[build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"] [project] authors = [{email = "ra@tcp.direct"}, {name = "ra"}] classifiers = ["Development Status :: 0.4.1 Dev"] dependencies = [ "attrs>=21.4.0", "aiohttp>=3.8.1", "loguru>=0.6.0", "asyncpg>=0.25.0", "asyncpg>=0.25.0", "pycryptodomex>=3.14.1", ] description = "MaPy MapleStory Emulator" keywords = ["MapleStory", "Server Emulator"] maintainers = [{name = "ra", email = "ra@tcp.direct"}] name = "MaPy" readme = "README.md" requires-python = "^3.10.2" version = "0.4.1" [project.optional-dependencies] linux = ["uvloop>=0.16.0"] [tool.flake8] exclude = "mapy/scripts/*/*.py" extend-ignore = "E203" max-line-length = 88 [tool.black] include = "\\.pyi?$" skip-magic-trailing-comma = true target-version = ["py310"] [tool.poetry] description = "MaPy MapleStory Emulator" name = "MaPy" version = "0.4.1" license = "MIT" authors = ["ra "] readme = "README.md" homepage = "https://github.com/Rooba/mapy" repository = "https://github.com/Rooba/mapy" keywords = ["MapleStory", "Server Emulator"] [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.10" # Compatible python versions must be declared here toml = "^0.10.2" # Dependencies with extras requests = {version = "^2.13", extras = ["security"]} # Python specific dependencies with prereleases allowed pathlib2 = {version = "^2.2", python = "~2.7", allow-prereleases = true} # Git dependencies cleo = {version = "~0.8.1"} # Optional dependencies (extras) PyYAML = ">=6.0" aiohttp = "<3.8.0" asyncpg = ">=0.25.0" attrs = ">=21.4.0" cryptography = ">=36.0.2" fastapi = "^0.75.1" loguru = ">=0.6.0" more-itertools = "^8.12.0" pendulum = {version = "^1.4", optional = true} pycryptodomex = "^3.14.1" pyright = "^1.1.237" uvicorn = "^0.17.6" yarl = ">=1.7.0" [tool.poetry.scripts] mapy = "run:__init__"