require 'cinch' require_relative '../classes/Util.rb' class PlugTool include Cinch::Plugin include Util::PluginHelper @clist = %w{plugs commands} @@commands["plugs"] = ":plugs - produce list of plugins available" @@commands["commands"] = ":commands - produce commands for , or list of all commands if no plugin is given" set :prefix, /^:/ match /commands( .+)?/, method: :pluginfo match /plugs( .+)?/, method: :interstitial def interstitial(m, filter = nil) debug "in interstitial, for filter to #{filter.to_s}" if(filter != nil) filter.strip! end case filter when ".enabled" plugs(m,:enabled) when ".disabled" plugs(m,:disabled) else plugs(m, :all) end end def plugs(m, opt) debug "in plugs, got opt as #{opt.to_s}" debug "plugins: #{}" #plugs = #okay this really is not necessary. we can handle this in the glob. plugs = Dir.glob("./plugins/*.rb").map { |plugin| #just map the glob to the necessary list plugname = File.basename(plugin,".*") puts "PLUGNAME: #{plugname}" enabled = Object.const_get plugname puts "and enabled: #{enabled.inspect}" ret = ( opt == :enabled && enabled ) || ( opt == :disabled && !enabled ) || ( opt == :all ) ? plugname : nil puts "\t and ret is #{ret.inspect}" ret }.reject(&:nil?) puts "making the ultimate outcome #{plugs.inspect}" =begin keeping this around for posterity... and as a reminder of how stupid i can be. msg = '' plugs.sort.to_h. each { |k, v| case opt when :all debug "all plugs pls" msg += "#{k} " when :disabled debug "only disabled pls" msg += "#{k} " if !v when :enabled debug "only enabled pls" msg += "#{k} " if v end } =end m.reply(plugs.sort.join(" ")) end def pluginfo(m, modname = nil) cmds = "" if(!modname.nil?) debug "getting pluginfo for #{modname}" modname.strip! if(File.exist?("./plugins/#{modname}.rb")) debug "looky here, plugins/#{modname}.rb does exist!" #ibot = Util::BotFamily.instance.get(Util::Util.instance.hton(Util::Util.buildHost({}:#{}")).bot #should be able to just do.... ibot = #how dumb am i lol kc = Kernel.const_get(modname) i = ibot.plugins.find_index { |x| x.class == kc } if(i == nil) m.reply("#{modname} not loaded currently: " + Util::Util.instance.getExcuse()) else debug "grabbing @clist for #{kc}" cmds = kc.class_eval { @clist } end end else debug "no MODULE lol" cmds = self.class.class_eval { @@commands } end m.reply sprintf("%s%s", modname.nil? ? "" : "Commands for #{modname}: "," ")) m.reply "(btw, my prefix for commands is :)" end end