require 'cinch' require 'open-uri' require 'uri' require_relative '../classes/Util.rb' class URLThief include Cinch::Plugin include Hooks::ACLHook include Util::PluginHelper listen_to :channel set :prefix, /^:/ @clist = %w{url.rand url.find} @@commands["url.rand"] = ":url.rand - spit out a random url from the url db" match /url\.rand/, method: :url_rand @clist.push('url.find') @@commands["url.find"] = ":url.find - search through url list to find any matching urls?!!?" match /url\.find \/(.+?)\//, method: :url_find def url_find(m, regex) db = Util::Util.instance.getCollection("extendobot","urls") res = db.find({ "url" => /#{regex}/i }).to_a resp = "#{m.user.nick}: " if(res.empty?) resp << Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() << " (couldn't find anything matching /#{regex}/)" else resp << "here is what i found for /#{regex}/:\n" << {|e| e['url'] }.join(" | ") end m.reply(resp) end def url_rand(m) db = Util::Util.instance.getCollection("extendobot","urls") proj = { "$project": { url: 1, "_id": 0 } } res = db.aggregate([ { "$match": { "server": Util::Util.instance.hton(, } }, proj, { "$sample": { size: 1 } } ]).to_a.shift resp = "#{m.user.nick}: " if(res.nil?) exc = Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() resp << "#{exc} (couldn't find a url lol)" else resp << res['url'] m.reply("#{m.user.nick}: #{res['url']}") end end def listen(m) text = m.message #user = m.user.nick #return if (["sayok","g1mp","van","durnkb0t", "[0]"].include? user) return if m.message.match /^:/ channel = schemes = %w{http https ftp gemini gopher irc ssh} urxp = URI.regexp(schemes) if(text.match(urxp)) debug "got urlz in msg: #{text}." urls = URI.extract(text,schemes) debug "url list:" + urls.join(', ') urls.each { |url| db = Util::Util.instance.getCollection("extendobot","urls") tm = server = Util::Util.instance.hton("#{}:#{}") puts "inserting #{url} into db..." db.insert_one({'channel' => channel, 'url' => url, 'time' => tm, 'server' => server}) } else puts "oops no urls in '#{text}'" end end end