require 'cinch' require 'open-uri' require 'ansirc' require 'uri' require 'net/http' #require 'pastebinrb' require "prime" require_relative '../classes/Util.rb' class Artism include Cinch::Plugin include Hooks::ACLHook include Util::PluginHelper include Util::PasteMaker set :prefix, /^:/ @clist = %w{art.list} @@commands["art.list"] = ":art.list [/regex/[i]] - list all the available art to play (it will be a lot lol); optional regex to filter it down (and you can do /regex/i for case insensitivity dawg)"; match(/art\.list\s*$/, method: :artlist) match(/art\.list (\/(.+)\/(i)?)/, method: :artlist) @@commands[""] = " - play a specific file, :art.list can be used to see what is available" @clist.push "" match(/art\.play (.+)/, method: :play_art) @@commands["art.random"] = "art.random - play a random art file, who cares what it might be?" @clist.push "art.random" match(/art\.random/ , method: :artspew) timer 30.minutes, method: :gather_files #@@commands["art.web"] = "art.web - grab an ANSI file from the internet at , convert it, and play it." #@clist.push "art.web" #match /art.web (#{@urirxp})/, method: :arternets # def initialize(*args) super @files = [] @dir = "etc/art/" @urirxp = URI.regexp %w(http https) gather_files() end def gather_files() puts "GATHERING FILES WE ARE GATHERING FILES!" @files = Dir.glob("*", base: @dir) puts "sexy files #{@files.length}" end def play_art(m, art) response = "" path = "#{@dir}#{art}" exc = Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() if !File.exists? path response << "#{m.user.nick}: #{exc} (#{art} does not appear to EXIST smfh lern2type)" else begin response << "%s %s\n" % [Format(:red, "Now playing: "), Format(:red, :bold, path)] response << { |file| } rescue => e response = "#{m.user.nick}: #{exc}\n(THERE WAS A FUCKIN ERROR OR SOME SHIT IDK: #{e})" end end m.reply response end def artlist(m, *args) regex, target, cs = args response = "#{m.user.nick}: " list = [] link = "" if(regex.nil?) #no regex provided loil list = @files #just get em ALL TOGETHER else #oh we have a regex i see sluice = cs.nil? ? /#{target}/ : /#{target}/i puts "THE FUCKIUNG SLUICE IS #{sluice}" list = { |file| puts file; file.encode('UTF-8').match(sluice) } end if(list.length > 20) #TOO MANY FSCKING FILES BRO puts "building pastebin thingy..." title = "ANSI Art List" title << " (#{regex})" if !regex.nil? factors = Prime.prime_division(list.length) count, power = factors.detect { |f| f[1] == 1 && f[0] > 2 } puts power count = 5 if count > 7 chunks = list.each_slice(count).to_a puts "chunks: #{chunks}" code = { |chunk| chunk.join(" ") }.join("\n") puts "gonna paste this list; info first" puts "title: #{title}" puts "list length: #{list.length}" puts "factors: #{factors.inspect}" puts "ultimate count: #{count}" puts "chunks: #{chunks.inspect}" puts" && code to paste: #{code}" begin link = paste(code, title) if link.nil? throw new Exception("SHIT DIDN'T WORK SOZ") else response << "#{list.length} results were found; please visit " response << link << " to see the full list" #build output, use link, ACAB end rescue Exception => ex response << Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() response << " (SOMETHING FUCKED UP, DEAL WITH IT SORRY)" # told u ACAB, js end else response << "here are the #{list.length} result(s) found.\n" << list.join(", ") end m.reply response # tell dat nurga what u got my dude end def artspew(m) play_art(m,@files.sample) end def arternets(m, url) #response = "" end end