oz f11f95a3e9 created a gemfile to start keeping track of used gems, etc
created etc/art which houses all of my ansi art,
finished a basic implementation of Artism.rb, only missing
  art.web currently but I will get to that soon
created classes/Meta.rb, which injects some helper methods into
  Integer (eg, 10.minutes, 2.kilobytes, etc), because why not?
  didn't want to have to use activesupport!
If it wasn't in the last one, I also updated Replace to include
  the user prefix for their level of access (e.g. +o = @, +v = +)
2021-05-30 02:12:11 -05:00

51 lines
1.5 KiB

require 'cinch'
require 'open-uri'
require_relative '../classes/Util.rb'
class Replace
include Cinch::Plugin
include Hooks::ACLHook
include Util::PluginHelper
set :prefix, /^s/
@clist = %w{s//}
@@commands["s//"] = "s/<search>/<replacement>/[g] - replace <search> with <replacement> from recent messages (g is global)"
match /\/(.+)\/(.+)\/(g)?/, method: :replace;
def replace(m, search, replace, global=nil)
db = Util::Util.instance.getCollection("extendobot","logs")
res = db.find({
"server" => Util::Util.instance.hton("#{}:#{}"),
"text" => /#{search}/
}).limit(30).sort({"time" => -1})
prefixes = [
['q', '~'],
['a', '&'],
['o', '@'],
['h', '%'],
['+', 'v']
out = ""
debug "rcvd regex: s/#{search}/#{replace}"
if(res.count > 0)
debug "got result: #{res.inspect}"
row = res.to_a.detect { |x| !x[:text].match /^s\// }
user = row[:user]
users =
userModes = users.detect { |usr| usr[0].nick == user }[1]
sel = prefixes.detect { |prefix| userModes.detect { |mode| mode == prefix[0] } }
prefix = sel.nil? ? "" : sel[1]
puts "detected user: #{user}"
puts "detected modes: #{userModes.join(', ')}"
puts "detected prefix: #{prefix}"
out << "<#{prefix}#{row[:user]}>" << ": "
method = :sub
args = [/#{search}/, replace]
if(global != nil)
method = :gsub
out << row['text'].method(method).call(*args)