require 'cinch' require 'open-uri' require_relative '../classes/Util.rb' class BotTools include Cinch::Plugin include Hooks::ACLHook include Util::PluginHelper set :prefix, /^:/ @clist = %w{join part} @@commands["join"] = ":join - join channel" @@commands["part"] = ":part - part channel" @@commands["stay"] = ":stay - join channel, and add it to autojoin for future sessions" @@levelRequired = 10 match(/join (#?.+)/ , method: :join) match(/part (#?.+)/ , method: :part) match(/stay (#?.+)/ , method: :stay) def join(m, chan) chan = "##{chan}" if !chan.match(/^#/) response = "#{m.user.nick}: " if(!aclcheck(m)) response << Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() << " (you lack sufficient privs bruh)" else bot = idx = bot.channels.any? { |x| == chan } if(!idx) bot.join(chan) response << "joined #{chan}" else response << "already in #{chan} hurr dee derp" end end m.reply response end def part(m, chan) chan = "##{chan}" if !chan.match(/^#/) response = "#{m.user.nick}: " if(!aclcheck(m)) response << Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() << " (where dem privileges @ doe playboi???)" else bot = idx = bot.channels.any? { |x| == chan } if(!idx) response << "parting #{chan}" bot.part(chan) else response << "not in #{chan} ya styoobid" end end m.reply(response) end def stay(m, chan) debug "request to joinstay chan #{chan}" chan = "##{chan}" if !chan.match(/^#/) bot = response = "#{m.user.nick}: " if(!aclcheck(m)) response << Util::Util.instance.getExcuse() << " (lol privilege checc, niec try bruh)" else if(bot.config.channels.any? { |c| chan == c }) response << "bruh im already autojoining there anyway. wtf lol" else response << "adding #{chan} to autojoin...." server = Util::Util.instance.hton(bot) debug "adding #{chan} to autojoin, server: #{server}" Util::Util.instance.addautojoin(server,chan) response << "\n and joining #{chan} now..." bot.join(chan) end end m.reply response end end