require 'cinch' require 'uri' require 'open-uri' require_relative '../classes/Util.rb' require_relative '../classes/Markov.rb' class Markovian include Cinch::Plugin include Hooks::ACLHook include Util::PluginHelper set :prefix, /^:/ @clist = %w{markov} @@commands["markov"] = ":markov - generates a markov chain of words, starting with optional word " @@commands["chainsaw"] = ":chainsaw - grabs the text at and chainsaws it to death!!!" match /markov$/, method: :markov match /markov (\d+)$/, method: :markov match /markov (\d+) (.+)/, method: :markov match /chainsaw (.+)/, method: :chainsaw #timer 10, method: :wharrgarbl, shots: 1 listen_to :channel =begin def wharrgarbl() derp=start(nil,nil,12) Channel("#tcpdirect").send(derp) offset = (1+rand(14).to_i)*60 puts "OFFSET: #{offset}" offset=30 Timer(offset) { puts "i wharr then i garbl" wharrgarbl() } end =end def listen(m) return if m.message.match /^:/ text = m.message user = m.user.nick if(!([ "professorOak", "sayok", "g1mp", "van", "nav", "chan", "durnkb0t", "[0]", "maple"]. include? user) or # ignore the bots lol /^(d+ ?)+$/.match(text) #ignore messages that are literally just numbers and nothing else ) process(text,user) end end def process(text,user=nil) #puts "Markovian\n\t#{user}: #{text}" mkv = db = Util::Util.instance.getCollection("markov","ngrams") #re = /[^a-z0-9' ]/i re = /[^[:print:]]/ #ignore nonprintable characters schemes = %w{http https ftp gemini gopher irc ssh} urxp = URI.regexp(schemes) text = Sanitize(Unformat(text)) [ [urxp, ''], [re, ''], [ /([[:punct]]){3,}/, "\\1"], #replace long runs of punctuation with single [/\d+,\d+./, ''], #strip ##,##C type crap #[/[,\.\?!]/, ''], [/\b\d{8,}\b/, ''], # strip sequences of just tons of numbers [/\s+/, ' '], #reduce multiple spaces to just one #[/\b[^\sai5h]\b/i, ''], ].each { |args| text = text.gsub *args } puts "process text: #{text}" chains = mkv.chain(text) mkvs = mkv.mongoize puts "mkvs: #{mkvs.inspect}" mkvs.each { |hash| #next if hash["head"] == nil #hash["user"] = user #hash["server"] = Util::Util.instance.hton("#{}:#{}") p hash db.update_one({ :head => hash[:head] }, { '$push': { :tails => { '$each': hash[:tails] } } }, { upsert: true }) } end def markov(m,length=nil,seed=nil) out = start(m,seed,length == nil ? length : length.to_i) puts "markov out:\n\t#{out}" m.reply(out) end def chainsaw(m, url) #uri = URI.parse url rescue nil uri = nil begin uri=URI.parse(url) rescue URI::InvalidURIError e = Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() m.reply("#{m.user.nick}: #{e} (that URL you provided was SUS AF bruh)") return 0 end if(uri.nil? || !(uri.is_a?(URI::HTTP) || uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS))) e = Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() m.reply("#{m.user.nick}: #{e} [that clearly wasn't a url brah]") return 0 end content = "" e = Util::Util.instance.getSuccess() m.reply("#{m.user.nick}: chainsaw engaged on #{url} ...") do |f| f.each_line { |l| line = l.encode('UTF-8','UTF-8', :invalid => :replace).gsub(%r{]+?>}, '') puts "processing #{line}" process(line) } end m.reply("#{m.user.nick}: #{e} (CHAINSAW SUCCESSFUL!)") end def getRandomRow(seed = nil) db = Util::Util.instance.getCollection("markov","ngrams") ret = nil while ret.nil? if(seed == nil) cnt = db.find().count() ret = db.find().limit(-1).skip(rand(cnt)).to_a else ret = getRow(seed) end end return ret end def start(m=nil, seed=nil, words=nil) db = Util::Util.instance.getCollection("markov","ngrams") res = "" if(words == nil) words = (4+rand(30).to_i) end words = words > 256 ? 256 : words #puts "begin markov chainsaw" #puts "start.count: #{words}, start.seed: #{seed}" if seed != nil seed.strip! else tmp = getRandomRow().shift puts "tmp = " + tmp.inspect seed = tmp["head"] end out = "" if(seed.match(/ /)) a = seed.split(/ /) seed = a.pop out = a.join(" ") << " " end i = 0 head = "" tails = [] tail="" sentences = [] sentence=[] row = getRandomRow(seed) if(row.kind_of?(Array)) row = row.shift end if(row.nil? or !row.key?("head") or row["head"].nil? or row["head"] == "" or tails.nil? or tail.nil?) e = Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() return "#{e} (nurga wtf i just couldn't find anything for #{seed}, me brane too smole)" end while i < words #puts i addP = false loop do row = getRandomRow(seed) if(row.kind_of?(Array)) row = row.shift end #puts "new row #{row.inspect}" head = row["head"] tails = row["tails"] tail = tails[rand(tails.count())] #test = row.nil? or !row.key?("head") or row["head"].nil? or row["head"] == "" or tails.nil? or tail.nil? test = tail.nil? puts "head: #{head}" puts "tails: #{tails.inspect}" puts "chosen tail: #{tail}" puts "test: #{test.inspect}" if test and sentence.length > 5 puts "ADDD THAT PPPP" addP = true end break # puts "heaheahea" end #puts "\t#{head} -> #{n}" sentence.push(head) out += "#{head} " seed = tail #puts "\trow: " #p row #puts "out: #{out}" #if addP # add a period. deal with it. # sentences.push(sentence) # sentence = [] #end i+=1 end if sentence.count sentences.push(sentence) end return { |e| e.join " " }.join(". ") end def getRow(head) db = Util::Util.instance.getCollection("markov","ngrams") res = db.find({'head' => head}).to_a return res[0] end end