require 'cinch' require 'open-uri' require_relative '../classes/Util.rb' class RawDog include Cinch::Plugin include Hooks::ACLHook include Util::PluginHelper set :prefix, /^:/ @clist = %w{exec raw eval} @@commands["exec"] = ":exec - run through terminal untouched (requires SUPER ADMIN OVER 9000 PRIVILEGES)"; @@commands["raw"] = ":raw - alias for exec. still same privileges lol." @@commands["eval"] = ":eval - evaluate as ruby code (requires SUPER ADMIN OVER 9000 PRIVILEGES)"; @@levelRequired = 9001 match /exec (.+)/, method: :raw; match /raw (.+)/, method: :raw; match /eval (.+)/, method: :reval; def raw(m, cmd) response = "" if(!aclcheck(m)) e = Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() response = "#{m.user.nick}: #{e} (yo access level waaay 2 low, playboiiii))" else output = IO.popen(cmd, :err => [:child, :out]) do |io| end if($?.success?) response = output else exc = Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() response = "#{m.user.nick}: #{exc} (there was an error running your command...)\n" response << "err: #{output}" end end m.reply(response) end def reval(m, code) response = "" if(!aclcheck(m)) e = Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() response = "#{e} (YOU LACK THE PROPER ACCESS AND PROLLY R A SKID N E WAZE)" else begin response = eval(code) rescue Exception => exc response = exc.to_s.gsub(/for \#.+$/i,"") end end m.reply(response); end end