addautojoin(server,chan) server = self.hton(server) if !server.is_a? String chans = self.getCollection("chans","channels") chans.insert_one({ 'channel' => chan, 'server' => server, 'autojoin' => true, }) end def getServers() servers = Array.new() col = self.getCollection("chans","servers") col.find.each { |row| puts "dicks dicks dicks" servers.push(row) } return servers end def hton(host) if(!host.is_a? String) #bot instance was provided, derive host info puts "bot instance provided; deriving information automagically" host = "#{host.config.server}:#{host.config.port}" puts "detected host: #{host}" end col = getCollection("chans","servers") name = "" puts "WE TRYNNA FIND HOST: #{host}" name = col.find({ "host" => host }).limit(1).to_a[0] puts "okay here is the thinng.." puts name.inspect return name["name"]; end def MainLoop Thread.list.reject { |t| t == Thread.current }.each { |thr| thr.join } end end class BotFamily def self.instance @@instance ||= new end def initialize @@family = Hash.new @@workers = Hash.new end def get(name) return @@family[name] end def self.add(opts) host = opts['host'] || nil; name = opts['name'] || nil; @@family[name] = Bot.new(host) end def add(opts) host = opts['host'] || nil; name = opts['name'] || nil; @@family[name] = Bot.new(host) end def spawn(opts) add(opts) start(opts['name']) end def start(name) @@workers[name] ||= Thread.new(@@family[name]) { |bot| bot.start } end def startAll() @@family.each { |k, v| start(k) } end def stop(name) @@workers[name].kill @@workers[name] = nil @@family[name].stop end def stopAll() @@workers.each { |k, v| stop(k) } end end class Bot attr_accessor :bot def initialize(host) require 'emoji' require 'emoji/string_ext' @bot = Cinch::Bot.new do configure do |c| hostname, port = host.split(/:/) if(port.nil?) port=6667 else port = port.to_i end c.server = hostname c.port = port if(port == 6697) puts "SSL!" c.ssl.use = true c.ssl.verify = false end puts "port: #{port}, ssl.use: #{c.ssl.use}" mong = Util.instance conf = mong.getCollection("extendobot","config"); name = mong.hton(host) c.server_queue_size = 4096 c.messages_per_second = 512 puts "gotta find thgat nick for #{name} in da game mayne" nickname = conf.find({ 'key' => 'nick', 'server' => name }).to_a[0]["val"] puts "here is a thing: #{nickname}" c.user = "bthlj0ns" c.nick = nickname c.realname = "Comin @ Choo!" passwd = nil pass = conf.find({ 'key' => 'pass', 'server' => name }) if(pass.to_a[0]) passwd = pass.to_a[0]["val"] end c.sasl.username=c.nick c.sasl.password=passwd chans = mong.getCollection("chans","channels") cList = chans.find({'autojoin' => true, 'server' => name}).collect { |x| x['channel'] } c.channels = cList pList = Array.new Pathname.glob("./plugins/*.rb").each { |plugin| puts "found plugin #{plugin}" load plugin puts Object.const_get(File.basename(plugin.basename,File.extname(plugin)).to_s) pList.push(Object.const_get(File.basename(plugin.basename,File.extname(plugin)).to_s)) } c.plugins.plugins = pList on :"477" do |m| puts "477, trying again in 5..." p m.inspect Timer(5, {:shots => 4}) { m.bot.join(m.channel) } end on :connect do |m| m.bot.set_mode("+B") =begin if(passwd != nil) c.plugins.plugins.push(Cinch::Plugins::Identify) c.plugins.options[Cinch::Plugins::Identify] = { :username => c.nick, :type => :nickserv, :password => passwd } end =end end end end end def start @bot.start end def stop @bot.stop end end module PasteMaker #@@map = { # post: 'code', # title: 'name', # raw: "raw", # expire: "expire_date", # format: "format", #} #@@opts = { # "api_paste_expire_date" => "1H", # "api_paste_format" => "text", # "api_paste_name" => "tcpbot paste", # 'api_paste_raw' => "", #} def paste(post, title=nil, language=nil) #pb = Util.pb title ||= "" #language ||= "text" content = "#{title}\n#{post}" #SPRUNGE JUST NEEDS THE CONTENT LOL #SINCE PASTEBIN IS ON SOME FSCKBOY SHIT # we gotta use sprunge ig so we gonna do this manually uri = URI('http://sprunge.us') #build uri whatever link = "" res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri,'sprunge' => content) #make a fsckin request homo if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) #we fuckin made it bruh link = res.body.strip else link = nil end =begin # lol fuck pastebin link = pb.paste_content( post, title: title, format: language ) puts "got pb link: #{link}" =end return link end end module PluginHelper @@commands = Hash.new @@levelRequired = 0 def commands ret = Array.new @@commands.each { |k, v| ret.push k } return ret end end module ACLHelper def get_acl(m, user) users = Util.instance.getCollection("acl","users") name = Util.instance.hton("#{m.bot.config.server}:#{m.bot.config.port}") res = users.find({'user' => user, 'server' => name}).to_a; lvl = res.empty? ? "lol who the fuck is #{user}?" : res.shift return lvl end def set_acl(m, user, level) users = Util.instance.getCollection("acl","users") name = Util.instance.hton("#{m.bot.config.server}:#{m.bot.config.port}") response = "#{m.user.nick}: " res = users.find({'user' => user, 'server' => name}).to_a.empty? if(!res) if(users.update_one({'user' => user, 'server' => name}, {'$set' => {'level' => level}})) response << "{#user} modified with level #{level}" else response << "#{user} couldn't be modified" end else response << "#{user} not in database" end m.reply(response) end def add_acl(m, user, level) users = Util.instance.getCollection("acl","users") name = Util.instance.hton("#{m.bot.config.server}:#{m.bot.config.port}") response = "#{m.user.nick}: " res = users.find({'user' => user, 'server' => name}).to_a.empty? if(!res) response << ("#{user} already in database") else if(users.insert_one({'user' => user, 'server' => name, 'level' => level})) response << ("#{user} added with level #{level}") else response << ("#{user} could not be modified") end end m.reply(response) end def rm_acl(m, user) users = Util.instance.getCollection("acl","users") name = Util.instance.hton("#{m.bot.config.server}:#{m.bot.config.port}") response = "#{m.user.nick}: " res = users.find({'user' => user, 'server' => name}).to_a.empty? if(!res) if(users.remove({'user' => user, 'server' => name})) response << "#{user} removed}" else response << "#{user} could not be removed" end else response << "#{user} not in database" end m.reply(response) end def list_acl(m) users = Util.instance.getCollection("acl","users") name = Util.instance.hton("#{m.bot.config.server}:#{m.bot.config.port}") puts "uh we got a lookup for #{name} my ninja" users.find({'server' => name}).each { |res| m.reply(res['user'] << "@" << res["server"] << ": " << res["level"].to_s) } end end end