oz modic c8d0c13c1c added several new plugins
ACL: modify ACL perms
Barf: silly test plug
BotTools: join and part
Circumstantial:  excuses, success messages...
Pastebin: paste module code to pastebin
RawCmd: raw unix command line, and eval ruby code. requires super privilege
Reminder: reminders reminders!
URLInfo: output url info when url is detected
Unixfun: figlet, cowsay, fortune. make sure u have them installed
Voteage: user++, user--, :score user
2016-03-19 04:09:28 -06:00

4 lines
163 B

cow{say,think} version 3.03, (c) 1999 Tony Monroe
Usage: cowsay [-bdgpstwy] [-h] [-e eyes] [-f cowfile]
[-l] [-n] [-T tongue] [-W wrapcolumn] [message]