2013-07-02 14:07:12 +02:00

1867 lines
148 KiB
Executable File

\* ACAP \(IMPLEMENTATION \"CommuniGate Pro ACAP (\d[-.\w]+)\"\)
\+Welcome to Ability FTP Server \(Admin\)\. \[20500\]\r\n
200 NOD32SS ([\d.]+) \((\d+)\)\r\n
\x01\xff\0\xff\x01\x1d\0\xfd\0\n\x03\x05A\+ API \(([\d.]+)\) - CCS \(([\d.]+)\)\0
Asterisk Call Manager/([\d.]+)\r\n
Response: Follows\r\nPrivilege: Command\r\n--END COMMAND--\r\n
220 jeem\.mail\.pv ESMTP\r\n
\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nYour PassWord:
echo o [\d.]+ \d+ >s\r\necho common>> s\r\necho common>> s\r\necho bin>> s\r\necho get m220\.exe
220 Bot Server \(Win32\)\r\n
=+\n= +RBackdoor ([\d.]+)
220 Windrone Server \(Win32\)\r\n
220 Reptile welcomes you\.\.\r\n
MZ\x90\0\x03\0\0\0\x04\0\0\0\xff\xff\0\0\xb8\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0fn\0\0\xd0\0\0\0\x0e\x1f\xba\x0e\0\xb4\t\xcd!\xb8\x01L\xcd!This program cannot be run in DOS mode\.
220 SSL Connection Established - Loading Protocol\.\.\.\.\r\n
A-311 Death welcome\x001
match backdoor m=^(?:ba|)sh-([\d.]+)\ = p/Bourne shell/ v/1/ i/**BACKDOOR**/
match backdoor m=220-Welcome!\r\n220-\x1b\[30m/\x1b\[31m#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4#\xa4# \r\n220-\x1b\[30m\| Current Time: \x1b\[35m[^\r\n]*\r\n220-\x1b\[30m\| Current Date: \x1b\[35m[^\r\n]*\r\n220-\x1b\[30m\\\r\n= p/Windows trojan/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
HTTP/1\.0 401 Authorization Required\r\n.*Server: bitcoin-json-rpc\r\n
\\0\0\0\\0\0\x000RAR\0 \0\0.\xe2\x02\0\xc4G\x0f\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
match chess m=^\n\r _ __ __ __ \n\r \| \| / /__ / /________ ____ ___ ___ / /_____ \n\r \| \| /\| / / _ \\/ / ___/ __ \\/ __ `__ \\/ _ \\ / __/ __ \\\n\r= p/Lasker Internet Chess server/
Cirrato Client ([\w._-]+)\0
\0\0\0\x10ClsBoolVersion 1
Concerto Software\r\n\r\nEnsemblePro SendLog Server - Version (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n\r\nEnter Telnet Password\r\n#>
Concerto Software\r\n\r\nContactPro TimeSync Server - Version (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n\r\nEnter Telnet Password\r\n#>
Crestron Terminal Protocol Console opened\r\n
\r\nCrestron Terminal Protocol Console Opened\r\n\r\n
/usr/sbin/cvs-pserver: line \d+: .*cvs: No such file or directory\n
\d\d:\d\d:\d\d [AP]M \d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\n
\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) dictd ([-.\w/]+) on ([-.+ \w]+) <auth\.mime>
match directconnect m=^\MyNick ([-.\w]+)|\Lock= p/Direct Connect P2P/ i/User: 1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match directconnect-admin m=^\r\nOpen DC Hub, version ([\d.]+), administrators port\.\r\nAll commands begin with '\' and end with '\|'\.\r\nPlease supply administrators passord\.\r\n= p/OpenDCHub directconenct hub admin port/ v/1/ o/Unix/
220 DSPAM DLMTP ([\w._-]+) Authentication Required\r\n
\?\x008 \xc3p EFTSRV1 ([\d.]+)
match eggdrop m=\(Eggdrop v([\d.]+)\+(?:STEALER\.net|Gentoo) \(C\) 1997 Robey Pointer.*Eggheads=s p/Eggdrop IRC bot console with Gentoo patches/ v/1/ i/Gentoo/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:gentoo:linux/
\x00\x00\x03\x72<\?xml version=\"1\.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" \?>\n<epp xmlns=\"http://www\.yoursrs\.com/xml/epp/epp-1\.0\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www\.w3\.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www\.yoursrs\.com/xml/epp/epp-1\.0 epp-1\.0\.xsd\">\n\n <greeting>\n <svID>([^<]+)</svID>\n <svDate>.*</svDate>\n <svcMenu>\n <version>([\w._-]+)</version>\n
Windows NT Version ([\d.]+) build (\d+), \d+ processors? \(.*\)\r\nFingerDW V([\d.]+) - Hummingbird Ltd\.\n
\r\nIntegrated port\r\nPrinter Type: Lexmark T642\r\nPrint Job Status:
Welcome to FreeVCS MSSQL NT Service\r\n
Welcome to FreeVCS DBISAM NT Service\r\n
FB/([\d.]+) PUSH: SERVER_READY ([\w._-]+) (\w+)\n
220 ([-/.+\w]+) FTP server \(SecureTransport (\d[-.\w]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 3Com 3CDaemon FTP Server Version (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n
220-GuildFTPd FTP Server \(c\) \d\d\d\d(?:-\d\d\d\d)?\r\n220-Version (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n
530 Connection refused, unknown IP address\.\r\n
220 IIS ([\w._-]+) FTP\r\n
220 ([-.+\w]+) IronPort FTP server \(V([-.\w]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 ([-.+\w]+) IronPort FTP server \(V([-.\w]+)\) ready\r\n
220 WFTPD (\d[-.\w]+) service \(by Texas Imperial Software\) ready for new user\r\n
220 ([-.+\w]+) FTP server \(Version [\d.]+\+Heimdal (\d[-+.\w ]+)\) ready\.\r\n
500 OOPS: (could not bind listening IPv4 socket)\r\n
500 OOPS: vsftpd: (.*)\r\n
220[- ]FileZilla Server version (\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) running FileZilla Server version (\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n
220.*\r\n220[- ]FileZilla Server version (\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n
220-.*\r\n220-\r\n220 using FileZilla FileZilla Server version ([^\r\n]+)\r\n
220-FileZilla Server\r\n
431 Could not initialize SSL connection\r\n
220 AXIS ([\w._-]+) Network Camera ([\w._-]+ \(\w+ \d+ \d+\)) ready\.\r\n
220 AXIS StorPoint CD E100 CD-ROM Server V([\d.]+) .* ready\.\r\n
220 AXIS (.+) FTP Network Print Server V([-\w_.]+)
220 AXIS (\w+) Network Fixed Dome Camera (.*) ready\.\r\n
220-Cerberus FTP Server Personal Edition\r\n220-UNREGISTERED\r\n
220-Cerberus FTP Server - Personal Edition\r\n220-UNREGISTERED\r\n220-Welcome to Cerberus FTP Server\r\n220 Created by Grant Averett\r\n
220[ -].*FTP server \(lukemftpd (\d[-. \w]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220[ -]Serv-U FTP[ -]Server v([\w._-]+)
220-Serv-U FTP Server for Winsock\r\n
220-FTP Server v([\d.]+) for WinSock ready\.
431 Unable to negotiate secure command connection\.\r\n
220-FTP Server ready\r\n220-Use USER user@host for native FTP proxy\r\n220 Your FTP Session will expire after 300 seconds of inactivity\.\r\n
220 JD FTP Server Ready
220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server \(Version ([-.+\w()]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 Server \(ProFTPD\) \[([-.\w]+)\]\r\n
220 ProFTPD (\d\S+) Server
220 FTP Server \[([-\w_.]+)\]\r\n
220.*ProFTP[dD].*Server ready
220 ProFTP Server Ready\r\n
220 Welcome @ my\.ftp\.org\r\n
220 .* FTP Server \(ProFTPD ([\d.]+) on Red Hat linux ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 ProFTP-Server auf ([-\w_.]+)\r\n
220.*\r\n220 ProFTPD ([\w._-]+) Server \(ProFTPD\)
220 FTP Server ready\.\r\n
220.*NcFTPd Server
220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(SunOS 5\.([789])\) ready
220 VxWorks FTP server \(VxWorks ?([\d.]+) - Secure NetLinx version \(([\d.]+)\)\) ready\.\r\n| p|AMX NetLinx A/V control system ftpd
220[- ]FTP server ready\.\r\n.*214 Pure-FTPd - http://pureftpd\.org/?\r\n
220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd \[privsep\] \[TLS\] ----------\r\n220-You are user number| p/Pure-FTPd/ i|with SSL/TLS
220 ready, dude \(vsFTPd (\d[0-9.]+): beat me, break me\)\r\n
220 TYPSoft FTP Server (\d\S+) ready\.\.\.\r\n
220- Welcome to this Xitami FTP server, running version ([\d\w.]+) of Xitami\. \n You are user number (\d+) of a permitted (\d+) users\.| p/Xitami ftpd/ v/1/ i|2/3 users
220 Service Ready for new User\r\n
220 ([-\w]+) FTP server \(NetWare (v[\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 ([-.+\w]+) FTP SERVICE ready\r\n500 Please enter a command\. Dunno how to interperet empty lines\.\.\.\r\n500 Please enter a command\. Dunno how to interperet empty lines\.\.\.\r\n
220 FTP server \(Hummingbird Ltd\. \(HCLFTPD\) Version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220-\r\n Your connection logged!\r\n220 ([\w_.-]+) FTP server \(NetBSD-ftpd 200\d+\) ready\.\r\n
220 CommuniGate Pro FTP Server ([\d.]+) ready\r\n
(?:220.*\r\n)?220 [Ee]valine FTP server \(Version: Mac OS X
220 WinGate Engine FTP Gateway ready\r\n
220 Welcome to Quick 'n Easy FTP Server\r\n
421 Too many connections for this IP address, please try again later\.\r\n
220 Canon EB-65 FTP Print Server V([\d.]+) .* ready\.\r\n
500 OOPS: .*\r\n
500 OOPS: vsftpd: both local and anonymous access disabled!\r\n
220 lankacom FTP server \(MikroTik v?([\w._-]+)\) ready\r\n
220 AL-(\w+)-[0-9A-F]+ FTP server \(OEM FTPD version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 ioFTPD \[www: http://www\.ioftpd\.com\] - \[version: ([-\w_. ]+)\] server ready\.\r\n
220 CesarFTP ([\w.]+) Server Welcome !\r\n
220 CesarFTP ([\w.]+) \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xbb\xb6\xd3\xad !\r\n
220 BlackMoon FTP Server - Free Edition - Version ([\d.]+)\. Service Ready\r\n
220 netapp ftp server\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(OSF/1 Version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p|OSF/1 ftpd| i|OSF/1 2
220 ([\w._-]+) FTP server ready\.\.\.\r\n
220-TYPSoft FTP Server ([\d.]+) ready\.\.\.\r\n
220 OKI-([\w+]+) Version ([\d.]+) ready\.\r\n
220 ShareIt FTP Pro ([\d.]+) \(WINCE\) Ready\.\r\n
220 ISOS FTP Server for Upgrade Purpose \(([\d.]+)\) ready\r\n
220 PV11 FTP Server ready\r\n
220 Alize Session Manager FTP Server\r\n
220-FTP Server ready\r\n220-Welcome to the Sambar FTP Server\r\r\n
220 DataHive FTP Server ([\d.]+) Ready\.\r\n
220 copier2FTP server ready\.\r\n
220 DrayTek FTP version ([\d.]+)\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server ready \(mod_ftpd/([\d.]+)\)\r\n
match ftp m%^220-loading\.\.\r\n220-\| W e L c O m E @ SFXP\|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\|\r\n% p/SwiftFXP/
220 DELL1700n Dell Laser Printer 1700n FTP Server ([\w.]+) ready\.\r\n
220 Dell Laser Printer 3100cn\r\n
220 \w+ Dell Laser Printer M5200 FTP Server ([\d.]+) ready\.\r\n
220 Welcome to the dvd2xbox ftp server\.\r\n
220 Welcome To WinEggDrop Tiny FTP Server\r\n
220 NRG (\w+) FTP server \(([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 wzd server ready\.\r\n
500 Sorry, no server available to handle request on ([-\w_.:]+)\r\n
220 NET\+ARM FTP Server ([\d.]+) ready\.\r\n
220 Connected to ([-\w_.]+) ready\.\.\.\r\n
220 NETWORK HDD FTP Server ready\.\r\n
220 Blue Coat FTP Service\r\n
220 Homer Ftp Server\r\n
220 Personal FTP Server ready\r\n
220 Golden FTP Server PRO ready v([\w._-]+)\r\n
220 IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 - FTP Server ver ([\d:.]+) on .* ready\.\r\n| p|IBM OS/2 ftpd| v/1/ o|OS/2
220 AudioVAULT FTP server\r\n
220 .* Server \(vftpd ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220-TwoFTPd server ready\.\r\n220 Authenticate first\.\r\n
220 \(Ver\. ([^)]+)\) [A-Z][a-z]{2} \d+ 20\d+ ready\.\r\n| p|Canon VB-C10/VB-C10R webcam ftpd
220 Cisco \(([\d.]+)\) FTP server ready\r\n
220 \"Global Site Selector FTP\"\r\n
220 Willkomen auf Ihrer Dreambox\.\r\n
Error loading /etc/ssl/certs/ftpd\.pem:
220 FTP server \(Medusa Async V([\d.]+) \[experimental\]\) ready\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) \(Aironet (BR\w+) V([\d.]+)\) ready\r\n
220-Welcome To Rumpus!\r\n220 Service ready for new user\r\n
220 IB-23 Ver ([\d.]+) FTP server\.\r\n
220 Disk Station FTP server at ([-\w_.]+) ready\.\r\n
refused in\.ftpd from [-\w_.]+ logged\n
220 Xlight Server ([\d.]+) ready\.\.\. \r\n
220 FS-3820N FTP server\.\r\n
220 Scala FTP \(\"Scala InfoChannel Player \d+\" ([\w/.]+)\)\r\n
220 RICOH Aficio MP C2500 FTP server \(([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 FTP Services for ClearPath MCP: Server version ([\d.]+)\r\n
ftpd - accept the connection from [\d.]+\n220-eDVR FTP Server v([\d.]+) \(c\)Copyright WebGate Inc\. \w+-\w+\r\n220-Welcome to (DS\w+)\r\n220 You will be disconnected after 180 seconds of inactivity\.\r\n
220 Canon iN-E5 FTP Print Server V([-\w_.]+)
220 FTP-Backupspace\r\n
220 zFTPServer v([-\w_.]+), build ([-\d]+)
220 HP166XC V([-\w_.]+) FUSION FTP server \(Version ([-\w_.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 FTP Server, type 'quote help' for help\r\n
550 no more people, max connections is reached\r\n
220 RICOH Aficio SP C811DN FTP server \(([-\w_.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 Microtest SuperCD-cdserver FTP server \(Version V([\w._-]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 Belkin Network USB Hub Ver ([\w._-]+) FTP server\.\r\n
220-TCP/IP for VSE FTP Daemon Version ([\w._-]+)
220 FTP server: Lexmark Optra LaserPrinter ready\r\n
220 NSE \(AG 5000 v([\w._-]+)\) FTP server ready\r\n
220 TOSHIBA e-STUDIO5500c FTP server \(([\w._-]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+) FTP server \(EMC-SNAS: ([\w._-]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220-CentOS release ([\w._-]+) .*\r\n220 ProFTPD ([\w._-]+) Server \(ProFTPD Default Installation\)
.* klogd: klogd started: BusyBox v([\w._-]+) \(.*\)\r\nDoing BRCTL \.\.\.\r\nsetfilter br0 0 \r\n/var/tmp/act_firewall: No such file or directory\r\n
220.* GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server \(v\. ([^\)]+)\)
220 Welcome to Ocean FTP Server.
220 4dftp .* FTP Service \(Version ([^)]+)\)
220 IBM NPS 540\+/542\+ FTP Printer Server V([\w._-]+) | p|IBM NPS 540+/542+ print server ftpd
220 SAVIN 8055 FTP server \(([\w._-]+)\) ready\.\r\n
421 Closing non-secure connections in Secure Mode\. \r\n
220 DrFTPD\+ ([\w._-]+) \(\+STABLE\+\) \Revision: (\d+) \ http://drftpd\.org\r\n
220 Conti FTP Server ready\r\n
220 Welcome to Mobile File Service\r\n\r\n| p|HTC P4000 PDA/Phone ftpd
220 ([\w._-]+) FTP server \(WS2000 FTPD Server\) ready\.\r\n| p|Motorola/Symbol WS2000 WAP ftpd
220- \w+\r\n220 FTP Server powered by: Quick 'n Easy FTP Server\r\n
220 Welcome to the NSLU2 vsftp daemon\.\r\n
220 Star IFBD-HE05/06 FTP Server\.\r\n
220 Welcome to Baby FTP Server\r\n
220 ([\w_.-]+) FTP server \(witelcom ([\d.]+)\) ready\r\n
220 FTP Server \(ZyWALL (USG \w+)\) \[[\w._-]+\]\r\n
220 ALFTP Server ready\. \^-\^\)/~\r\n
220 vxTarget FTP server \(VxWorks ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 ET(\w+) ([\w-]+) Series FTP Server ready\.\r\n
220 aFTPServer ready \(cwd is /\)\r\n
220 FTP version ([\w.]+)\r\n
220 pyftpdlib ([\w._-]+) ready\.\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+) FTP SERVER T9552G07 \(Version ([\w._-]+) TANDEM ([\w._-]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 [\w._-]+Citizen_CLP([\w._-]+) FTP server \(InterCon version ([\w._-]+)\) ready\.\n
220 Nucleus FTP Server \(Version ([\w._-]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 Wing FTP Server ([\w._-]+) ready\.\.\.\r\n
220 OpenFTPD server([^ ]+)?
220 Ftp service of Jana-Server ready\r\n
220 Frox transparent ftp proxy\. Login with username\[@host\[:port\]\]\r\n
501 Proxy unable to contact ftp server\r\n
220 ([-.+\w]+) FTP AnalogX Proxy (\d[-.\w]+) \(Release\) ready\r\n
220-Sidewinder ftp proxy\. You must login to the proxy first
220 webshield2 FTP proxy ready\.\r\n
220 WinProxy \(Version ([^)]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP proxy \(Version V([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
220 Finjan SurfinGate Proxy - Server Ready\.\r\n
220- ([-\w_.]+) PROXY-FTP server \(DeleGate/([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n
500 WinGate Engine Access Denied\r\n
220 IWSS FTP proxy ready\r\n
220 FTP proxy \(v([\d.]+)\) ready\r\n530 Login incorrect\. Expected USER command\r\n
220-Welcome to SpoonProxy V([\w._-]+) by Pi-Soft Consulting, LLC\r\n
220-CCProxy FTP Service\(Unregistered\)\r\n
220 kingate\(([\w._-]+)-win32\) ftp proxy ready\r\n
220 FileCatalyst Server Enterprise v([^\r\n]*)\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+), KEN! DSL FTP-Gateway\r\n
421 Service not available \(The FTP server is not responding\.\)\n
220 (\S+) SVDRP VideoDiskRecorder (\d[^\;]+);
220-\r?\n220 - ftp
\0\0\0\\\x80\x06\0\0\0\n\x01\x03\0\x01\x86\xaf\0\0\0\n\x10\x03\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x15\x11\x05FSAE server ([\d.]+)\0\0\0\x16\x12\x01................\0\0\0\x17\x13\x01FSAE_SERVER_\d+
\0Check Point FireWall-1 authenticated RLogin server running on ([-.\w]+)\r\n\r
220 Fyre rendering server ready\n
\xff\xfe\x01Genetec Integration Service \(STUDENT03\)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n========================================================================\r\n Integration Service Main Menu\r\n========================================================================\r\n\r\n 1\) CONFIG\r\n Displays the configuration settings for the service\r\n\r\n 2\) STATUS\r\n Displays the status of the external systems being run by this\r\n service\.\r\n\r\n \?\) Help\r\n\r\n x\) Exit\r\n========================================================================\r\n
<error>\nClient limit exceeded\.\n
3Connection to [\d.]+ is denied -- no authorization\.\r\n
\xff\xfd.| p|GNU Gatekeeper
match hddtemp m=^\|= p/hddtemp hard drive info server/
Helpdesk Advanced ([\d.]+) License Logging Service
HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\n.*\r\n\r\n<h1>Bad Request \(Invalid Verb\)</h1>
HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\r\n\r\n<html><body>Invalid request<P><HR><i>This message was created by Kerio Control Proxy</i></body></html> {665}
220 JetDirect GGW server \(version (\d[\d.]+)\) ready\r\n
220 HP GGW server \(version ([\w._-]+)\) ready\r\n\0
\r\n Welcome To\r\n ichat ROOMS (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n==
flock\(\) on closed filehandle .*midentd
IUSB \0\0\0\x007\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xf1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
\* OK ([-/.+\w]+) Solstice \(tm\) Internet Mail Server \(tm\) (\d[-.\w]+) IMAP4 service - at
\* OK GroupWise IMAP4rev1 Server Ready\r\n
\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 .*\] GroupWise Server Ready\r\n
\* OK dbmail imap \(protocol version 4r1\) server (\d[-.\w]+) ready to run\r\n
\* OK ([-.+\w]+) NetMail IMAP4 Agent server ready
\* OK IMAP4 Server \(IMail ([-.\w]+)\)
\* OK ([-.+\w]+) IMAP4rev1 Mercury/32 v(\d[-.\w]+) server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 imapd
\* OK ([-.\w]+) IMAP4 service \(Netscape Messaging Server (\d[-.\w ]+) \(built ([\w ]+)\)\)\r\n
\* OK eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) rev(\d+) IMAP4 server started\r\n
\* OK ([-.\w]+) NetMail IMAP4 Agent server ready <.*>\r\n
\* OK ([-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 MDaemon (\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n
\* OK [Dd]ovecot MUA ready\r\n
\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 .*?Courier-IMAP ready\. Copyright 1998-\d+ Double Precision, Inc\. See COPYING for distribution information\.\r\n
\* OK CommuniGate Pro IMAP Server ([-.\w]+) at ([-.\w]+) ready\r\n
\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 CHILDREN NAMESPACE\] Freemail ready - hit me with your rhythm stick\.\r\n
\* OK AVM KEN!4 IMAP Server ready\r\n
\* OK Microsoft Exchange 2000 IMAP4rev1 server version (\d[-.\w]+) \([-.\w]+\) ready\.\r\n
\* OK Der Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 IMAP4rev1-Server, Version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\), steht zur Verf\xfcgung\.\r\n
\* OK Server Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1 verze ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) je p\xf8ipraven\.\r\n
\* OK La version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) du serveur IMAP4rev1 Microsoft Exchange est pr\xeate\r\n
\* OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 IMAP4rev1 \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb0\xe6\xb1\xbe ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)
\* OK Servidor IMAP4rev1de Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 versi\xf3n ([\w._-]+) \(([\w._-]+)\) listo\.\r\n
\* OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready\.\r\n
\* OK (?:\[CAPABILITY IMAP4[^\]]*?\] )?([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4? v([-.\w\+]+) server ready\r\n
\* OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([-.\w\+]+)-Red Hat [-.\w\+]+ server ready\r\n
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([-\w_.]+)-Debian| p/Cyrus imapd/ v/2/ i|Debian/Ubuntu
\* OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([\w_.]+)-OS X ([\d.]+) server ready\r\n
\* OK (?:\[CAPABILITY IMAP4[^\]]*?\] )?([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4? Murder v([-.\w]+) server ready\r\n
\* OK Welcome to Binc IMAP v(\d[-.\w]+)
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Oracle Email Server esimap\t([\d.]+) \t is ready\r\n
\* OK Kerio MailServer ([\d.]+) patch (\d+) IMAP4rev1 server ready\r\n
\* OK Netscape IMAP4rev1 Service ([\d.]+) on ([-\w_.]+) at .*\r\n
\* OK IMAP4 server ready \(Worldmail ([\d.]+)\)\r\n
\* OK HT Mail Server v([\d.]+) IMAP4rev1 .*\r\n
\* OK Softalk IMAP Server ready\r\n
\* OK Welcome to Binc IMAP
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Mirapoint IMAP4 ([-\w.]+) server ready\r\n
\* OK IMAP4rev1 DvISE Mail Access Server MA-([\w.]+) \(\w+\)\r\n
\* OK IMAP4rev1 GNU mailutils ([\w.]+)\r\n
\* OK IMAP ([-\w_.]+) \(Version ([-\w.]+)\)\r\n
\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1[\w+= -]*\] ([\w._-]+) IMAP4 service \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server ([\w._-]+) (\d+)bit \(built .*\)\)\r\n
\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4[^\]]*\] Messaging Multiplexor \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server (\d[-\w_.]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) IMAP4 service \(iPlanet Messaging Server ([\w. ]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n
\* OK Anonymous Mail Server v([\d.]+) IMAP4rev1 .*\r\n
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) ModusMail IMAP4 Server ([\d.]+) ready\r\n
\* OK IMAP4rev1 Service at Jana-Server ready\r\n
\* OK \]-:\^:-\[ IMAP4rev1 .*\r\n
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) IMAP4 Service ([\d.()]+) at .*\r\n
\* OK CommuniGate Pro IMAP Server ready\r\n
\* OK IMAP4rev1 SmartMax IMAPMax (\d+) Ready\r\n
\+OK X1 ([-\w_.]+)\r\n
\* OK IMAP4rev1 SmarterMail\r\n
\* OK Scalix IMAP server ([\d.]+) ready on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n
\* OK Scalix IMAP server ([\d.]+) on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n
\* OK .* GoMail V([-\w_.]+) IMAP4rev1
\* OK IMAP4 ready! [-\w_.]+ Winmail Mail Server MagicWinmail Extend IMAP 101\r\n
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) CallPilot IMAP4rev1 v([\d.]+) server ready\.?\r\n
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Zimbra IMAP4rev1 service ready\r\n
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Zimbra IMAP4rev1 server ready\r\n
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) DKIMAP4 IMAP Server\r\n
\* OK ArGoSoft Mail Server IMAP Module v\.([\w._-]+) at
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) running Eudora Internet Mail Server X ([\d.]+)\r\n
\* OK MERCUR IMAP4-Server \(v([\w.]+) \w+\) for Windows ready
\* OK Dovecot DA ready\.\r\n
\* OK AXIGEN ([\w._-]+) \(Linux/i686\) IMAP4rev1 service is ready\r\n| p/Axigen imapd/ v/1/ i|Linux/i686
\* BYE Hi This is the IMAP SSL Redirect\r\n
\* BYE Domino IMAP4 Server Configured for SSL Connections only\. Please reconnect using SSL Port (\d+), .*\r\n
\* OK Kerio Connect ([\w._ -]+) IMAP4rev1 server ready\r\n
\* OK ([\w._-]+) IMAP4rev1 Server PMDF V([\w._-]+) at
\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 ACL QUOTA LITERAL\+ NAMESPACE UIDPLUS CHILDREN LANGUAGE XSENDER X-NETSCAPE XSERVERINFO AUTH=PLAIN\] Messaging Multiplexor \(Oracle Communications Messaging Exchange Server ([\w._-]+) \(built (\w+ \d+ \d+)\)\)\r\n
\* OK IMAP4 Ready ([-\w_.]+) \w+\r\n
\* OK ([-\w_.]+) IMAP server ready\r\n
\* OK IMAP4 proxy ready\r\n
\* OK imapfront ready\. \+ stunnel\r\n
\* OK avast! IMAP Proxy\r\n
\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1\] SpamPal for Windows\r\n
\* OK [-.\w,:+ ]+imap[-.\w,:+ ]+\r\n
\* OK Cyrus IMSP version (\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n
<KU_goodbye>Protocol Error: XML data is not well-formed\.</KU_goodbye>
match irc m=^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* (?:Couldn't look up|Found) your hostname\r\n= p/Hybrid-based ircd/
NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname, cached\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\n
NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* No ident response\r\n
NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Couldn't look up your hostname\r\n
ERROR..Your host is trying to \(re\)connect too fast -- throttled\r\n
CAPAB START 1202\r\n
:([\w._-]+) NOTICE ZUSR :You have been throttled for 2 minutes for too many connections in a short period of time\. Further connections in this period will reset your throttle and you will have to wait longer\.\r\n
ERROR Your host is trying to \(re\)connect too fast -- throttled\r\n
IRCXPRO ([\w._-]+)\r\nAUTHREQUEST :Authentication Required\r\n
:([\w._-]+) 451 \* HELP :No te has registrado\r\n
:([\w._-]+) NOTICE AUTH :Minbif-IRCd initialized, please go on\r\n
:.*!psyBNC@lam3rz\.de NOTICE \* :
:.*!psyBNC@[-\w_.]+ NOTICE \* :psyBNC on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n
:sbnc!sbnc@sbnc\.soohrt\.org NOTICE \* :Wellcum\r\n
.*\0\x18Ixia Hardware I/O Server\x13Ixia Communications\x18Ixia Hardware I/O Server\x0b([\d.]+)
\r\nWelcome to the Ixia Socket/Serial TCL Server\r\nPress Ctrl-C to reset Tcl Session\r\nIxia>
cpu: *[\d.]+ mem: *[\d.]+ swp: *[\d.]+\0
ksysguardd ([\d.]+)\n\(c\)
\d+ .*\n\x000 succeeded\n\0
0 succeeded\n\0
220 ([-.\w]+) LMTP Cyrus v(\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+) Cyrus LMTP Murder v([\w._-]+) server ready\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) LMTP Cyrus v([\d.]+)-Red Hat [\d.-]+ ready\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) DBMail LMTP service ready to rock\r\n
220 DSPAM LMTP ([-\w_.]+) Ready\r\n
\x01\*Nsure Audit Novell NetWare \[\w+:\w+\]\r\n
\n.*=\[ msf v([^\r\n]+)\r?\n.*\d+ exploits.*\d+ payloads.*\d+ encoders.*\d+ nops.*msf >
MIDASd v([\w.]+) connection accepted\n\xff
\xff\0\x17Took too long to log in
MudNames ([\d.]+) - \(C\) 1997-2001 Ragnar Hojland Espinosa <ragnar@ragnar-hojland\.com>\n\r
# munin node at ([-\w_.]+)\n
match mwti-rpc m=^Welcome MWTI RPC Communication Server Version ([\w._-]+) \[(?:Administrator|SYSTEM)\]\r\n= p/MWTI RPC Communication Server/ v/1/
<announce> [\d.:a-f]+ is connected as <\w+>\.\n<announce> already connected: (.*?)\.\n
\x80\0\0\\0\0\0\x01....\0\0\0\0\0\0\x05\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0\0|s p|Symantec/Veritas Backup Exec ndmp
>>messages/login\r\n----- Welcome to the No Name Go Server \(NNGS\) -----\r\n\r\n
\xff\xfd\x1f[\r\n* ]+Welcome to MLdonkey \r\n
\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to MLDonkey ([\d.]+)\n\x1b\[3.mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n>
\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to MLdonkey, visit http://mldonkey\.dyndns\.info for new Versions\n\x1b\[34mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n>
\n\r\xff\xfbUDo you want ANSI color\? \(Y/n\) | p/ROM-based MUD/ i|http://rrp.rom.org/
VERSION=MYPROXYv([\w._-]+)\nRESPONSE=1\nERROR=authentication failed\n\0
.\0\0\0\xffj\x04Host hat keine Berechtigung, eine Verbindung zu diesem MySQL Server herzustellen\.
.\0\0\0\xffj\x04'[\d.]+' .* MySQL
200 NCID Server: ARC_ncidd ([\w._-]+)\r\nCIDLOG: \*DATE\*
Active Internet connections\nProto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address \(state\)\n
netstat: invalid option -- f\nusage: netstat \[-veenNcCF\]
smbd: error while loading shared libraries: libattr\.so\.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n
502 You have no permission to talk\. Goodbye.\r\n
200 NNTP Service Microsoft\xae Internet Services (\d[-.\w]+) Version: \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ Posting Allowed \r\n
200 ([-.\w]+) DNEWS Version *(\d[-.\w]+).*posting OK \r\n
200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version (\d[-.\w]+) running at
200 Lotus Domino NNTP Server for ([-./\w]+) \(Release (\d[-.\w]+), .*\) - Not OK to post\r\n
20. ([-.\w]+) InterNetNews NNRP server INN (\d[-.\w ]+) ready \(no posting\)\.\r\n
200 ArGoSoft News Server for WinNT/2000/XP v ([\d.]+) ready\r\n
200 ([\w.-_]+) NetWare-News-Server/([\d.]+) 'LDNUM' NNRP ready \(posting ok\)\.\r\n
200 ([-\w_.]+) NNRP Service Ready - [-\w_.]+@[-\w_.]+ \(posting ok\)\.\r\n
200 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews server INN ([\d.]+) ready\r\n
200 nntp//rss v([\d.]+) news server ready\r\n| p|nntp//rss nntpd
200 Hi, you can post \(sn version ([\w.]+)\)\r\n
200 ([-\w_.]+) NNTP Service Ready, posting permitted\r\n
200 Jana news server ready - posting allowed\r\n
200 NNTP server NOFFLE ([\w.]+)\r\n
502 Could not get your access name\. Goodbye\.\r\n
201 NNTP server ready \(no posting\)\r\n502 No permission\r\n
200 ([-\w_.]+) - colobus ([\d.]+) ready - \(posting ok\)\.\r\n
200 +Kerio MailServer ([\d.]+) +NNTP server ready\r\n
200 NewsCache ([-\w_.]+), accepting NNRP commands\r\n
200 ([\w._-]+) Cyrus NNTP v([\w._-]+) server ready, posting allowed\r\n
200 ([-\w_.]+) ready for action \(Mailtraq ([\d.]+)/NNTP\)\r\n
200 Service available, posting allowed\r\n
200 ([-\w._]+) InterNetNews NNRP server INN (.*) ready \(posting ok\)\r\n
200 [-\[\]\(\)!,/+:<>@.\w ]*nntp[-\[\]\(\)!,/+:<>@.\w ]*\r\n
200 OK [\d.]+ ([\w._-]+) oco-([\w._-]+) \n
match pharos m=^PSCOM(?:\xb6|\)\0\0.*AUTHENTICATE=s p/Pharos Notify/ i/printing client/
PJLINK 1 [0-9a-f]{8}\r
201 Welcome to Poweroff ([\d.]+) created by Jorgen Bosman\r\n
usage: [/\w]*/etc/pksd\.conf conf_file\n
version report\n
welcome to the pioneers-meta-server version ([\d.]+)\n
\+ POP2 ([\w._-]+) ([\w._-]+) server ready\r\n
\+OK Ready when you are <200\d+\.
\+OK Internet Rex POP3 server ready <
\+OK DBMAIL pop3 server ready to rock <
\+OK ([-.+\w]+) NetMail POP3 Agent \Re..sion: ([\d.]+) \\r\n
\+OK ([-.+\w]+) Merak (\d[-.\w]+) POP3
\+OK \]-:\^:-\[ \]-:\^:-\[ POP3
\+OK POP3 Ready <\d{3,6}\.1[012]\d{8}@([-.\w]+)>\r\n
\+OK [Dd]ovecot ready\.\r\n
\+OK [Dd]ovecot on ([\w._-]+) ready\.\r\n
\+OK Teapop \[v?(\d[-.\w ]+)\] - Teaspoon stirs around again .*\r\n
\+OK ready \r\n
\+OK POP3 server ready <Jana-Server>\r\n
\+OK AppleMailServer (\d[-.\w]+) POP3 server at ([-.\w]+) ready <\d
\+OK Welcome to MailEnable POP3 Server
\+OK ready <\d{1,5}\.10\d{8}@([-.\w]+)>\r\n
\+OK UCB based pop server \(version (\d[-.\w]+) at sionisten\) starting\.\r\n
\+OK Lotus Notes POP3 server version ([-.\w]+) ready .* on ([^/]+)/([^\.]+)\.\r\n
\+OK Lotus Notes POP3 server version ([-.\w]+) ready on
\+OK ([-.\w]+) POP3 service \(Netscape Messaging Server (\d[^(]+) \(built ([\w ]+)\)\)\r\n
\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\d[-.\w]+) server ready <
\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\d[-.\w]+)-Red Hat [-\d.]+ server ready <
\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\d[-.\w]+)-OS X ([\d.]+) server ready <
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\S+Debian\S+) server ready
\+OK X1 NT-POP3 Server ([-\w.]+) \(IMail ([^)]+)\)\r\n
\+OK POP3 \[cppop (\d[^]]+)\] at \[
\+OK Microsoft Exchange 2000 POP3 server version (\S+).* ready\.\r\n
\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3 server version (\S+) ready\r\n
\+OK Der Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3-Server, Version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\), steht zur Verf\xfcgung\.\r\n
\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb0\xe6\xb1\xbe ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)
\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3-server versie ([\d.]+) is gereed\.\r\n
\+OK \xd1\xe5\xf0\xe2\xe5\xf0 Microsoft Exchange POP3 \xe2\xe5\xf0\xf1\xe8\xe8 ([\d.]+) \xe3\xee\xf2\xee\xe2\r\n
\+OK Le serveur POP3 Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) est pr\xeat\.\r\n
\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3 server verze ([\d.]+) je p\xf8ipraven\.\r\n
\+OK Server POP3 di Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 versione ([\w._-]+) \(([\w._-]+)\) pronto\.\r\n
\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 POP3 service ready\r\n
\+OK ([-.\w]+) POP3 server \(Netscape Mail Server v(\d[-.\w])\) ready
\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server Freeware, Version \S+ \(([^)]+)\)\r\n
\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server POP3 Module v\.([\w._-]+) at
\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [-.\w]+ \(([-.\w]+)\)\r\n
\+OK ([-\w.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n
\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server Plus for WinNT/2000, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n
\+OK ([-.\w]+) Execmail POP3 \((\d[^)]+)\)
\+OK ([-.\w]+) POP3? MDaemon ready using UNREGISTERED SOFTWARE ([\d.]+) <MDAEMON
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP MDaemon ([\d.]+) listo <MDAEMON-[\w.]+@[-\w_.]+>\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP MDaemon ([\d.]+) \xd7\xbc\xb1\xb8\xba\xc3 <MDAEMON-[\w.]+@[-\w_.]+>\r\n
\+OK ([-.\w]+) POP3 server \(Post\.Office v([-.\w]+) release ([-.\w]+) with ZPOP version ([-.\w]+)| p/Post.Office pop3d/ v/2 release 3/ i|w/ZPOP 4
\+OK CommuniGate Pro POP3 Server ([-.\w]+) ready
\+OK CommuniGate Pro POP3 Server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK POP3 v?([\d.]+) server ready <[\w.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK POP3 server ready <\w{11}>\r\n
\+OK Kerio MailServer (\d[-.\w]+) POP3 server ready <([-.\w@:]+)>\r\n
\+OK Kerio MailServer (\d[-.\w]+) POP3 server ready <
\+OK Kerio MailServer (\d[-.\w]+) patch ([\d.]+) POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@\(null\)>\r\n
match pop3 m=^\+OK POP3-Server Classic Hamster (?:Vr\.|Version) [\d.]+ \(Build ([\d.]+)\) greets you! <.*>\r\n= p/Classic Hamster pop3d/ v/1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
\+OK Stalker POP3 Server ([\w.]+) at ([-\w_.]+) ready <.*>\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 service \(iPlanet Messaging Server ([-\w_.\s]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n
\+OK Messaging Multiplexor \(iPlanet Messaging Server ([-\w_.\s]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n
\+OK InterMail POP3 server ready\.\r\n
\+OK WinRoute Pro ([\d.]+) POP3 server ready <[-\w_.]+@unspecified.host>\r\n
\+OK WinRoute Pro ([\d.]+) POP3 server ready <[-\w_.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 server \(Netscape Messaging Server - Version ([\d.]+)\) ready .*\r\n
\+OK [-\w_.]+ PopMax version ([\d. ]+) POP3 Mail Server Ready, Willing, and Waiting\r\n
\+OK POP3 Welcome to GNU POP3 ([-\d.]+) <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK popserver ([\d.]+) pop3 server ready\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) NetMail POP3 Agent \R...sion: ([\d.]+) \\r\n
\+OK POP3 server ready \(Worldmail ([\d.]+)\) <[\w.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 WorkgroupMail ([\d.]+) .*\r\n
\+OK POP3 server ready \(LSMTP v([\w.]+)\) <[\w.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK MERCUR POP3-Server \(v([\d.]+) \w+\) for Windows NT ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK POP3 server ready QuickMail Pro Server for MacOS ([\d.]+) <[\w.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK ready\r\n
\+OK POP3 ([-\w_.]+) \(Version ([-\w.]+)\) http://surgemail\.com\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) running Eudora Internet Mail Server X ([\d.]+) <
\+OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)> \[XMail ([\d.]+) POP3 Server\] service ready;
\+OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)> \[XMail ([\d.]+) \(Linux/Ix86\) POP3 Server\] service ready;
\+OK Samsung Contact POP3 interface ready on: ([-\w_.]+)\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 service \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server ([-\d.]+) \(built .*\)
\+OK Messaging Multiplexor \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server (\d[-\w_.]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n
match pop3 m=^\+OK (?:modusMail|ModusMail) POP3 Server ([\w._-]+) Ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n= p/ModusMail pop3d/ v/1/ o/Windows/ h/2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 server \(DeskNow POP3 Server ([\d.]+)\) ready \r\n
\+OK POP3 SINA \(([-\d.]+)\) Server Ready\r\n
\+OK POP3 on WebEasyMail \[([\d.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.51webmail\.com\r\n
\+OK \(POP3\) hMailServer ([-\w.]+)\r\n
\+OK Welcome to ([\w._-]+), with Code-Crafters Ability Mail Server ([\w._-]+) <[\d.]+@[\w._-]+>\r\n
\+OK DAWKCo POP3 Server v([-\w_.]+) ready <
\+OK Welcome to ([-\w_.]+), powered by Ocean Mail Server ([\d.]+) <[\d.]+@[-\w_.]+>\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) Solstice \(tm\) Internet Mail Server \(tm\) POP3 ([\d.]+)
\+OK Welcome to RaidenMAILD POP3 service v([\d.]+),
\+OK POP3 FTGate6 server ready <[\d.]+@([\w._-]+)>\r\n
\+OK MERCUR POP3-Server \(v([-\w_.]+) \w+\) for Windows ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK 4D Mail ([-\w_.]+) ready <
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 ([-\w_.()]+) w/IMAP client at
\+OK <-?[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>, POP3 server ready\.\r\n
\+OK POP3 server ready <[-0-9a-f]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK Welcome to Arvixe POP3 server\.\r\n
\+OK POP3 Server ready\r\n
\+OK POP3 server ready\r\n
\+OK POP3 server ([-\w_.]+) ready <[\d.]+@[-\w_.]+>\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 Server \(Version ([\w.]+)\) ready at <.*>\r\n
\+OK popd-([\d.]+) ready \r\n
\+OK POP3 server at ([-\w_.]+) ready <[\d.]+@
-ERR Permission denied - closing connection\.\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) <[\d.]+@[-\w_.]+>\r\n
\+OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK Scalix POP3 interface ready on: ([-\w_.]+)\r\n
\+OK POP3 Welcome to ([-\w_.]+) using the Internet Anywhere Mail Server Version: ([\d.]+)\. Build: (\d+) by True North Software, Inc\.
\+OK Welcome to mpopd V([\d.]+)\.\.\.\. :\)\r\n
\+OK [-\w_.]+ Welcome to the mail server\.\r\n
\+OK CMailServer ([\d.]+) POP3 Service Ready\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) running EIMS X ([\w.]+) <
\+OK POP3 server \(Neon Mail Server System Advance ([-\w_.]+), [^)]*\) ready ([-\w_.]+)\. <
\+OK Welcome to the Atmail POP3 server - Login with user@domain\.\r\n
\+OK Dovecot DA ready\.\r\n
Unable to open trace file \"/var/spool/popper/
\+OK POP3D\(\*\) Server PMDFV([\w._-]+) at .* <\w+@([\w._-]+)>\r\n
\+OK Pop3 ready\.\r\n
\+OK ([\w._-]+) Cyrus POP3 v([\w._-]+)-OS X Server ([\w._-]+):\t9L1 server ready <[\d.]+@[\w._-]+>\r\n
\+OK Kerio Connect ([\w._ -]+) POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([\w._-]+)>\r\n
\+OK Welcome NewsGator Online Services POP3 Server version ([\w._-]+)\r\n
\+OK POP3 AnalogX Proxy (\d[-.\w]+) \(Release\) ready\.\n
Proxy\+ POP3 server\. Insecure access - terminating\.\r\n
\+OK Proxy-POP server \(DeleGate/([\d.]+) by ysato AT delegate DOT org\) at ([-\w_.]+) starting\.\r\n
\+OK POP3 Y(?:ahoo)?POPs! proxy ready\r\n
\+OK POP3 \(Spampal\) server ready \(USER command must include mailserver name\)\r\n
\+OK Mirapoint POP3PROXY ([-\w.]+) server ready\r\n
\+OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server Beta - ([\d/.]+) \[[\d.]+\]\r\n
\+OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server ([\d/.]+) \[[\w/.]+\]\r\n
\+OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server <[\w.]+@[-\w_.]+> ([\d/.]+) \[[\d/.]+\]\r\n
-ERR AVG POP3 Proxy Server: Cannot connect to the mail server!\r\n
\+OK POP3 Spam Inspector Spam Filter Gateway Version ([\d.]+) Ready\.\r\n
\+OK MailMarshal\(([\d.]+)\) POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n
\+OK HTML2POP3 server ready \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n
\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 proxy ready\r\n
\+OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)> ([\d.]+)/[\d.]+ \[[\d/.]+\]\r\n
\+OK InterScan VirusWall POP3 Proxy\r\n
-ERR 403 The requested host is forbidden by WinProxy\. See your network administrator\.\n
\+OK MrPostman webmail proxy ready\r\n
\+OK F-Secure/fsigk_pop/\d+/[-\w_.]+ starting\.\r\n
\+OK hello from popgate\(([\d.]+)\)\r\n
\+OK \[ISafe POP3 Proxy\] \r\n
\+OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)> \[ISafe POP3 Proxy\] \r\n
\+OK UserGate: forward ready\r\n-ERR UserGate: Mistake of the protocol\r\n
\+OK kingate pop3 proxy\r\n
\+OK avast! POP3 proxy ready\.\r\n
\+OK O3SIS UMA Proxy POP3 Server ([\w._-]+)\r\n
200 ([-._\w]+) poppassd v?([-._\w]+)
200 poppassd hello, who are you\?\r\n
200 hello there, who are you\?\r\n
200 hello there, please tell me who you are\r\n
200 poppassd v([\w.]+) for Digital Unix with C2 security Hello, who are you\?\r\n
200 ([-.+\w]+) MercuryW PopPass server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 poppass service
200 X1 NT-PWD Server ([-.+\w]+) \(IMail (\d[-.\w]+)\)\r\n
200 CommuniGate Pro PWD Server (\d[-.\w]+) ready <
550 Login failed - already \d+/\d+ users connected sorry \(use G_CON_PERIP_EXCEPT to bypass\) \(IP=[\d.]+\)\r\n
200 Post\.Office v([\d.]+) password server ready\r\n
\+OK [-\[\]\(\)!,/+:<>@.\w ]+\r\n
lpd \[@([-\w_.]+)\]: connected from invalid port \(\d+\)\n| p|BSD/Linux lpd
lpd: Host name for your address \(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\) unknown\n
([-\w_.]+): lpd: address for your hostname \([\d.]+\) not matched\n
([-\w_.]+): /usr/lib/lpd: Malformed from address\n
\d+-201 ill-formed FROM address\.
\r\nHello, this is [Qq]uagga \(version (\d[-.\w]+)\)\.\r\nCopyright 1996-200
200-?RAP 1 ([-\w_.]+) ([-\w_.]+) radmind access protocol\r\n
(\d+\.\d+\.\d+) G\0\0\0\xb6\0.\t
\xe1\xe7\xef\xf0\0\0\x00.\(Righteous Backup Linux Agent\) ([^\xe1]+)\xe1\xe7\xe6\x07\0\x01\0
roku: ready\r\n
\+host=cashew version=([\d.]+) uptime=[\d+:]+ audio-bits=\d+ audio-byte-order=\w+-endian
\0\0\0.NI_RTERR\0.\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xfb\0\0\0.\*ERR\*\x001\0connection timed out\0-5\0NI \(network interface\)\x007\d0\x003\d\0nirout\.cpp\x00\d\d\d\d\0RTPENDLIST::timeoutPend: CONNECTED timeout\0\w+ +\w+ +\d+ +\d+:\d+:\d+ +\d+\0\0\0\x0046\0SAProuter ([\w._ ()-]+) on '([\w._-]+)'\0\0\0\0\0\*ERR\*\0\0\0\0\0
\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"Cyrus timsieved v([\w._-]+-Debian[- ][\w._+-]+)\"\r\n
\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"Cyrus timsieved \(Murder\) v([-.\w]+)\"\r\n
\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"Cyrus timsieved v([\w_.]+)-OS X ([^"]+)\"\r\n
\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"Cyrus timsieved v(\d[-.\w]+)\"\r\n| p/Cyrus timsieved/ v/1/ i|included w/cyrus imap
\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"dovecot\"\r\n
\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"DBMail timsieved ([\w._-]+)\"\r\n
/usr/share/pysieved/plugins/dovecot\.py:27: DeprecationWarning: The popen2 module is deprecated\. Use the subprocess module\.\n import popen2\n\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"pysieved ([\w._+-]+)\"\r\n
\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"Dovecot Pigeonhole\"\r\n\"SIEVE\" \"[\w._;-]+(?:\s+[\w._;-]+)*\"\r\n\"NOTIFY\" \"mailto\"\r\n\"SASL\" \"[\w._;-]*(?:\s+[\w._;-]+)*\"\r\n\"STARTTLS\"\r\n\"VERSION\" \"([\w._-]+)\"\r\nOK \"Dovecot ready\.?\"\r\n
SGMS Scheduler SGMS (\d+) ([\d.]+) .*\n>
\x01remshd: Kerberos Authentication not enabled\.\n
\x01remshd: Error! Kerberos authentication failed
:: w4ck1ng-shell \(Private Build v([\w._-]+)\) bind shell backdoor :: \n\n
GENERAL: \d+ \d+<EoM>\n
220 SLNP (\w+)@[vV]ersion:\s?V?([^@]+)@user:([^@]+)@pid:\d+\n
# will match the replayed greeting of the proxied server!
220 ([-\w_.]+) PGP Universal service ready \(proxied server greeted us with: (.*)\)\r\n
220 ([-/.+\w]+) MailGate ready for ESMTP on
220 ([-/.+\w]+) SMTP ready to roll\r\n
220 ([-/.+\w]+) Internet Rex ESMTP daemon at your service\.\r\n
220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP NetIQ MailMarshal \d[-.\w]+ Service Pack (\w+) \(v(\d[-.\w]+)\) Ready\r\n
554-([-.+\w]+)\.us\r\n554 Access denied\r\n
220.*?MERCUR SMTP[\s-]Server \(v([^)]+)\) for ([-.\w ]+) ready at
220 ([-.\w\d]+) ESMTP \([a-fA-F0-9]{32}\)\r\n
554 Service unavailable; Client host \[[\w._-]+\] blocked using Barracuda Reputation;
220 ([-.+\w]+) Mercury/32 v(\d[-.\w]+) ESMTP server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 smtpd
520 Connection not authorised from this address\.\r\n
554 SMTP service not available\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) <1\d+\.\d+@[-\w_.]+> \[XMail (\d[-.\w]+) ESMTP Server\] service ready
421 \[XMail ([\d.]+) \(Linux/Ix86\) ESMTP Server\] - Server does not like Your IP\r\n| p/XMail SMTP server/ v/1/ i|Linux/x86
220 ([-.\w]+) FirstClass ESMTP Mail Server v(\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) AppleMailServer (\d[-.\w]+) SMTP Server Ready\r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) rev(\d+) ESMTP server ready \.\.\.\r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) service desk (\d[-.\w]+) SMTP Service Ready for input\.\r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) VPOP3 SMTP Server Ready\r\n
421 Insufficient System Storage\.\(IMail ([\d.]+)\)\r\n
220 \[?([-.+\w]+)\]? Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: ([-\w.]+) ready
220 ([-\w_.]+) Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at
220 ([\w._-]+) Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service Version: ([\w._-]+)\r\n
220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP Server \(Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service ([-\w.]+)\) ready
220 \+OK Microsoft Exchange SMTP server version ([\d.]+)
220[- ].*\r\n220[- ]([^\r\n]+) ESMTP Exim
220 CheckPoint FireWall-1 secure ESMTP server\r\n
220 CheckPoint FireWall-1 secure SMTP server\r\n
220 ([-.+\w]+) running IBM AS/400 SMTP V([\w]+)| p|IBM AS/400 smtpd
220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: (\d[\w.]+)- ready at
220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: \d+--([\d.]+) ready at
220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: ([\w._-]+) ready at
530 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: ([\w._-]+) denied access at
220 ([-.+\w]+) SMTP/smap Ready\.\r\n
220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP service \(Netscape Messaging Server ([-.+ \w]+) \(built
220-InterScan Version (\S+) .*Ready\r\n220 ([-.+\w]+) NTMail \(v([-.+\w]+)/.* ready
220-InterScan Version (\S+) .*Ready\r\n220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP Postfix\r\n
220-InterScan Version (\S+) .*Ready\r\n220 ([-.+\w]+) Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: ([\d.]+) ready at
220 Trend Micro ESMTP ([-.+\w]+) ready\.\r\n
220(\S+) WebShielde(\w+)/SMTP Ready.
220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP MailMasher ready to boogie\r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP Postfix \(([-.\w]+)\) \(([-.\w ]+)\)
220 [\*\d\ ]{2,300}\r\n
220 ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version ([-.\w]+) \(([-.\w]+)\)\r\n
220 ([-\w.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n
220 ([-\w.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server Freeware, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP Service. Welcome.\r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) Mercury (\d[-.\w]+) ESMTP server ready\.\r\n
220 ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino Release ([\w._-]+)\) ready at
220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino Release (\d[-.\w ]+)\) ready
220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino (\d[-.\w ]+)\) ready at
220 ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino Build V([\w_]+) Beta (\w+)\) ready at
220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino Versione ([\w._ -]+)\) ready
220 ([-.\w]+) Lotus SMTP MTA Service Ready\r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) WebSTAR Mail Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready\r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) SMTP NAVGW (\d[-.\w]+);
220 ([-.\w]+) Kerio MailServer (\d[-.\w]+ patch \d+) ESMTP ready\r\n
220 YSmtp(\S+) ESMTP service ready
220 (\S+) ESMTP WEB.DE V([^\s\;]+)
220 Compuserve Office Mail Service \(lnxc-(\d+)\) ESMTP
220 Welcome to Nemesis ESMTP server on \S+
220 (\S+).*?SMTP \(Sun Internet Mail Server sims.(\d[^\)]+)\)
220 (\S+) ESMTP XWall v(\d\S+)
220 (\S+) eMail Sentinel (\d+) ESMTP Service ready
220 ([-\w_.]+) Service ready by DvISE PostMan \((\d+)\) ESMTP Server \(Tobit Software, Germany\)\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) -- Server ESMTP \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server ([\w._-]+) (\d+)bit \(built .*\)\)\r\n
220 (\S+) -- Server ESMTP \(Sun Java System Messaging Server (\d[^\(\)]+)
220[- ][^ ]+ Smail-([^ ]+)
220-([-\w_.]+) Stalker Internet Mail Server V\.([\w.]+) is ready\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP MailMax ([\d.]+) [A-Z][a-z][a-z].*\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) Mailmax version ([\d. ]+) ESMTP Mail Server Ready \r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) running IBM MVS SMTP CS V2R10 on .*\r\n
220 [-\w_]+ ESMTP ([-\w_.]+) \(Debian/GNU\)\r\n
220 ESMTP \(Debian/GNU Mewwwwwww\)\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+) [\w._-]+ ESMTP Postfix \(Debian/GNU\)
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP postfix NO UCE\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTPD Server - Postfix\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Oracle Email Server SMTP Inbound Server\t([\d.]+) \t Ready\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) Mail essentials server \(([\d.]+)\) ready for ESMTP transfer\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP - WinRoute Pro ([\d.]+)\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Lyris ListManager service ready\r\n
220 ESMTP Lyris service ready\r\n
220 ESMTP Lyris ListManager service ready\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Ready 12\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP server \(Netscape Messaging Server - Version ([\d.]+)\) ready .*\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ZMailer Server ([\w.]+) #\d+ ESMTP ready at .*\r\n
220 Coremail SMTP\(Anti Spam\) System \(\w+\[(\d+)\]\)\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) \(PowerMTA(?:\(TM\)) v([\w.]+)\) ESMTP service ready\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP BorderWare MXtreme Mail Firewall\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Server \(JAMES SMTP Server\) ready
220 ([-\w_.]+)\s+ESMTP MDaemon ([\d.]+); .*\r\n
220[ -]([-\w_.]+) ESMTP MSA MDaemon ([\d.]+);
421 Sorry, SMTP server too busy right now \(193\); try again later\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP HT Mail Server v([\d.]+); .*\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP IceWarp ([\d.]+)[; ]
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Gruponet IE2020 ([\d./]+);\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) mailfront ESMTP\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Server SLmail ([\d.]+) Ready ESMTP spoken here\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) VaMailArmor-([\d.]+)\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP MailFrontier \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) WindowsNT SMTP Server v([\w/.]+) ESMTP ready at .*\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) \(LSMTP for Windows NT v([\w.]+)\) ESMTP server ready\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Mandamail ([\d.]+)/[\d.]+\r\n
500 Permission denied - closing connection\.\r\n
220 \(SMTP\) hMailServer ([\d.]+) - Up since .*\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) Ready for action \(Mailtraq ([\d.]+)/E?SMTP\)\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Service Ready \(QuickMail Pro Server for MacOS ([\d.]+)\)\r\n
220 LiteMail SMTP Server Ready\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Server \(DeskNow SMTP Server ([\d.]+)\) ready .*\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Server \(DeskNow\) ready
220 network-box ESMTP\r\n
220 ESMTP on WebEasyMail \[([\d.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.51webmail\.com\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) AntiVir MailGate\r\n
220 server ESMTP KEN! v([\d.]+); .*\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) NTMail \(v([\d.]+)/[\w.]+\) ready for ESMTP transfer \r\n
220-([-\w_.]+) Sendmail IBM OS/2 SENDMAIL VERSION ([\w./]+) ready at .*\r\n220 ESMTP spoken here\r\n| p/Sendmail smtpd/ v/2/ o|OS/2
220 shttp\.srv Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready\r\n
501 Domain must resolve\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ModusMail ESMTP Receiver Version ([\d.]+) Ready\r\n
220 mailmatrix SMTP Server \(Mail Matrix Server\) ready
220-([-\w_.]+) ESMTP .* GoMail V([\d.]+);
220 [-\w_.]+ Winmail Mail Server ESMTP ready\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+); .* \+\d+\r\n
421 unable to read controls \(#4\.3\.0\)\r\n
554 Please check that your outgoing mail server settings are correct\. Contact your service provider's technical support for assistance\.\n
rblsmtpd: [\d.]+ pid \d+:.*220 rblsmtpd\.local\r\n
220 SurgeSMTP \(Version ([-\w_.]+)\) http://surgemail\.com\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) Welcome to RaidenMAILD E?SMTP service v([\d.]+),
220 ESMTP on WinWebMail \[([\d.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.winwebmail
220-W E L C O M E T O Q U A R K M A I L S M T P S E R V I C E !\r\n220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP server \(quarkmail server - version ([\d.]+)\) ready
220 .*\r\n221 2\.7\.0 Error: I can break rules, too\. Goodbye\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) running EIMS X ([\w.]+)\r\n
220 DP-3510\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) Axigen ESMTP ready\r\n
421 Unexpected log failure, please try later\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) DynFX ESMTP Server ([-\w_.]+) \(
220 ;; ESMTP connection timed out; no servers could be reached Sendmail ([-\w_.]+)/
554 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP not accepting messages\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) L-Soft HDMail SMTP Service Version: ([-\w_.()]+) ready
220 ([-\w_.]+) Synchronet SMTP Server ([\d.]+)-Win32 Ready\r\n
220 ShareMailPro SMTP Server Ready \r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Service\(Mail2000 ESMTP Server V([-\w_.]+)\) ready
220 ([-\w_.]+) 4D WebSTAR V Mail \(([-\w_.]+)\) Ready for action\r\n
220 Service ready KM([\w._-]+) smtpd\r\n
220 ([\w_.-]+) cqgreylist - minimal smptd\r\n
220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP AnNyungSMTP ([\w._-]+);
220 DP-1820E\r\n
220 ([\w_.-]+) VHCS2 [\w._-]+ (\w+) Managed ESMTP ([\w._-]+)\r\n
220.*SMTP Welcome to the IA eMailServer Standard Edition Version: ([\d.]+ Build: [\d]+)
220 ([\w_.-]+) bizsmtp ESMTP server ready\r\n
220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP NetBox\(tm\)\r\n
220 ([\w_.-]+) StrongMail SMTP Service Version: (\S+) ready
421 Service not available, closing transmission channel\r\n
421 Service not available, closing transmission channel \r\n
220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP OpenSMTPD\r\n
220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP Citadel server ready\.\r\n
220 BEJY V([\w._-]+) SMTP ([\w._-]+) \(c\) \d+-\d+ by BebboSoft, Stefan \"Bebbo\" Franke, all rights reserved ready\r\n
220 Welcome NGOS SMTP Server version ([\w._-]+)\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+) Kerio Connect ([\w._ -]+) ESMTP ready\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+) running IBM VM SMTP Level (\d+) on
421 4\.3\.2 Service not available\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+) Service ready by David\.fx \(([\w._-]+)\) ESMTP Server \(Tobit\.Software, Germany\)\r\n
220 HOST: ([\w._-]+) Supportworks ESMTP Server ([\w._-]+) ready\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP/DeleGate/([\d.]+) ready at .*\r\n
220 ([-/.+\w]+) SMTP AnalogX Proxy (\d[-.\w]+) \(Release\) ready\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP spamd IP-based SPAM blocker; .*\r\n
220 ESMTP smtprelay service ready\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP hotsmtpd v([\d.]+)\. ESMTP-HTTPMail Gateway based on hotwayd\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) Welcome SpamFilter for ISP SMTP Server v([\d.]+) - Unlicensed Evaluation Copy\r\n
421 proxyplus\.universe SMTP server\. Insecure access - terminating\.\r\n
220 AVG ESMTP Proxy Server Beta - ([\d./]+) \[[\d.]+\]\r\n
220 AVG ESMTP Proxy Server ([\d./]+) \[[\d./]+\]\r\n
554 ([\d.]+) ([-\w_.]+) No mail service\r\n
220 Traffic Inspector SMTP Gate \(SPAM protected\), ver\. ([\w._-]+), ready at.*\r\n
220 mailwall SMTP Server \(Ikarus MailWall by David Grabenweger\) ready\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP - eXpurgate ([\d.]+) \(
220 CCProxy ([\d.]+) SMTP Service Ready\(Unregistered\)\r\n
NoSpamToday! SMTP Proxy Monitoring Service Ready\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP bitdefender
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP BitDefender Proxy version ([^\r\n]+)\r\n
220 [-\w_.]+ avast! SMTP proxy ready\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) (SCM\d+)/SMTP Ready\.\r\n
554 You are not allowed to connect\.\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+) ESMTP Symantec Brightmail Gateway\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+) ESMTP server ready \(Alligate v([\w._-]+)\)(?: AUTH ONLY)?\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+)\.ARK Sendmail ready\. \r\n
421 too many connections\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Service ready\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+) AVKSMTP Server\r\n
220 (\S+) Welcome to SpamFilter for ISP SMTP Server v(\d\S+)
550 (\d.\d.\d) ([^\r\n]+)
Statistics from .*\n M msgsfr bytes_from msgsto bytes_to msgsrej msgsdis Mailer\n
220 ([-.\w]+) SNPP server \(HylaFAX \(tm\) Version ([-.\w]+)\) ready.\r\n
220 QuickPage v(\d[-.\w]+) SNPP server ready at
250\r\nProtocol-Version:(\d[\d.]+)\r\nMessage-ID:\d+\r\nDatabase .*\r\nContent-Length:\d+\r\nKey Length:(\d+)\r\n\r\n.*(\w:\\.*ini)\r\n\r\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\d.]+) F-Secure SSH Windows NT Server\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\d.]+) dss F-SECURE SSH\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\d.]+) F-SECURE SSH.*\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-ReflectionForSecureIT_([-\w_.]+) - Process Software MultiNet\r\n
SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-SSH Protocol Compatible Server SCS (\d[-.\w]+)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-SSH Compatible Server\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\d.]+) SSH Secure Shell Tru64 UNIX\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+) SSH Secure Shell
sshd: SSH Secure Shell (\d[-.\w]+) on ([-.\w]+)\nSSH-(\d[\d.]+)-
sshd2\[\d+\]: .*\r\nSSH-([\d.]+)-(\d[-.\w]+) SSH Secure Shell \(([^\r\n\)]+)\)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) Debian-(\S*maemo\S*)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+)[ -]{1,2}Debian[ -_]([^\r\n]+)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD-([\d]+)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD localisations (\d+)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD-openssh-portable-(?:[\w.,]+)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD-openssh-portable-overwrite-base
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD-openssh-gssapi-
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) miniBSD-([\d]+)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) NetBSD_Secure_Shell-([\w._-]+)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) in RemotelyAnywhere ([\d.]+)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) NCSA_GSSAPI_20040818 KRB5\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+-hpn) NCSA_GSSAPI_\d+ KRB5\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w_.-]+) DragonFly-\d+\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w_.-]+) FIPS\n
# 2) Don't match unknown SSHs (and generate fingerprints)
\0\0\0\\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x1bNo host key is configured!\n\r!\"v
SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-lshd_(\d[-.\w]+) lsh - a free ssh\r\n\0\0
SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-lshd-(\d[-.\w]+) lsh - a GNU ssh\r\n\0\0
SSH-([\d.]+)-meow roototkt by rebel
\r\nDestination server does not have Ssh activated\.\r\nContact Cisco Systems, Inc to purchase a\r\nlicense key to activate Ssh\.\r\n
SSH-2\.0-0\.0 \r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w.]+) VShell\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w.]+) \(beta\) VShell\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-(\d[-.\w]+) sshlib: WinSSHD (\d[-.\w]+)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-(\d[-.\w]+) sshlib: WinSSHD\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) sshlib: sshlibSrSshServer ([\w._-]+)\r\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) sshlib: GlobalScape\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) sshlib: EdmzSshDaemon ([\w._-]+)\r\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) FlowSsh: WinSSHD ([\w._-]+)\r\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) FlowSsh: WinSSHD ([\w._-]+): free only for personal non-commercial use\r\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) FlowSsh: WinSSHD: free only for personal non-commercial use\r\n
Access to service sshd from [-\w_.]+@[-\w_.]+ has been denied\.\r\n
SSH-2\.0-1\.0 Radware SSH \r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-xxxxxxx\r?\n| p|Fortinet VPN/firewall sshd
SSH-([\d.]+)-RedlineNetworksSSH_([\d.]+) Derived_From_OpenSSH-([\d.])+\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-DLink Corp\. SSH server ver ([\d.]+)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-IPSSH-([\d.]+)\r?\n| p|Cisco/3com IPSSHd
SSH-([\d.]+)-0 Tasman Networks Inc\.\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\d.]+) in DesktopAuthority ([\d.]+)\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-PSFTPd PE\. Secure FTP Server ready\r?\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-Zyxel SSH server\r?\n
Could not load host key\. Closing connection\.\.\.
SSH-([\d.]+)-WS_FTP-SSH_([\w._-]+)(?: FIPS)?\r\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-http://www\.sshtools\.com J2SSH \[SERVER\]\r\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-DraySSH_([\w._-]+)\n\n\rNo connection is available now\. Try again later!
SSH-([\d.]+)-Pragma FortressSSH ([\d.]+)\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-Foxit-WAC-Server-([\d.]+ Build \d+)\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-3Com OS-([\w._-]+ Release \w+)\n
SSH-([\d.]+)-3Com OS-3Com OS V([\w._-]+)\n
Soldat Admin Connection Established\.\r\nPassword request timed out\.\r\n
unknown command \r\nunknown command \r\n
\* OK SSP MagniComp SysInfo Server ([\w._-]+)\n
RPY \d \d \. \d \d+\r\nContent-Type: application/beep\+xml\r\n
You are not welcome to use (\w+) from [\w._-]+\.\n
welcome userid=\d+ servername=\"([^"]+)\" motd=\"\" forwarding=\d+ channels=\d+ operators=\d+ maxusers=\d+ protocol=\"([\d.]+)\"\r\n
\xff\xfc\x01\r\nPlease type \[Return\] two times, to initialize telnet configuration\r\nFor HELP type \"\?\"\r\n>
\x1b\[H\x1b\[2JYou have connected to a FirstClass System\. Please login\.\.\.\r\nUserID:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nCopyright \d+ Sun Microsystems, Inc\. All rights reserved\.\r\nUse is subject to license terms\.\r\n\r\n\r\nSun\(tm\) Advanced Lights Out Manager ([\d.]+) \(([\w._-]+)\)\r\n\r\nPlease login:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01Connected to [-/.+\w]+!\r\n\r\nPassword:
220 SL4NT viewer service ready\r\n250 Currently connected channels:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff.*\r\rFrontDoor (\d[-.\w]+)/
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfc\x06.*\nPrecidia Technologies\r\n([-.+\w]+) Remote Configuration\r\n\nPassword\?
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01WinCE/WBT Command Shell Version (\d[-.\w]+)\r\nSerial Number: (\w+) MAC Address: 0000(\w+)\r\nUUID: [-\w]+\r\nPassword:
\xff\xfb\x01\n\r-> \x08\x08\x08\x08 \*\*\* EPSON Network Scanner Server \((.*)\) \*\*\*\n\r\n\r\x08\x08\x08\x08 \n\r
\xff\xfb\x01\r\nNetportExpress\(tm\) ([-/.+\w]+)\r\n.*\r\n\r\nlogin:
login: \xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01
\x1b\[20;1H\r\n\r\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[20;11H\x1b\[21;1HSession Terminated, Connect again\r\n\r\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[21;1H\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b\[[34];23r\x1b\[\?6l\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[1;1HHP [-.\w]+ ProCurve Switch ([-.\w]+)\r\n\rFirmware revision ([-.\w]+)\r\n\r\r
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r.*Procurve Wireless Access Point (\d+)\r\n
Check Point FireWall-1 Client Authentication Server running on [-.\w]+\r\n\r\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x03User:
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01GUI START\n
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\0Microsoft \(R\) Windows (NT |)\(TM\) Version (\d[-.\w]+) \(Build (\d+)\)\r\nWelcome to Microsoft Telnet Service \r\nTelnet Server Build (\d[-.\w]+)\n\rlogin: = p/Microsoft Windows 1telnetd/ v/4/ i/OS version 2 build 3/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\x18| p|IBM OS/400 telnetd| o|OS/400
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x07HP JetDirect\r\nPassword is not set\r\n
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x07HP JetDirect\r\n\r\nEnter username:
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd!| p|HP MPE/iX telnetd
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\nIQinVision IQeye3 Version ([vV].*)\n\r\nType HELP
\r\nEfficient ([-.\w ]+) Router \(([-.\d/]+)\) v(\d[-.\w]+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01Login:
\r\nRaptor Firewall Secure Gateway\.\r\n
\r\nSynchronet BBS for Win32 Version (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[3;1H\x1b.*BayStack ([-\w_.]+) .*HW:(\w+) FW:V([\d.]+) SW:V([\d.]+)\x1b
\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[58259456;1H\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \* \* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \* \*\x1b\[2;1H
\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n.*Bay Networks (Bay[-.: \w]+)\n\r
Check Point FireWall-1 authenticated Telnet server running on
\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\rType \"\?\" at the command prompt for a list of commands\.\n\r.*Command->
\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[9;20HCopyright\(C\) 1995-99 D-Link Systems Inc\.\x1b\[13;30HUser Name\x1b\[14;30HPassword\x1b\[23;10HMAC Address:\x1b\[8;29H([-.\w]+) Console Program\x1b\[13;41H
\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Ambit Cable Router\r\n\r\nLogin:
\n\rVina Technologies (.*) \((\d[-.\w]+ build \d+)\)
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2J\rD\r \n\r (DES-.*) Command Line Interface\n\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfc\x1f\n\r\n\rUser Access Verification\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\rShell version (\d\S+).*Maipu Communication Technology Co\.
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\x1b.*Intel Corporation, ([-+. \w()]+)
\r\nFlowPoint/(.*) Ready\r\n.*\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb
Tenor Multipath Switch CDR Server\r\nConnected from IpAddr/Port# [\d.]+/\d+ to Port# \d+\r\nPassword:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aCisco\x20Systems.*Console/Telnet Access of the ([-. \w]+) for Configuration Purposes
\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08 \x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08
\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification\r\nPassword:\xff\xfb\x01
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f.*User Access Verification\r\n\r\n(?:Username|Password): =s p/Cisco IOS telnetd/ d/switch/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01.*\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPassword:
\xff\xfb\x01\r\r\nUser Access Verification\r\r\n\r\r\nUsername:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\r\n\r\nCisco Systems Console\r\n
# The match below matches Cisco microswitch devices and also Edge-core ES3526XA
\xff\xfb\x01\n\rUser Name :
\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\| p|Openwall GNU/*/Linux telnetd
\xff\xfc\x01\r\nHP JetDirect\r\n\r\nPlease type \"\?\" for HELP, or \"/\" for current settings\r\n>
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nAXIS (\S+) TELNET
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03.*?FORE\x20Systems,\x20FORE\x20ES-2810.*?Version (\d[\d\.-]+)
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01.*ForeRunner ES-3810.*Enter Username:
\xff\xfb\x01\r\nCopyright \(C\) 1999 by Extreme Networks\r\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05Welcome to ([-\w_]+) Debug Terminal - \d*\n\r\n\r\n\rlogin:
\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[01;28HCONEXANT SYSTEMS, INC\.\x1b\[02;19H ACCESS RUNNER ADSL CONSOLE PORT\x1b\[24;01H>>>\x1b\[24;01HLOGON PASSWORD>\x1b\[02;53H3\.\d+\x1b\[24;17H\x1b\[24;17H\x1b\[24;17H\x1b\[24;17H
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\r\nWelcome on (.*)\r\n\r\n\r\nUsername:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x18\nTelnet Service on the PrintServer\n\n\rPassword: | p|Hawking/TRENDnet Print Server telnetd
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n Welcome to OpenVMS \(TM\) Alpha Operating System, Version V([\d.]+) \r\n\r\n\rUsername:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd \xff\xfd!\x07\r\n\r\n Welcome to OpenVMS \(TM\) Alpha Operating System, Version V([-\w_.]+) \r\n\r\n\rUsername:
\xff\xfd\(| p|IBM OS/390 or SNA telnetd
\xff\xfb\r\nRemotelyAnywhere Telnet Server v([\d.]+)\r\n.*\r\n\r\n([-\w_. ]+) login\r\nuser name:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x18([^\r\n]+)\r\nRemotelyAnywhere Telnet Server ([\d.]+)\r\n.*\r\n\r\n([-\w_. ]+) login\r\nuser name:
\r\nVxWorks login: \xff\xfb\x01
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\nSelect Access Level\r\n===================\r\n1 - Read-Only\r\n2 - Installer\r\n3 - Administrator\r\n13008 >>>
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nExterior router [-\w_.]+\r\nType: Cisco 2651\r\nModule: E3/T3 interface\r\n\r\n
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| ELSA, MicroLink Cable\r\n\| Ver\. ([\d.]+) / [\d.]+ \d\d:\d\d .*\r\n\| SN\. \d+\r\n\| Copyright \(c\) ELSA AG, Aachen \(Germany\)\r\n\r\ncm2, Connection No\.: \d+ \(LAN\) \(read-only connection\)\r\n\r\nPassword:= p/ELSA Microlink Cable modem/ v/1/ i/read-only connection/ d/router/
\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista Ver\. ([-\w_.]+)\n\r
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| LANCOM L-54g Wireless\r\n\|= p/LANCOM L-54g Wireless router telnetd/ d/router/
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\r\n\r\nCisco Systems, Inc\. Console\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\r\n\r\nUsername:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\[ORiNOCO-AP-(\d+)[-\d]*\]> Please enter password:
\xff\xfb\xfd\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n\rFabric OS \(tm\) Release v([\w.]+)\n\r\n\r
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\nLantronix MSS100 Version V([\d.]+)/\d+\(\d+\)\n\r\nType HELP at the 'Local_2> ' prompt for assistance\.\n\r\n\r\n\nUsername>
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\0\r\0\r\n\x07# \0
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| ELSA LANCOM DSL/I-10 Office\r\n\| Ver\. ([\d.]+) / [\d.]+\r\n\| SN\. (\d+)\r\n= p/Elsa DSL I-10 router telnetd/ v/1/ i/SN 2/ d/router/
PC Telnetd ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\nlogin:
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[0m\x1b\[0m\x1b\[H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m \+-+\+\r\n \| NuSight GEMS Console +Version v([\d.]+) \|\r\n \| Copyright \(c\) 1998-2001, NPI +\|\r\n= p/NPI Keystone switch telnetd/ v/1/ d/switch/
rsconfig: port rose not active\n\xff\xfd\"\r\nLinuxNode v([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n\r\nlogin:
\xff\xfd\"\r\nLinuxNode v([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n\r\nlogin:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \([^)]+\) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n#
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \([^)]+\) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n/bin #
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \([^)]+\) built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\nermittle die aktuelle TTY\r\ntty is \"/dev/pts/0\"\r\nConsole Ausgaben auf dieses Terminal umgelenkt\r\n#
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \(2006\.02\.15-21:18\+0000\) Built-in shell \(msh\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n#
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nAmiNET\d+ login:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\x07HP (\w+) Ethernet SNMP Module\r\n ROM B\.([\d.]+)\r\n EEPROM A\.([\d.]+)\r\n HW B\.([\d.]+)\r\n\r\nEnter password:
USR5450 Telnet server v([\d.]+)\n\r\nPassword :
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01\d\d-\w+-\d+ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d %MSCM-I-NEWTERM: New TELNET connection from (?:[\d.]+)\r\r\nPassword:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\0\n\nLantronix ETS16 Version V([\d.]+)/\d+\(\d+\)\n\r\0\nType HELP at the 'BRTR-ETS16>' prompt for assistance\.\n\r\0\nUsername>
\r\nWelcome to slush\. \(Version ([\d.]+)\)\r\n\r\n\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03([-\w_. ]+) login:
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[1;1f\x1b\[37m +\x1b\[2;1f +\x1b\[3;1f +\x1b\[4;1f -+ +\x1b\[5;1f\| KpyM Telnet Server v([\d.]+) +\|= p/KpyM telnetd/ v/1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[2;66H\x1b\[1m\x1b\[21;1H\x1b\[0m-+\x1b\[22;2H\x1b\[0mFunction:\x1b\[23;2H\x1b\[0mMessage:\x1b\[24;2H\x1b\[7mCTRL\+R = Refresh +\x1b\[8;12H\x1b\[0mIBM BladeCenter 4-Port Gb Ethernet Switch Module Console
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0;1H\x1b\[J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[0;1H\x1b\[J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[0m =+\r\n AT-8326GB Management System Version ([\d.]+) \r\n Remote - Telnet\r\n
\r\nEfficient 5851 SDSL \[ATM\] Router \(5851-\d+\) v([-\d.]+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01Login:
NPC Telnet permit one connection\.\r\n But One connection\(\) already keep alive\.\r\nGood Bye !! \r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\r\nWelcome to NetLinx v([\d.]+) Copyright AMX Corp\. \d+-\d+\r\n>
\r\nSiemens \d+ T1E1 \[COMBO\] Router \(([-\d]+)\) v([\d.]+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01Username:
\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b\[4;23r\x1b\[\?6l\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[1;1HCopyright \(C\) 1991-1994 Hewlett-Packard Co\. All Rights Reserved\.
\xff\xfc\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x05\r\nCLI access not allowed until the SCC is active\.\r\n\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\n?\r\n\r?VxWorks login:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nVxWorks login:
\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\rPassword: | p|ZyXEL Prestige/Efficient Speedstream adsl router telnetd
\r\n\xff\xfb\x01Enter password:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\w+ login:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\(\w+\) \r\nUser:
login: \xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03| p|USRobotics/Sagem router telnetd
220 FTP server \(ver 1\.0\) ready\.\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nBusyBox on dslmodem login:
\r\nSystem unavailable\. Please try later\.\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n(FVS\w+) login:
\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03Login Name:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n Disconnecting\.\.\.\r\n\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[7mTelnet configuration RELEASE ([\d.]+)\x1b
Telnet server disabled\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n login:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n([\w._-]+) login:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03([\w._-]+) login:
\r\n.*Based\(loosely\) on CircleMUD ([\d.]+)
\r\n.*Based on CircleMUD ([\w._-]+),\r\n
\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[1m\x1b\[15;22HAT-(\w+), version ([\d.]+)\x1b
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[0J\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[0J\x1b\[1;28HAT-([-\w_.]+) Login Menu\x1b\[5;18HAT-[-\w_.]+ Local Management System Version ([\d.]+) \x1b
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[0m\x1b\[\?3l\x1b\(0\x1b\[2;40H\x1b\(B\x1b\(0\x1b\[2;28H\x1b\(BCSX([-\w_.]+) Local Management\x1b\[0m\x1b\(0\x1b\[5;24H\x1b\(BCABLETRON Systems, Incorporated\x1b
\xff\xfb\x01\n\rno data rcvd for version string\n\rrecv version id unsuccessful\n\rSSH Session task 0x\w+: Version Exchange Failed\n\r
\r\nSorry, this system is engaged\.\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nBusyBox on \(none\) login:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nBusyBox on ([-\w_.]+) login:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \(
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v(.*) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\(none\) login:
\xff\xfb\x01Hummingbird Communications Ltd\., Windows NT, Telnetd Version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n\r\n login:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPlease Enter Login Name:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPlease Enter Password:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\x1b\[\?3l\x1b\[2JPlease enter your user name and password!! \r\n\r\nLogin:
\xff\xfb\x01\r\nD-Link Access Point login:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03.*\r\n([-\w_.]+) login:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Login failed\.\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\nPON 262194 PAAMCO (TA \w+) Gen3\r\n\n\n\ruser:
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\r\nUser Name:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to ([-\w_.]+)\n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rD-Link Corp\., Inc\. Software Release ([-\w_.)(/]+)\n\rCopyright \(c\) \d+-\d+ by D-Link Corp\., Inc\.\n\r\n\rlogin:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nUsing telnet exposes your password\. Using ssh is a safer choice\.\r\n\r\nUsername:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nPIX passwd:
\xff\xfb\x01\r\n#-+\r\n# Tasman Networks Inc\. Telnet Login\r\n#
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\t\tWelcome to P333R\r\n\t\tSW version ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPLi dm7000 Helenite \d+ \(based on [-\w_.]+\)\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel ([-\w_.]+)
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r[ *\r\n]*Welcome on your dreambox! - Kernel (\d[\w.]+)
\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfb\x01 \x1b\[H\x1b\[J\x1b\[3;1HCB-1000 S/N: (\d+)\x1b\[3;56HSymbol Technologies, Inc\.\x1b\[4;1HVersion ([-\w_.]+)\x1b\[4;44HEthernet HW address ([\w:]+)\x1b\[21;1H
\x1b\[\?25l\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[3;1H\x1b\[4;1H ### ### ########### ########## ############# ########### ###\x1b\[5;1H #### ### ############# ############ ############# ########### ###\x1b\[6;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[7;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[8;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[9;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[10;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[11;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[12;1H[ #]{78}\x1b\[13;1H[ #]{78}\x1b\[14;1H\x1b\[15;1H\x1b\[16;1HEnter Ctrl-Y to begin\.\x1b\[18;3H\*{35}
\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \* \* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Wireless Print Server \*\r\n\* +Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w._-]+)\0+\r\nServer Model : ([\w._+-]+)\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w._-]+)\0.\0+\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\x1b\[H\x1b\[JWelcome at ActiveFax Server\.\r\n\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03RemoteX Telnet Server V([\d.]+)\n\r\n\rc:\\>
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to ZXDSL 831\n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rZTE Corporation, Software Release VIK-([-\w_.]+)\n\r
match telnet m%^\xff\xfe\x01\r\n\r\n\+=+\+\r\n\| +\[ MGE UPS SYSTEMS SNMP/Web agent Configuration menu \]% p/MGE UPS telnetd/ d/power-device/
\*{60}\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nDell Laser Printer Printer Dell (\w+) MFP Ethernet internal network device, with a hardware\r\naddress of ([0-9A-F:]{17}) \(MSB, Canonical\)\.\r\nIt's an ethernet card\.\r\nNetwork Firmware Version is V([\w._-]+)\(\w+ MFP\) ([\d-]+)\.\r\nSystem Up Time is ([^\r\n.]+)\.\r\n\r\n
\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\n\r\nWelcome to the PDP-10 simulator\r\n\n
\xff\xfb\x01\(Enable\) Password\?
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\r\nCGX3224 Switch Manager Console\. Version: CGX([\d.]+) Bld (\d+),.*\r\n\r\nPassword:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[01;00H\r\n\r\0\r\n\r\0[ \t]+\r\n\r\0\r\n\r\0\r\0VersaXpress HPNA Routing Concentrator\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nSportster Pro ([\d.]+) Image Sagem D-BOX2 - Kernel ([-\w_.]+)
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\0\n\*\*\* Lantronix Universal Device Server \*\*\*\r\0\nSerial Number (\d+) MAC address ([\w:]+)\n\r\0Software version 0*([\d.]+) \((\d+)\)\r\0\n\r\0\nPress Enter to go into Setup Mode \r\0\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Fritz!Box web password:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nFritz!Box web password:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nDD-WRT v([-\w_+. ]+) Date:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nDD-WRT v([^\r\n]+)\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03DD-WRT (v\d+)[^\r\n]*\r\nRelease: ([^\r\n]+)\r\n\xff\r\ngateway login:
\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nU\.S\. Robotics\r\nTotal Control \(tm\) NETServer 8/16\r\n\r\nlogin: | p|USRobotics TotalControl NetServer 8/16 telnetd
\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*\*\* ADTRAN TSU ESP \*\*\*\r\n\r\n ENTER PASSWORD -> \xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\nLantronix (SCS\d+) Version V([\d/().]+)\n\r\nType HELP
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nPassword :
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* Copyright\(c\) 1998-2006 Huawei Technologies Co\., Ltd\. All rights reserved\. \*\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\n\r\nWelcome to X2301 version V\.([-\w_+. ()]+) IPSec from [\d/]+ [\d:]+\r\nsystemname is ([-\w_.]+),
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r *\**\n\r *Welcome to Viking II\. \n\r *\**\n\r\n\rGlobespanVirata Inc\., Software Release VIK-([-\w_.]+)\n\r
\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1fATOS Telnet Server\r\n\r\nCTRL\+d to exit\n\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03Init Command Line Interface\.\. \r\nBoot Version: [\d.]+\r\nBoot Date: [\d :/]+\r\nATOS Version: ([\d.]+) \([^)]+\)\r\nATOS Date: [\d :/]+\r\nHardware: \w+\r\nProduct Code : \d+\r\nSerial Number : (\d+)\r\nLAN0 MAC Address : ([A-F0-9:]+)\r\nADSL Modem SW version: [\w._-]+ *\r\nADSL Modem API version: \d+\r\nADSL Driver version: [\w._-]+\r\n([\w._-]+) release: ([\w._-]+)+\r\nHW encryption not supported\r\nVinetic fw version : [\w._-]+\r\n\r\nUser name :
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n\n\r\t=+\n\r\t +Samsung SWL-6100AP Configuration\n\r\t
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version ([\w._-]+ \(\d+\)) XPTEXE\r\0\n\n\r\0Press Enter to go into Setup Mode \n\r\0
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03USR ADSL Gateway\r\nLogin:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nService Processor login:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03ADSL2\+ Wireless Router (\w+) \r\nSoftware Version: ([\w.]+)\r\nLogin name:
\xff\xfb\x01Symbol Access Point User/Admin password:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd \xff\xfd!\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfc\"Username Access Verification\r\n\r\nLogin :
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05Welcome to Telnet Server ([\w._-]+)\r\n\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[05;28H(SM\w+) Managed Switch\x1b\[07;22H\x7fTallahasseeAdmin-Block\x1b\[15;30Husername:\x1b\[17;30Hpassword:\x1b\[15;39H
\r\n\r\nPassword required, but none set\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to your TiVo\r\n\r\n=\[tivo:root\]-#
\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03AMBIT Cable Modem\r\n\r\nlogin:
refused in\.telnetd from [-\w_.]+ logged\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Access DENIED\.\r\n
match telnet m=\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| Siemens I-Gate LAN 2\r\n\| Ver\. ([\d.]+) / [\d.]+\r\n\| SN\. (\w+)\r\n\|= p/Siemens I-Gate LAN 2 telnetd/ v/1/ i/Serial 2/ d/router/
\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[3;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[4;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[5;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[6;.*Business Policy Switch 2000
BeanShell ([-\w_.]+) - by Pat Niemeyer \(pat@pat\.net\)\nbsh %
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\(Aruba800\) \r\nUser:
\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[3;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[4;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[5;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[6;1H\x1b.*BayStack 420
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03SHARP (MX-\w+) Ver ([-\w_.]+) TELNET server\.
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to (DCS-\w+) telnet daemon\r\n\r\nPassword:
\xff\xfb\x01\r\nVoIP Phone V([-\w_.]+) settings\r\nPassword:
\xff\xfb\x01\r\nAIRAYA login:
\xff.\x01\0?\xff\xfd.*Welcome to ViewStation.*Password:
AD6680 Gateway Software\r\n[-\w_]+ \(MAC ([\w:]+)\)\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\nHP ProLiant BL p-Class C-GbE2 Interconnect Switch A\.\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Netgear DM111 ADSL2\+ Modem \r\nSoftware Version: ([-\w_.]+)\r\nLogin name:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Print Server \*\r\n\* +Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w._-]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nServer Model : 2U1P Print Server\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w._-]+).*\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nMMC Technology Telnet\r\nMW-3000AP \w+\( Combo ([-\w_.]+) \)\r\n\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r.*\n\r\n\rSoftware Release R([-\w_.]+)\([^)]+\)\n\rCopyright \(c\) 2001-2003 by D-Link, Inc\.\n\r\n\rlogin:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nWelcome to the WhatRoute TELNET Server\.\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nCNU-550pro login:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03picotux login:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\r\nCadant C3 CMTS\r\n
\r\n\(c\) Copyright 2005, Extron Electronics, IPL T S2, V([\d.]+),
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n.*HM410dp ADSL2\+ Router\r\n\r\nLogin:
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03NS-30G Ver ([-\w_.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(c\) \d+ KYOCERA
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\n\r\nWelcome to X4100 version V\.([-\w_.]+) Rev\. (\d+) \(Patch (\d+)\) from [\d/]+ [\d:]+\r\nsystemname is ([-\w_.]+),
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nZyXEL Corporation Embedded Telnet Server \(c\) 2000-2003\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\*\*\* Lantronix UDS1100 Device Server \*\*\*\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V([\w._-]+) \((\d+)\) \r\0\nPassword :
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* Copyright\(c\) 2004-2006 3Com Corp\. and its licensors\.
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nProduct type: Avaya (\w+) Media Gateway Release ([\w._-]+)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPLi dm500 Jade \d+ \(based on ([\w._-]+)\)\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel ([\w._-]+) \([\d:]+\)\.\r\n\rdm500 login:
\r\nSorry, this system is engaged by a rlogin session\.\r\nHost IP address: ([\d.]+)\.\nLogin name: ([\w._-]+)\.\n
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01.*\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nUsername:
Connected\r\nUse log command to LOGON\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Grandstream ([\w-]+) Command Shell\r\nPassword:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Grandstream ([\w-]+) V([\w.]+) Command Shell
match telnet m=^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03ADSL Router\r\nLogin (?:user|name): = p/ADSL router telnet config/ d/broadband router/
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\n\r\0SNTP Version ([\d.]+) Server ([\w._-]+)\n\r\0\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V[\d.]+ \(\d+\) ([\w._-]+)\r\0\nPassword :
uShare \(([\w._-]+)\) \(Built .*\)\nFor a list of registered commands type \"help\"\n\n>
SMPlayer ([\w._-]+)\r\nType help for a list of commands\r\n
Sorry, already connected\.\r\n| p|Slirp PPP/SLIP-on-terminal emulator telnetd
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nCopperJet ([\w._-]+) RouterPlus .*\r\nFirmware version: ([\w._ -]+)\r\nAllied Data Technologies\r\n\r\nPlease login:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to the Windows CE Telnet service on MP370\r\n\r\nPocket CMD v ([\w._-]+)\r\n\\> \n\r\n\\> \\>
\xff\xfb\x01\r\n3Com Access Point 7760 login:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 login:
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03PRICOM 3100 Ver ([\w._-]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(C\) 2002-2004 silex technology, Inc\.\r\0\nlogin:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\r\n\r\r\nWelcome to Aerohive Wireless Product\r\r\n\r\r\nlogin:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nLexmark International Telnet\r\n\r\nlogin:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01Alcatel-Lucent: A7510\r\nA7510_(R\d+) .*\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin:
\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfd\x17\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\r\n\r\n Welcome to OpenVMS \(TM\) VAX Operating System, Version V([\w._-]+) \r\n\r\n\r\0Username:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n>>> System ([\w._-]+) - OpenVMS Alpha V([\w._-]+) <<<\r\n\r\n\rUsername:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\nGbE2c L2/L3 Ethernet Blade Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem\.\r\n\r\nCopyright\(C\)2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L\.P\.\r\n\r\n\r\nEnter tacacs username:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03U\.S\. Robotics ADSL 4-Port Router\r\nLogin:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\n\r\0\*\*\* Mitsubishi ProjectorView Server \*\*\*\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V([\w._-]+) \((\d+)\) MELCO\r\0\n\n\r\0Press Enter for Setup Mode \n\r\0
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n === IMPORTANT ============================\r\n Use 'passwd' to set your login password\r\n this will disable telnet and enable SSH\r\n ------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v(.*) built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n ___ ___ ___ \r\n\( _`\\ _ /'___\)'___\) Bifferboard mini-distribution v([\w._-]+)\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 =======================\r\n DSL-500B \r\n =======================\r\nLogin:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to Linux \(ZEM500\) for MIPS\r\n\rKernel ([\w._-]+) \w+ on an MIPS\r\n\rZEM500 login:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01Connected\r\n\n\rAironet BR500E V([\w._-]+) Main Menu
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03TrioLink \(ADSL IAD\)\r\nLogin:
Linux ([\w._-]+) \[INSTALL: [\d-]+\]\nLASTPATCH: [\d:-]+\n
\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1HLogin Name:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Xcelerator IP \r\nLogin:
odec=\d+ u=\d+, p=\d+, i=\d+, max entries = \d+ \r\n\d+: IMGREQUEST: request_stats, image buffers available = \d+ \r\n\d+: MAIN: (\d+) images\(J=\d+, P=\d+, I=\d+\) stored on disk in last minute
\r\nSiemens 5940 T1E1 \[COMBO\] Router \([\w._-]+\) v([\w._-]+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01Username:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nWelcome to Dinion-IP-NWC [\d.]+ from [\d.]+\r\n
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\0\r\nser2net port \d+ device (/dev/[-\w_]+) \[\d+ \w+\] \(Debian GNU/Linux\)\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\x01\n\rTerminal shell v1\.0\n\r\rCopyright \xa92008 Motorola, Inc\. All rights reserved\.\n\r\rNetopia Model ([\d-]+)(?: AnnexA)? High-Power Wireless DSL Ethernet Managed Switch\n\rRunning Netopia SOC OS version ([\w.-]+ \(build \w+\))\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03ssss ssss sss s ss sss sss sss sssss \r\n s s s s s s s s s s s s s \r\n s s s s s s s s s s s \r\n s s ss s ss ssss s sss s ssss s s sss \r\n s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s \r\n s s s s s s s sss s s s s s s \r\n s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s \r\nssss ssss ssssss sss sss sssss ss sssss sss sss sssss\r\nLogin:
\r\nPRO2 Control Console\r\n
\w{12}\r\nETHMAC ([0-9a-f:]+)\r\nWIFIMAC ([0-9a-f:]+)\r\n>
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWireless AP Manager Console [^\r\n]+\r\n please enter your password:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nYou are connected to configuration tool\r\nEnter the password:
match telnet m%\xff\xfe\x01\r\n\r\n\+============================================================================\+\r\n\| \[ interSeptor Configuration Utility Main Menu \] \|\r\n\+============================================================================\+\r\n\r\nEnter Password: % p/Jacarta interSeptor environmental monitor telnetd/ d/specialized/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n ,vvvdP9P\?\?\?\^ ,,,\r\n vvd###P\^`\^ vvvvv v\r\n vv#####\?\^ \?\?\?\?####vv,\r\n vv####\?\? ,vvvdP\?\?\?\^ ,,, \?\?##\^\r\n v#####\? ,vvd##P\?\^ #\?#v#vvv\r\n v#####\? v###P\^ ,vvv, '\?#\?,\r\n ######\? ####\?\^ ,vd#P\?\^ `\?\?\?##\r\n #####\? v#### ,d##P\^ ''\r\n ###### v#### \]###L _ _ _ ___\r\n #####\? v#### \]##L / / \\ \|\\ \| \|_ \\/ /\\ \|\\ \| \|\r\n ###### #### \]###L \\_ \\_/ \| \\\| \|_ /\\ /--\\ \| \\\| \|\r\n= p/Zoom X6 ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05\r\n\*\*\* Welcome to VTM \*\*\*\r\n\r\n\r\n\rLogin :
\r\nCEN-IDOC Control Console\r\n\r\nCEN-IDOC>
\xff\xfb\x01\r\nWelcome to Ring v([\d.]+) Copyright \(C\) AMX Corp\. 2002-2003\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03TESTING MODEL ADSL Router\r\nLogin:
\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfb\x01\x1b<\x1b>\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\(B\x1b\)0\x0f\x1b\[7m\x1b\[f Areca Technology Corporation RAID Controller
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\*{76}\r\n\r\n +Minolta Network Configuration Utility\r\n +Minolta\r\n +Version ([\w.]+)\r\n
\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\s+ZebraNet Internal Wired PS Configuration Utility\r\n\r\n Type your password\. Press Enter when finished\.\r\n\r\n Password:
\xff\xfb\x01\n\rWelcome to TrueTime Network Interface\n\r\rUser name:
MythFrontend Network Control\r\nType 'help' for usage information\r\n---------------------------------\r\n#
\x1b\[0m\r\nWelcome to (IC-\d+)!\r\n\r\n\x1b7\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[501;501H\x1b\[6n\x1b8\x1b\[\?25h\r\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1mIC-\d+ # \x1b\[0m\x1b\[J\r\x1b\[10C
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\x0c\x1b\[2JEnter Password:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r\r\n\rWelcome to DreamBox\.\r\n\rRunning under Kernel ([\w._-]+) \.\r\n\rBased on (Gemini [\w._-]+ GUI)\.\r\n\rKernel and utilities compiled by SatDream\.\r\n\r\r\n\r\r\n\rhttp://www\.satderam\.ru , info@satdream\.ru , dreambox@satdream\.ru\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\nBNT Layer 2/3 Copper Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter\.\r\n\r\n\r\nEnter password: | p|Nortel Layer 2/3 Gigabit Ethernet switch for IBM BladeCenter
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\"\r\n##### #### ## ## #### #####\r\n## ## ## ## ## # ## ## ## ##\r\n## ## ###### ####### ## #####\r\n## ## ## ####### ## ## ##\r\n## ## ##### ## ## #### ######\r\n A Butter Team Creation\r\n\r\nPassword :
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[00H\+----------------------------------------------------------------------\+\r\0\r\n.*\| Motorola (PTP \d+) Lite Console Application +\|\r\0\r\n.*\| Software Version: ([\w._-]+) +\|\r\0\r\n\| Hardware Version: ([\w._-]+) +\|\r\0\r\n=s p/Motorola 1 WAP telnetd/ v/2/ i/hardware version 3/
\xff\xfc\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x05TiMOS-([\w._-]+) cpm/hops ALCATEL SR (\w+)
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2J\r\n\r\nObeh\xf6riga \xe4ga ej tilltr\xe4de\r\n\r\n\xf6vertr\xe4delse beivras\.\r\n\r\n\rUsername:
\n\rTA-005-FXO1-122M : CLI\n\rLogin :
\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 Ver\. ([\w._-]+)\n\rEvaluation copy, \d+ users enabled\. Expiration date is ([\d/]+)\.\n\r\n\rUser \d+ of \d+\n\r\n\rlogin:
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\+{79}\r\n\r\+{33}#############\+{33}\r\n\r\+{28}###### ######\+{28}\r\n\r
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03BR-telnet@(FES\w+) Router>
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nCopyright \(c\) 2005 - 2008 Enterasys, Inc\. All rights reserved\.\r\n\n\r\n\r\n\r\0Username:
\r={74}\n\rTransition Networks Telnet Server\n\rSystem name: SMKG-PKGEAST-([\w._-]+)\n\rPress CTRL-D to disconnect\.\n\rEnter password:
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n \*{73}\r\n This is a private system\. \r\n Do not attempt to login unless you are an authorized user\. \r\n Any authorized or unauthorized access or use may be monitored and can\r\n result in criminal or civil prosecution under applicable law\.\r\n \*{73}\r\n\r\nMP login:
\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[2C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[5B \x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[2C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[6B \x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[2C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[7B \x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[2B Verify Password \x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[4B \x0e\x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[8C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[1Blqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk\x1b
Sorry, new remote sessions are disallowed by current switch configuration\.
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[H\x1b\[J\r\nWireless Router Manager Console , Version : ([\w._-]+)\r\nPlease enter your password :
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\*{60}\r\n\* WARNING ALERT: AUTHORIZED USERS ONLY! +\*\r\n\* +\*\r\n\* All activities conducted on this system may be monitored \*\r\n\* and recorded\. If you are not an authorized user, log off \*\r\n\* immediately\. Illegal entry, misuse, and / or criminal \*\r\n\* activity will be documented and prosecuted to the full \*\r\n\* extend of the law\. +\*\r\n\*{60}\r\n\r\n\r\nPress <Enter> to accept and continue the login process\.\.\.\.\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[1mwb-adtran-\w+ ADTRAN (TDU-\w+)\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2;1HConnecting\.\.\.\.
\r\n%connection closed by remote host!\0
Sorry, telnet is not allowed on this port!
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nBUFFALO INC\. LinkStation series HS-DHGL\(JINMU\)\r\n\rFENCHURCH login:
\nFelix Remote Shell Console:\r\n============================\r\n\r\n->
\r\n\r\nBackup Server Telnet Session\r\n\r\nUser:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\"\[game001\] remote control session\.\r\nPassword:\0
\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b\[3;23r\x1b\[\?6l\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[1;1HProCurve J\w+ Switch ([\w-]+)\r\n\rSoftware revision ([\w._-]+)\r\n
nodnsquery/[\d.]+ is not authorized to use the telnet proxy\r\n
\xff\xfc\x01\xff\xfd\"ixProxy V([\d.]+), Copyright \(C\) \d+ Ixia Communications\r\nEnter target port ip address as login name \(example: 10\.0\.1\.1\)\r\nlogin:
\x0b\0\0\0GBXRemote 2
match vmware-auth m=^220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version (\d[-.\w]+), ServerDaemonProtocol:(SOAP|IPC), MKSDisplayProtocol:VNC= p/VMware Authentication Daemon/ v/1/ i/Uses VNC, 2/
VTUN server ver \. (\d[-.\w /]+)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
VTUN server ver \(.*\) (\d[-.\w /]+)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
250 OK moleSoftware VHCS2 Server Welcomes You !\r\n
\+ read portFile\n\+ head -1\n\+ find /var/websm/
([-\w_.]+) xine-ui ([\d.]+) remote server\. Nice to meet you\.\n
Vty password is not set\.\r\n
\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfd\x1fPassword:
bp[-\w]+: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc\+\+-libc6\.2-2\.so\.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n
OK0100 eXtremail V([\d.]+) release (\d+) REMote management \.\.\.\r\n
SuSE Meta pppd \(smpppd\), Version ([\d.]+)\r\n
\x7e\xff\x7d\x23\xc0\x21}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6\x7d\x27\x7d\x22\x7d\x28\x7d\x22\xc7\x7d\x23\x7e
\x7e\xff\x7d\x23\xc0\x21}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\x81\xf4\xdb\xc0}'}\"}\(}\"\xc4\x80~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\x81\xf4\xdb\xc0}'}\"}\(}\"\xc4\x80\x7e
-=QDS Task Refactoring Dev v([\w._-]+) Debug Tracing LiveView=-\r\nType quit or \^X to close connection\.\r\n\r\n
503 Service Unavailable\r\n\r\n\0
Microsoft Windows XP \[Version [\d.]+\]\n\(C\) Copyright 1985-\d+ Microsoft Corp\.\n\nC:\\>
HELLO Welcome to Tunnel Vision \(([\d.]+)\)\n
Invalid request string: Request string is: \"\r\"
Feedback\nError=You need unique ID to command ABC!
#connected,all connect count: 1{\"event\":\"device_status\",\"data\":{\"wifi_name\":\"([^\"]+)\",\"wifi_signal\":\d+,\"battery\":\d+,\"batterycharging\":\w+,\"gsm_signal\":\d+,\"sms_unread\":\d+,\"sdcard\":\d+,\"updateinfo\":null}}
-\0\0\0\0| p|IBM OS/400 as-servermapd| o|OS/400
\[AUTHPOINT RESPONSE\]\r\nreturn_code=AUTHPOINT ERROR\r\nreturn_code_text=Error response parsed by base message object: Invalid or missing register #\r\nresponse=\r\nidentifier=\r\napproval_code=\r\n
Unknown command\r\n
Can't fork pty, bye!\n
Message received\n
Use of uninitialized value in transliteration \(tr///\) at /var/jchkmail/user-filter
Connection from \[[\d.]+\]\r\n\r\nEnter your account name and password\.\r\nSorry, there is no guest account\.\r\n\r\nUsername:
\r\nEnter your account name and password\.\r\n\r\nUsername:
<error>unrecognized op</error/>\n\x03
<boinc_gui_rpc_reply>\n<error>unrecognized op</error>\n</boinc_gui_rpc_reply>\n\x03
200-At least a module and a command must be specified\r\n200-At least a module and a command must be specified\r\n
\nWelcome to the Computone IntelliServer `([\w._-]+)'\nRunning cnx kernel release ([\w._, -]+)\n\npt-ses day time owner command\n
ok\r\nunknown command\r\nunknown command\r\n
Expecting SSL \(optional\) and CONFIG as first commands\.\n
Invalid FT GWADDR / START protocol\n
\x03Not a valid name\. This may because you left it blank or used invalid symbols\. Please try again\.\n
Finger online user list request denied\.\r\n
Username Real name Idletime TTY Remote console location\n
Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone\r\n
\r\nIntegrated port\r\nPrinter Type: Dell Laser Printer ([-\w+.]+)\r\nPrint Job Status: (.*)\r\n
This is ([-\w_.]+) finger server\.\r\n\r\nPlease use username@domain format\.\r\n
\r\nIntegrated port\r\nPrinter Type: Lexmark ([^\r\n]+)\r\n
finger: /var/adm/lastlog open error\nNo one logged on\r\n
Debian GNU/Linux Copyright \(C\) 1993-1999 Software in the Public Interest\n.*You haven't specified a user\.\n\n A general listing is not provided to the public\.
\r\nPrinter Type: Lexmark Optra LaserPrinter\r\n
MSS485 Version V([\w._/-]+)\(([\w._-]+)\) - Time Since Boot:
220 Welcome to Stupid-FTPd server\.\r\n422 Too busy to play with you\.\r\n
520 invalid command\n
220 Inactivity timer = \d+ seconds\. Use 'site idle <secs>' to change\.\r\n221 Goodbye \(badly formated command seen\)\. You uploaded 0 and downloaded 0 kbytes\.\r\n221 Goodbye \(badly formated command seen\)\. You uploaded 0 and downloaded 0 kbytes\.\r\n
220 \r\n500 Unknown command: \"\"\r\n500 Unknown command: \"\"\r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) FTP Server ready \.\.\.\r\n530 \r : User not logged in\. Please login with USER and PASS first\.\r\n530 \r : User not logged in\. Please login with USER and PASS first\.\r\n
220 \"Welcome to Bot FTP service\.\"\r\n331 Please specify the password\.\r\n230 Login successful\. Have fun\.\r\n
220 OK\n226 OK\n
220 Welcome to pyftpd\. Happy downloading\.\r\n500 I'm gonna ignore this command\.\.\. maybe later\.\.\.\r\n
220 ([\w._-]+) server ready\.\r\n502 command not implemented\.\r\n502 command not implemented\.\r\n
220 UnleashX FTP ready\.\r\n503 Login with USER first\.\r\n
220 ps2ftpd ready\.\r\n500 Not understood\.\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfc\"\r\n\r\n\n\rauthentication failed!\n\rpassword:
\xff\xfc\"\xff\xfb\x01\r\nPassword: \r\nbad password\r\n| p|Campbell Scientific NL-100/105 Ethernet-to-serial bridge telnetd
FlashCONNECT ([\d.]+) invalid message\.\n
<error>\nBad connect string!
{type INIT} {up \d+} {auth \d+} {name {([^}]+)}} {ip [\d.]+} {max \d+} {port (\d+)}\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nCache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n<html><body><h1>Not Implemented</h1>Whatever the heck you just requested, I can't generate\.</body></html>
HTTP/1\.0 501 Document Follows\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 106\r\n\r\n<HEAD><TITLE>501 Method Not Implemented</TITLE></HEAD>\r\n<BODY><H1>501 Method Not Implemented</H1>\r\n</BODY>
HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n.*Server: PeopleSoft PSRENSRV/([\w._-]+)\r\n.*<I>PeopleSoft PSRENSRV/[\w._-]+ on http://([\w._-]+):\d+</I>
<\?xml version=\"1\.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"\?>\n<NETPATH_PROBE version=\"[\w._-]+\">\n\t<SOURCE device_type=\"HOST\">\n\t\t<DNS>([\w._-]+)</DNS>\n\t\t<IP_OUT>[\d.]+</IP_OUT>\n\t</SOURCE>\n\t<DESTINATION name=\"\" arguments=\"\">\n\t\t<ERROR code=\"3\">\n\t\t\t<MESSAGE>No destination specified</MESSAGE>\n\t\t</ERROR>\n\t</DESTINATION>\n</NETPATH_PROBE>\n\n
0 , 0 : ERROR : INVALID-PORT\r\n
0 , 0 : ERROR : INVALID-PORT\r\n0 , 0 : ERROR : INVALID-PORT\r\n
: USERID : UNIX : ([-\w_]+)
: USERID : UNIX : [a-z]{4,8}\r\n
1 , 1 : USERID : OTHER : chuck-the-bsd-deamon\r\n
, : USERID : UNIX : [^\r\n]+\r\n
\* OK IMAP4 1\.0 server ready\r\n\* BAD Argument\r\n
ERR password required\r\nERR password required\r\n
ERR administrator password required\r\nERR administrator password required\r\n
\r\nSorry, that nickname format is invalid\.\r\r\n
:([-\w_.]+) 421 \r\n\r\n :\r\n\r\n unimplemented protocol request\r\n:[-\w_.]+ 421 \r\n\r\n :\r\n\r\n unimplemented protocol request\r\n
\+OK \r\n-ERR XXX authorization first\r\n
HLO 0 0 \. 0 71\r\nContent-type: application/vnd\.laserfiche\.lrnp\r\n\r\nLRNP/1\.1\r\n\r\nlistener\r\nEND\r\nERR 0 1 \. 71 80\r\nContent-type: application/vnd\.laserfiche\.lrnp\r\n\r\n451 0 Invalid message \(-2001\)\r\nEND\r\nMSG 0 2 \. 151 58\r\nContent-type: application/vnd\.laserfiche\.lrnp\r\n\r\nCLOSE 0\r\nEND\r\n
ERROR: Command doesn't seem to be followed by a space followed by arguments\n
500 access denied: Check networking/linuxconf network access\r\n
BEGIN\n\r\nERROR\nDATA\n1\nbad send packet\nEND\nBEGIN\n\r\nERROR\nDATA\n1\nbad send packet\nEND\n
ERROR: Unknown request number\.
ERROR: Invalid password\.\nERROR: Invalid password\.\n
HP OpenView OmniBack II ([-.\w]+): INET,
598::Command not recognized\.\r\n598::Command not recognized\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 PH addressbook server
\+OK POP3 ([-.+\w]+) v(\d[-.\w]+) server ready\r\n
\+OK POP3 \[([-.+\w]+)\] (\d[-.\w]+) server ready\r\n
\+OK POP3 \[([-.\w]+)\] v(200[-.\w]+) server ready\r\n-ERR Null command\r\n-ERR Null command\r\n
\+OK POP3 server ready\r\n-ERR invalid command\r\n| p/IBM OS 400 pop3d/ o|OS/400
\+OK pop server ready\r\n
\+OK ([\w._-]+)\r\n-ERR Invalid command in current state\.\r\n-ERR Invalid command in current state\.\r\n
-ERR Invalid command\.\r\n-ERR Invalid command\.\r\n
\+OK POP3 ready\r\n-ERR invalid command\r\n
\+OK POP3 Ready ([-\w_.]+) \w+\r\n-ERR Null command, mate\r\n
\+OK POP3Proxy ready\r\n-ERR Unknown command\r\n-ERR Unknown command\r\n
EInvalid packet length\0
EFATAL 1: invalid length of startup packet\n\0
\xc0\0\x12Data field missing
\xff\x17Access to unopened port.
Status: 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n
ERR 27
SPAMD/1\.0 76 Bad header line: \r\n
SSTP/([\d.]+) 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n\0
514 Authentication required\.\r\n
login: Password: Login incorrect\.
login: uucpd: \d+-\d+ The user is not known\.\n
%rwhois V-[\w:.-]+ ([-\w_.]+) \(by Network Solutions, Inc\. V-([\d.]+)\)\n
% No entries found for the selected source\(s\)\.\n
128 System Incompatible Windows Communicator client or server version\r\n128 System Incompatible Windows Communicator client or server version\r\n
\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nAccount Name: \r\nPassword: \r\nThis copy of the Ataman Telnetd Server is registered as licensed to:\r\n\t(.+)\r\n\r\nLogin failed: unknown user name, password or privilege incorrect\.\r\n
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\r\n +-+\r\n +\| Cyclades-PR4000: CyROS V_([\d.]+) \(.*\) \|\r\n= p/Cyclades PR4000 router telnetd/ v/1/ d/router/
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nLogin: \r\n\r\nYou must supply a username\r\n\r\nLogin: \r\n\r\nYou must supply a username\r\n\r\nLogin:
\r\n\r\nThis is a FirstClass system, from Open Text Corporation\.\r\n\r\n\r\nFirstClass is an e-mail and conferencing system with a graphical user interface\.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe Command Line Interface is not available on this sy
\xff\xfb\x01\r\nPassword:\r\nLogged in as guest\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01Login: \r\nLogin: \r\nLogin:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nuser: \r\npassword: \r\n\r\nuser:
\xff\xfb\x01\n\r-> \n\r-> \n\r->
bad password\r\n
\xff\xfd\"\xff\xfb\x01SSE version ([\d.]+)\r\nCopyright [\d, ]+ by Motorola\r\nUsername:
\xff\xfb\x01Password\? \r\n500 Configuration error\. Disconnecting!\n
\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nlogin: \r\n\r\n\r\r\npassword:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nTOSHIBA Maintenance Shell\. \n\rUser access verification\.\n\rlogin:
\r\nPress return:\*\*\*\*\r\nEnter Password:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\0\n\r\0\n\r\0\n\r\0\n- NetQue AppleTalk/NetWare/TCP/LAT Printer Server
\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPassword: \r\nPassword: \r\nPassword: \r\n% Bad passwords\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nRead /disclaimer\.txt and have fun with yadi on your Nokia D-BOX2 - Kernel ([-\w_.]+) \(
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPhilips D-BOX2 - Kernel ([\w._-]+) \(
\xff\xfb\x01\n\rLogin: \n\r\n\r\n\rLogin: \n\rLogin:
105 Access denied\.\r\n 105 Access denied\.\r\n 105 Access denied\.\r\n 105 Access denied\.\r\n
User Name: \r\r\nPassword: \r\r\nRemote MAC address:
\xff\xfb\x01\r\nAP11G login: \r\n\r\nPassword:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[H \n\r\0\x1b\[H\x1b\[JPASSaPORT CS-(\d+) SW V([-\w_.]+) , HW V([-\w_.]+)\r\n\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x1fError2 negotiated with client \d+ and get 1 char is a a d\. \n\r\n\r\*+\n\r\*\* +\*\*\n\r\*\* IP Phone firmware +V([\w._-]+)
\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x03\x04\r\nPassword: \r\n\n\rComtrol DeviceMaster RTS ModelID: (\d+) \n\r\rNS-Link ([\w._-]+) \n\rBuilt: .*\n\rIP Addr: [\d.]+ Mask: [\d.]+ Gateway: [\d.]+ \n\rMAC Addr: ([\w ]+) \n\r\n\r\r\n\rdm> \r\nInvalid Command\r\n\rdm>
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x18\r\0\r\nPassword: \r\nPassword incorrect\r\n
\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03AH4222\r\nLogin: \r\n\r\nPassword:
\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfc\"\xff\xfd\x1flogin: \r\nlogin: \r\nlogin:
\x1b\[24;1HUsername: \x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[24;1H\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[24;11H\x1b\[24;11H\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[24;11H\x1b\[24;1H\r\n\r\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[24;11H\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b\[3;23r\x1b\[\?6l\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[1;1HProCurve (\w+) Switch (\w+)\r\n\rSoftware revision ([\w.]+)\r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nWelcome to IFBD-HE05/06 TELNET Utility\.\r\nCopyright\(C\) 2005 Star Micronics co\., Ltd\.\r\n\r\n<< Connected Device >>\r\n Device Model: (\w+) \(STR_T-001\)\r\n NIC Product : IFBD-HE05/06\r\n MAC Address : ([0-9A-F:]+)\r\n\r\n\r \r\nlogin: \r\n
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nLANIER Maintenance Shell\. \n\rUser access verification\.\n\rlogin:
\xff\xfb\x01\r\nUser Name : \r\nUser Name : \r\nUser Name :
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nWelcome to VIP-X ([\w._-]+) from [\w._-]+\r\nTLS invalid record length\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\ninvalid username\r\n\r\nTLS version 0300 not supported\r\nenter username ->
\0\0\+\x04\0\0\0@TransBase Multiplexer error report:\nIllegal request
501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: (RT-\w+) UPnP/([\w.]+) MiniUPnPd/([\w.]+)\r\n
501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: DrayTek/Vigor([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w.]+) miniupnpd/([\w.]+)\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>501 Not Implemented</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>Not Implemented</H1>The HTTP Method is not implemented by this server\.</BODY></HTML>\r\n
501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: Linux Mips ([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w.]+) MiniUPnPd/([\w.]+)\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Symbian/([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-Length: 151\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2\.0//EN\">\n<html><head>\n<title>400 Bad Request</title>\n</head><body>\n<h1>Bad Request</h1>\n<hr />\n</body></html>
HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 149\r\nServer: Linux/([\w._-]+) DLNADOC/([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w._-]+) MiniDLNA/([\w._-]+)\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nExpires: .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html>\n<head><title>Bad formed request or url</title>\n
Status: 400 Bad Request\r\nServlet-Error: Malformed data sent to JServ\r\n\r\n
WTAM/1\.0 401 Unrecognized Command\n\n
Command Shell\r\n\r\n% \r\n%
201- connected\r\n407- unknown command\r\n
<\?xml version=\"1\.0\"\?>\r\n<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM \"/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy\.dtd\">\r\n<cross-domain-policy>\r\n <!-- This is a master socket policy file -->\r\n <!-- No other socket policies on the host will be permitted -->\r\n <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies=\"master-only\"/>\r\n <!-- This will allow access to port 1800 -->\r\n <allow-access-from domain=\"([^\"]*)\" to-ports=\"([^\"]*)\"/>\r\n</cross-domain-policy>\r\n
(HTTP/1\.0) 200 OK\r\nServer: Kerio Personal Firewall\r\n
:[-\w_.]+ 451 GET :\r\n
<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Directory /</TITLE>\n<BASE HREF=\"file:/\">\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n<H1>Directory listing of /</H1>
Nice try\.\.\.\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n.*WWW-Authenticate: negotiate \r\nWWW-Authenticate: digest nonce=\"\d+\", realm=\"/Search\", algorithm=\"md5\"\r\n.*Server: Twisted/([\w._-]+) TwistedWeb/([\w._-]+)\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 302 Found\r\nLocation: http://www\.distributed\.net/\r\n\r\n
Login name: / \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n\r\nLogin name: GET \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n\r\nLogin name: HTTP/1\.0 \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n
Login name: GET \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n
+-;;=\n +\.;M####\+\n
User not found\r\n
EMail : [-\w_.]+@([-\w_.]+)\r\n Real Name : \?\?\r\n Home Page : \?\?\r\n
Login name: HTTP/1\.0 In real life: \?\?\?\r\n
3That item is not currently available\.\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 302 Moved\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nLocation: /1[012]\d{8}/l\r\n\r\n<H1>Document
HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Xitami\r\n
match http m%^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nConnection: close\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"(?:MLdonkey|P2P)\"\r\n% p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P web interface/
HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: JRun Web Server\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden\r\nServer: Web Server\r\n\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\nServer: Web Server\r\nLocation: .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n<HEAD><TITLE>Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><A HREF=\".*\">Moved</A></BODY>\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n.*<title>MiniShare</title>\r\n.*<td class=\"total\" colspan=\"2\">Total: (\d+) files</td><td class=\"totalsize\">([^<]+)</td></tr>
HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Quantum Corporation\./([\d.]+)\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 200 \(OK\) \r\nPragma: No-Cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: HTTP Server\r\n.*Copyright \d+, \d+ Nortel Networks\.
HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Jigsaw/([\w.-]+)\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: ENI-Web/R([\d_]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"standard@Modem\"\r\n\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nPragma: no-cach\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1251\r\n\r\n<HTML>\r\n<HEAD>\r\n<TITLE>UserGate report area</TITLE>\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok\r\nServer: httpd\r\nDate: .*\n<title>WL700g Web Manager</title>
HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">\r\n<title>8 Port Gigabit Switch</title>\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 303 Redirecting\r\nServer: httpd/[\d.]+ Python/([\d.]+)\r\n.*Cache-Control: no-store,no-cache,must-revalidate,max-age=0,post-check=0,pre-check=0\r\n.*<title>: Redirecting\n</title>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0; URL=http://([\w._-]+):\d+/login\"
HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: GlobalSCAPE-EFTServer/([\w._-]+)\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 401 Not Authorised\r\nServer: Majestic-12 WebServer v([\w._-]+)\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 204 No Content\nServer: PRS\nDate: .*\n\n
HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nConnection: close\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"PLC Adaptor\"\r\n\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required \( El servidor ISA requiere autorizaci\xc3\xb3n para completar la petici\xc3\xb3n\. Acceso denegado al servicio de proxy web\. \)\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden\r\nServer: Eplicator/([\d.]+)\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: NETLAB/([\w._-]+)\r\n
The Host cannot run the specified program\.
ICAP/1\.0 501 Other\r\nServer: Traffic Spicer ([\d.]+)\r\n
GET / HTTP/1\.0 : USERID : UNIX : ([-.\w]+)\r\n
GET / HTTP/1\.0 : USERID : UNIX : [^\r\n]+\r\n
\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 X-NETSCAPE LOGIN-REFERRALS STARTTLS LOGINDISABLED\] \[[-.\w]+\] IMAP4rev1 200[-.\w]+ at .*\r\nGET BAD Command unrecognized/login please: /\r\n\* BAD Null command\r\n
\* OK \[[-.+\w]+\] IMAP4rev1 v1(\d[-.\w]+) server ready\r\n
\* OK ([-.+\w]+) IMAP4rev1 v1(\d[-.\w]+) server ready\r\n
\* OK IMAP4rev1\r\nGET BAD Invalid command\r\n\* BAD Null command\r\n
\* OK .*\r\nGET BAD Please login first\r\n
\* OK IMAP4rev1 server ready at \d\d/\d\d/\d\d \d?\d:\d\d:\d\d\r\nGET BAD UNKNOWN Command\r\n\r\n BAD UNKNOWN Command\r\n
\* OK Gimap ready for requests from [\d\.]+ ([\w\d]+)
\* OK .*IMAP4rev1 Server Completed\r\nGET BAD Protocol Error: Invalid IMAP command specified\r\n
\* OK MailSite IMAP4 Server ([-.\w]+) ready
GET NO Error in IMAP command received by server\.\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: CUPS/([-\w_.]+)
HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"0; URL=http://[\d.]+/\"></HEAD><BODY><P>For more printserver info please open the <A HREF=\"http://[\d.]+/\">[\d.]+</A> home page</BODY></HTML>
:Default-Chat-Community 421 \* GET :Unknown command\r\n
:([-\w_.]+) 451 :You have not registered your connection\r\n
<\?xml version='1\.0'\?><stream:stream xmlns:stream='http://etherx\.jabber\.org/streams' xmlns='jabber:component:accept' id='none' from='([-\w_.]+)'><stream:error><xml-not-well-formed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/></stream:error></stream:stream>
<stream:error>Invalid XML</stream:error>
<stream:error>Invalid XML</stream:error></stream:stream>
<\?xml version='1\.0' encoding='UTF-8'\?>\n<stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx\.jabber\.org/streams' from=\"\" version=\"1\.0\">\n<stream:features/>
JAMES Remote Administration Tool ([\d.]+)\nPlease enter your login and password\nLogin id:\n
ERR unknown_command Unknown\+server\+command\r\n
# Wrongly matches SSL in some cases
\xfb\xff\xfe\xff\xfb\xff\xfe\xff\xfb\xff\xfe\xff| p|Novell NetWare/IP
SOURCETABLE 200 OK\r\nServer: NTRIP Caster ([\w._-]+)/([\w._-]+)\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n
\xe3\r\n\r\n\0\x01\0.\0vInvalid protocol verification, illegal ORMI request or request performed with an incompatible version of this protocol
\xe3\r\n\r\n\0\x01\0\x03\x0b\0vInvalid protocol verification, illegal ORMI request or request performed with an incompatible version of this protocol
-ERR \[SYS/PERM\] Fatal error: tls_start_servertls\(\) failed\r\n
-ERR Fatal error: pop3s: required OpenSSL options not present\r\n
EFATAL: invalid length of startup packet\n\0
-ERR wrong number of arguments for 'get' command\r\n
0 serverclose 0\n
HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"server\r\nContent-Length: 166\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: SetiQueue/(\d+)\r\n
ICY \d\d\d .*SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/posix.v([\d.]+)
HTTP/1\.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\nDate:0000-01-01T18:54:43\r\nContent-Type: application/soap\+xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n\r\n
\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfbi\r\n\tWelcome to Magicunix's TCP Server\.\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: P/1\.0\r\nPassword: \r\nLogin incorrect\r\nLogin:
\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03telnet@CER(\w+)>GET / HTTP/1\.0\r\nInvalid input -> GET / HTTP/1\.0\r\nType \? for a list\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 503 Directory busy, try again later\r\n\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"([\w._-]+)\"\nEXT:\r\nServer: *Linux/([\w._-]+), UPnP/([\w._-]+), pvConnect UPnP SDK/([\w._-]+)\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Linux/2\.x UPnP/([\w._-]+) Avtech/([\w._-]+)\r\nConnection: close\r\nLast-Modified: .*\xb2\xe8\xbe\x1c\xb2\xe8\xbe\x38\x62\x03\r\n
login: Login incorrect\.
HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: ByllSoftware Gurda/([\d.]+)\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n\r\n<BODY><HTML><H1>401 - Authorization Failed</H1></HTML></BODY>\0
\n\r\nJava Whois Server ([\w._-]+) \(c\) \d+ - \d+ Klaus Zerwes zero-sys\.net\r\n\n
HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: DavMail Gateway ([\w._-]+)\r\nDAV: 1, calendar-access, calendar-schedule, calendarserver-private-events, addressbook\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Web Sharing\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><TITLE>400 Bad Request</TITLE>The URL you requested could not be understood by the server\. Do not include double slashes or colon characters in the URL\.</HTML>\r\n\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d.*\r\nServer: B[iI][gG]-?IP\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 406 Not Acceptable\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 616\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD>\n<TITLE>Request Error</TITLE>
<html>\r\n<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n
RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: PanWeb Server/([\w._-]+)\r\n.*Keep-Alive: timeout=60, max=2000\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-length: 130\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Document Error: Bad Request</TITLE>
RTSP/1\.0 403 Forbidden: Proxy not licensed\r\nSession: \w+\r\n\r\n
RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad request\nContent-type: text/html\n\n
HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Unknown/0\.0 UPnP/([\d.]+) Virata-EmWeb/([-.\w]+)\r\n
(?:p9sk1@[\w._-]+ )*p9sk1@([\w._-]+)\0/bin/exportfs: auth_proxy: auth_proxy rpc write: : invalid argument\n
<\?xml version=\"1\.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"\?>\n<!DOCTYPE rql PUBLIC \"-//Kapow Technologies//DTD RoboSuite Robot Query Language ([\w._-]+)//EN\" \"http://www\.kapowtech\.com/robosuite/rql/dtd/robot-query-language_[\w._-]+\.dtd\">\n<rql>\n <server-error>\n <message>com\.kapowtech\.robosuite\.api\.java\.rql\.RQLProtocolException: Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence\.</message>
match syncsort-cmagent m=^\x80\0\0J\x0f\x02\x02\x06\t\x1d\x02\x11m\x04\x15\x17\x01\x06c\|sww{t\x1b{uwOn\x04\x0f\x1d\x19wE\x0f\x13\x15\x08\x13g\x06\x03\x15\x04\x08\x0f\x13e\x18fm~ug\x10\0\x1dl\x01\x0f\ne\x0f\x04\nm\x17qkzdn}qG= p/Syncsort Backup Express cmagent/
\x04\x01\0C..\0\0\xaa\0\0\0/\x0f\xa2\x01\x0e.. Login failed\r\n\x14Microsoft SQL Server\0\0\0\xfd\0\xfd\0\0\0\0\0\x02
match ossec-agent m=^\xdf\x06\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\x97\|\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x10\0\0\0= p/OSSEC Agent/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0Log level 3\r\r\nUsername: data_error\r\r\n\(rdata_error\r\r\ndata_error\r\r\ndata_error\r\r\ndata_error\r\r\ndata_error\r\r\ndata_error\r\r\ndata_error\r\r\ndata_error\r\r\ndata_error\r\r\n\|= p/Jungo OpenRG telnetd/ i/Pirelli A125G wireless DSL router/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
\x01Permission denied\.\n
# Has to come before BIND matches.
\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0.\xc0\x0c\0\x10\0\x01\0\0\0\x05\0..Served by PowerDNS - http://www\.powerdns\.com
\0\x06\x81\x80\0\x01\0\x01\0\0\0\0\x07version\x04bind\0\0\x10\0\x03\xc0\x0c\0\x10\0\x03.......PowerDNS Recursor ([\w._-]+) (\Id: pdns_recursor\.cc .*?\)
# Has to come before BIND matches.
..*\x07version\x04bind.*Incognito DNS \w+ ([\d.]+) \(
\x01Login incorrect\.\n
\x01rexecd: Login incorrect.?\n
\x01rexecd: [-\d]+ Connexion incorrecte\.\n
\x01INTERnet ACP AUXS failure Status = %LOGIN-F-NOSUCHUSER\r\n\0
\0\x86\x05\x02\0\0\x07\?\0\x01\x01@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0H\Id: //ral_depot/products/IxChariot6\.50\.24/ENDPOINT/CODE/client\.c#3 \\0\0\0\x1a\x7f\0\x02\0\x0ce1_thread\0\0\x18main_process_incoming\0
\0\^A\^@\^@\^@\^@\^@\^@\^Gversion\^Dbind\^@\^@\^P\^@\r\n-> shell restarted\.\r\n\r\n->
\0\r\n-> trcStack aborted: error in top frame\r\ntShell restarted\.\r\n\r\n-> !1 echo_recv: -1\.\r\n
\x01krshd: Echec de l'authentification Kerberos\.\r\n\0
\0\x11Invalid command\n\0\0\0
\x01krlogind: Echec de l'authentification Kerberos\.\r\n\0
\x01in\.utrcmdd \(remote\): protocol error \(1\)\n\0
\0(?:\x03\x58\0)?\x6a\x01\0\0\0\0Your client is too old\. To use this server, please upgrade your client to a Freeciv 2\.2 or later\.\0\0\0\x03\0\0\x03\x01
\xe3\r\n\r\n\0\x01\0.\0vInvalid protocol verification, illegal ORMI request or request performed with an incompatible version of this protocol
.*\Id: //ral_depot/products/current/ENDPOINT/CODE/client\.c
\x04\x01\0\(\0\0\0\0\xaa\0\x14\0\0\x0f\xa2\x01\x0eLogin failed\.\n\xfd\0\x02\0\x02\0\0\0\0
HTTP/1\.0 414 Request-URI Too Long\r\nServer: Linux/([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w._-]+) fbxigdd/([\w._-]+)\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n
\xff\0\x0e\0P\0r\0o\0t\0o\0c\0o\0l\0 \0e\0r\0r\0o\0r
\d{1,2}:\d\d:\d\d \d{1,2}/\d\d/\d{4}\n
220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP\r\n501 ehlo requires domain/address - see RFC-2821 4\.1\.1\.1\r\n
220 ([\w_.-]+) ready\r\n250-[\w_.-]+\r\n250 AUTH LOGIN PLAIN \r\n
cvs \[pserver aborted\]: bad auth protocol start: HELP\r\n\n?
cvs \[server aborted\]: bad auth protocol start: HELP\r\n
cvs \[server aborted\]: bad auth protocol start: HELP\r\nerror \n
cvs-pserver \[pserver aborted\]: bad auth protocol start: HELP\r\n\n
match ftp m%^220 .*\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n(?:214-| )USER PASS ACCT\* CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP SMNT\* \r\n(?:214-| )QUIT REIN\* PORT PASV EPRT EPSV TYPE STRU \r\n(?:214-| )MODE RETR STOR STOU APPE ALLO\* REST RNFR \r\n(?:214-| )RNTO ABOR DELE MDTM RMD XRMD MKD XMKD \r\n(?:214-| )PWD XPWD SIZE LIST NLST SITE SYST STAT \r\n% p/ProFTPD/ v/1.2.8 - 1.2.9/ o/Unix/ cpe:/a:proftpd:proftpd/
220 .*\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\):\r\n CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP SMNT\* QUIT PORT PASV \r\n EPRT EPSV ALLO\* RNFR RNTO DELE MDTM RMD \r\n XRMD MKD XMKD PWD XPWD SIZE SYST HELP \r\n NOOP FEAT OPTS AUTH\*? CCC\* CONF\* ENC\* MIC\* \r\n PBSZ\*? PROT\*? TYPE STRU MODE RETR STOR STOU \r\n
220 FTP server ready\.\r\n214- The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n USER PORT TYPE MLFL\* MRCP\* DELE SYST RMD STOU \r\n PASS LPRT STRU MAIL\* ALLO CWD STAT XRMD SIZE \r\n ACCT\* EPRT MODE MSND\* REST XCWD HELP PWD MDTM \r\n SMNT\* PASV RETR MSOM\* RNFR LIST NOOP XPWD \r\n REIN\* LPSV STOR MSAM\* RNTO NLST MKD CDUP \r\n QUIT EPSV APPE MRSQ\* ABOR SITE XMKD XCUP \r\n214 End\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) FTP server \(UNIX_SV ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n214-The following commands are recognized \(\* =>'s unimplemented\)\.\r\n USER PORT STOR MSAM\* RNTO NLST MKD CDUP \r\n PASS PASV APPE MRSQ\* ABOR SITE XMKD XCUP \r\n ACCT\* TYPE MLFL\* MRCP\* DELE SYST RMD STOU \r\n SMNT\* STRU MAIL\* ALLO CWD STAT XRMD SIZE \r\n REIN\* MODE MSND\* REST XCWD HELP PWD MDTM \r\n QUIT RETR MSOM\* RNFR LIST NOOP XPWD \r\n
220 FTP server ready\r\n214-The following commands are recognized:\r\nHELP\tUSER\tPASS\tQUIT\tLIST\tNLST\r\nRETR\tSTOR\tCWD\tTYPE\tPORT\tPWD\r\nSTRU\tMODE\tALLO\tACCT\tPASV\tNOOP\r\nDELE\tEPRT\tEPSV\r\n214 End of command list\.\r\n| p|TopLayer/Alcatel ftpd
220 Connection established\.\r\n214-The following commands are supported:\r\n\tUSER\tPORT\tTYPE\tABOR\tCWD \tLIST\r\n
220 FTP Server Ready\r\n.*\r\n214 Direct comments to psp@amoks\.com\.\r\n
220 FTP server ready\r\n211 HELP text\r\n
220 Connection established\.\r\n214-The following commands are supported\.\r\n USER PORT TYPE ABOR CWD LIST\r\n PASS PASV STRU PWD XCWD NLST\r\n QUIT STOR MODE XPWD NOOP HELP\r\n214 End of HELP\r\n
220 Welcome to connection\.\r\n214 FTP Server Help\.\r\n HUMAX PVR FTP Server\. \r\n214 End\r\n
(?:220-.*\r\n)?220 .*\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n
220 Service Ready\r\n502 Command Not implemented\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 400 Parse error: Could not parse request line \(split\.length=1\): HELP\r\n
HELP : USERID : UNIX : trilluser\r\n
\d+, \d+ : USERID : UNIX : [-.@\w]+\r\n
:([-\w_.]+) 451 \* :You have not registered\r\n
:([-\w_.]+) 451 \* :Register first\.\r\n
NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\n:([-\w_.]+) 451 \* :Register first\.\r\n
:([-\w_.]+) 290 :\.-----------------=#\[ euIRCd HelpSystem \]#=----------------\.\n
200 NNTP server ready\r\n100 Avaliable commands:\r\nARTICLE\r\nAUTHINFO\r\nBODY\r\nGROUP\r\nHEAD\r\nHELP\r\nIHAVE\r\nLAST\r\nLIST\r\nNEWGROUPS\r\nNEWNEWS\r\nNEXT\r\nPOST\r\nQUIT\r\nSLAVE\r\nSTAT\r\nXHDR\r\n\.\r\n| p|Hamster Playground/Kerio nntpd
\x01Socket \d+ received unknown command 0x48 with arguments ELP
false;error while receiving message from client\n
220 ([-.+\w]+) Generic SMTP handler\r\n214 Help not supported by this implementation\r\n
220.*?\n214-Commands supported:\r\n214- HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA(?: ETRN)?(?: AUTH)?\r\n214 NOOP QUIT RSET HELP \r\n
220 ([-.\w]+) SMTP version 1\.00;\r\n214 We strongly advise you to study (?:of )?the RFC ?821\.\.\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n402 Error: command not implemented\r\n
220 smtpd\r\n502 [\d.]+ Error: command not recognized\r\n
220 E?SMTP [^\r\n]*\r\n502 5\.5\.2 Error: command not recognized\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP \w+\r\n
220 (\S+) E?SMTP Sendmail;
220.*214 SMTP server comments and bug reports to: \<zmhacks\@nic.funet.fi\>
220.*500 MessageWall: Unrecognized command
220 .*\r\n214-Commands Supported:\r\n214-HELO EHLO AUTH HELP QUIT MAIL NOOP RSET RCPT DATA ETRN VRFY STARTTLS\r\n214-Copyright \(c\) 1995-200\d, Stalker Software, Inc\.\r\n
220 .* ESMTP\r\n214-Gentoo Linux qmail-([-\w.]+)\r\n214 qmail home page: http://pobox\.com/~djb/qmail\.html\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n214-The following commands are recognized\r\n214-\tauth\tdata\tehlo\t
220 \[?([-\w_.]+)\]? ESMTP server ready\.\r\n214-Recognized SMTP commands are:\r\n214- HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET\r\n214- AUTH NOOP QUIT HELP VRFY SOML\r\n214 Mail server account is '([-\w_.]+)'\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 smtpd
220 ([-\w_.]+) Server ESMTP ready at .*\r\n241-\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP \r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+)\r\n214-Commands supported:\r\n214 AUTH STARTTLS HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA NOOP QUIT RSET HELP\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) MailShield SMTP\r\n
220-([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n220-MagicMail Daemon with Built-In Anti-Spam\r\n220 See http://www\.linuxmagic\.com for info\r\n214 qmail home page: http://cr\.yp\.to/qmail\.html, LinuxMagic Support http://www\.linuxmagic\.com\r\n
220 ESMTP Service ready at .*\r\n214-Enter one of the following commands:\r\n214-HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET NOOP QUIT\r\n214 HELP \r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP MTA\r\n214-This is Sendmail version AIX([\d.]+)/([\w.]+)\r\n
220 Service ESMTP Ready\r\n214-This is Sendmail version ([\d.]+) \((P[-\w_.]+)\)\r\n.*future enhancements, contact your HP representative
220 ([-\w_.]+)\r\n502 Command not implemented\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP[^\r\n]*\r\n211 DATA HELO EHLO MAIL NOOP QUIT RCPT RSET SAML TURN VRFY\r\n\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) - Ready at .*\r\n214-Commands:\r\n214- HELO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET NOOP QUIT\r\n214- For more info use 'HELP <topic>'\.\r\n214 End of HELP info\r\n
220 ESMTP Service ready\r\n500 Command unrecognized\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP [-\w_.]+ Mail Server ([\d.]+); .*\r\n214-2\.0\.0 This is [-\w_.]+ Mail Server [-\w_.]+\r\n214-2\.0\.0 Topics:\r\n
220 WebMail ESMTP\r\n502 negative vibes\r\n
220 Welcome to the mail server\.\r\n211 DATA EXPN HELO MAIL NOOP QUIT RCPT RSET SAML SEND SOML TURN VRFY\r\n
220 .*\r\n214-This is ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [-\w_.]+ \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) Service ready\.\r\n214- Valid commands are:\r\n214- HELO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET QUIT NOOP\r\n214- HELP VRFY\r\n214- Commands not valid are:\r\n214- SEND SOML SAML TURN\r\n214- Mail forwarding handled by this server\.\r\n| p|i5/OS V5R4M0 or OS/400 smtpd
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP server is ready\r\n.*214-Copyright \(c\) 1995-2004, Stalker Software, Inc\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Generic Ready\r\n502 Command not implemented\.\r\n
220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP\r\n214-Run 'info anubis' or visit http://www\.gnu\.org/software/anubis/manual/\r\n214 End of HELP info\r\n
220 SMTP service ready\r\n214-Commands:\r\n214-\tDATA\tRCPT\tMAIL\tQUIT\tRSET\r\n214 \tHELO\tVRFY\tEXPN\tHELP\tNOOP\r\n
220 ready\r\n214-Commands:\r\n214- HELO MAIL RCPT DATA\r\n214- RSET NOOP QUIT HELP\r\n214- VRFY EXPN\r\n214-For more info use HELP <topic>\r\n214 End of HELP info\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP; .*\r\n500 Syntax error, command unrecognized\.\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP; .* \+\d{4}\r\n500 Syntax error, command unrecognized\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP smtprelay service ready\.\r\n214-This is smtprelay\r\n214-Topics:
220 SMTP ESMTP ready at .*0\r\n214-\r\n214 End of HELP info\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+)\r\n214-HELO domain\r\n214-EHLO domain\r\n214-QUIT\r\n214-MAIL FROM:<reverse-path> \[options\]\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Ready\r\n211 Help:->Supported Commands: HELO,EHLO,QUIT,HELP,RCPT,MAIL,DATA,RSET,NOOP\r\n
220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Relay Service ready\r\n500 Syntax error, command unrecognized\r\n
503 Synchronization error\r\n
Welcome to Vulnerable Server! Enter HELP for help\.\nValid Commands:\nHELP\nSTATS \[stat_value\]\nRTIME \[rtime_value\]\nLTIME \[ltime_value\]\nSRUN \[srun_value\]\nTRUN \[trun_value\]\nGMON \[gmon_value\]\nGDOG \[gdog_value\]\nKSTET \[kstet_value\]\nGTER \[gter_value\]\nHTER \[hter_value\]\nLTER \[lter_value\]\nKSTAN \[lstan_value\]\nEXIT\n
\x01\x03\0\0........\0\0\0\0........\x9f\xfb.([^\0\x01]+)[\0\x01].*VMware(\d+),(\d+)\x05\x06AFP3\.4\x06AFP3\.3\x06AFP3\.2\x06AFP3\.1\x06AFPX03\x06\tDHCAST128\x04DHX2\x06Recon1\rClient Krb v2\x03GSS\x0fNo User Authent.*\x1b\not_defined_in_RFC4178@please_ignore
\0\r\nlogin: \^W\^@\^@\^@\^
\x16\x03\0\0\*\x02\0\0&\x03\0.*T[oO][rR]1.*[\x00-\x20]([-\w_.]+) <identity>
\x16\x03\0.*Router\([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+).*Sophos EM Certification Manager
\x16\x03\0.*Sophos EM Certification Manager
\0\0MF\xff\xf3MBr\0\0\0\0\x08\x01@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0@\x06\0\0\x01\0\0\x81\0\x02PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1\.0\0\x02MICROSOFT NETWORKS 1\.03\0\x02MICROSOFT NETWORKS 3\.0\0\x02LANMAN1\.0\0\x02LM1\.2X002\0\x02Samba\0\x02NT LANMAN 1\.0\0\x02NT LM 0
match bmc-tmart m=^\x15uBMC TM ART Version ([\w._-]+, Build \d+ from [\d-]+), Copyright \? [\d-]+ BMC Software, Inc\. \| All Rights Reserved\.= p/BMC Transaction Management Application Response Time/ v/1/
\0\0\0\0\0\0\0=r\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xd8\x97%\x01\x13\0\0\0CONDUCTUS_PG([\w._-]+)\x1a\0\0\0unbekannter Code: 19240920
\0\0\0\0\0\0\0;r\0\0\0\0\0\0\0h\xd52\t\x10\0\0\0FUNDUS_PG([\w._-]+)\x1b\0\0\0unbekannter Code: 154326376
\0\0\0\0\0\0\0;r\0\0\0\0\0\0\0XL\)\x01\x11\0\0\0PARATUS_PG([\w._-]+)\x1a\0\0\0unbekannter Code: 19483736
\0\0\0\0\0\0\0>r\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xf8\x926\x01\x14\0\0\0CONSPECTUS_PG([\w._-]+)\x1a\0\0\0unbekannter Code: 20353784
\0\0\0.15\0 \x07\x01\[12:1\]\0 \x07\x02\[2003\]\0 \x07\x051\d+\0 INET\0 ([\w._-]+)\0|s p|HP OpenView Omniback/Data Protector
E\0\0\0.S\w+\0C0A000\0Mel protocolo 65363\.19778 no est..? soportado: servidor soporta 1\.0 hasta 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L\d+\0
E\0\0\0.S\w+\0C0A000\0Mnicht unterst\xc3\xbctztes Frontend-Protokoll 65363\.19778: Server unterst\xc3\xbctzt 1\.0 bis 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L\d+\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1293\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1408\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1445\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1454\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1440\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1497\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1507\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x9dSFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0F\.\\src\\backend\\postmaster\\postmaster\.c\0L1507\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1570\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x9dSFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0F\.\\src\\backend\\postmaster\\postmaster\.c\0L1621\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1621\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x94SFATAL\0C0A000\0MProtocole non support\?e de l'interface 65363\.19778 : le serveur supporte de 1\.0 \?\n3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1621\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1666\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1694\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
E\0\0\0\x84SFATAL\0C0A000\0Munsupported frontend protocol 65363\.19778: server supports 1\.0 to 3\.0\0Fpostmaster\.c\0L1695\0RProcessStartupPacket\0\0
\0\0\0\sequence_number=\[0\] result=\[-2005\] \0
\0\0\0.\xffSMBr\0\0\0\0\x80|s p|Nortel/D-Link router instant setup
\0\0\0\x152999 Invalid command\n\xff\xff\xff\xfc
\0\0\0\x0b3999 No go\n
2[23]0 FTP Server Ready\r\n504 Comand length not supported\.\r\n
\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\0\0\0\0.......International Business Machines Corp\.
\0\x19\x02\0\x02\0\x07\0Protocol version mismatch\0
\0\x01\0\x03\0\0\0/Incompatible version number: message discarded\.
\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*Sun Microsystems, Inc\.
\x01\0\x0b\0\0.*Conectiva Linux \(XFree86 ([\d.]+), patch level (\w+)\)
\0J\x0b\0\0...This copy of X-Win32 will only accept connections from network ([\d.]+)\0\0
\x01\0\x0b\0\0.....\0\0\0\0.*HDS Network Systems, Inc\. \(([^)]+)\)
\0\0\x02\0\0\0\x01\0\x04\0\0\0\0\r([\w._-]+):\d+\0\x07\0\0\0\0 \x10\0,\x1a\0\0X\.Org Foundation\x01\n\x01\0\x05\0\0\0\xe6\xbf\xc0\xb5\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: AirTunes/([\w._-]+)\r\n\r\n
default: unknown printer\n
VSE Line Printer Daemon has rejected this request\.\0\0
no queue to check\n\0
EXM {EXC \0\x1fcom\.rbnb\.api\.SerializeExceptionMSG \0JUnrecognizable parameter read from input stream\.\nElement read was \x01default}\r\nPNG {}\r\n| p/Ring Buffered Network Bus/ i|http://outlet.creare.com/rbnb/
0%\x02\x01\x01a \n\x010\x04\0\x04\x19anonymous bind disallowed
02\x02\x01\x01a-\n\x01\x02\x04\0\x04&requested protocol version not allowed
0E\x02\x01\x01a@\n\x01\x02\x04\0\x049historical protocol version requested, use LDAPv3 instead
0\x84\0\0\0I\x02\x01\x01a\x84\0\0\0@\n\x01\x02\x04\0\x049historical protocol version requested, use LDAPv3 instead
0\x1a\x02\x01\x01a\x15\n\x01\0\x04\0\x04\x0eanonymous bind
0\.\x02\x01\x01a\)\n\x010\x04\0\x04\"Failed, anonymous bind not allowed
0&\x02\x01\x01a!\n\x01\x02\x04\0\x04\x1aOnly LDAP v3 is supported\.
0\x1a\x02\x01\x01a\x15\n\x01\0\x04\0\x04\x0eBind succeeded
<stream:error><bad-format xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/></stream:error></stream:stream>
TNMP.\0\0\0TNME.\0\0\0USER.\x07\x04\0\x08\0.{9}\0P\0\x03\0U\0\xff\xff\0.*Desktop Manager ([\d.]+)\0
ActiveFax Server: Es befinden sich insgesamt
no entries\n
Host Name: ([-\w_.]+)\nPrinter Device: hp LaserJet (\w+)\nPrinter Status: ([^\r\n]+)\n\0\0
.\0\0\0.\0\0\0\x03\0\0@\x02\x0f\0.*\x03\0\0\0\0\x02\0/\0.\0\0\0\0\0\0\0.*CN=([-.\w ]+)/OU=([-.\w ]+)/OU=([-.\w ]+)/O=([-.\w ]+)|s p/Lotus Domino server/ i|CN=1;OU=2/3;Org=4
\x18\0\x01\x02Invalid packet length\0
{\"error\":{\"code\":-32700,\"message\":\"Parse error\.\"},\"id\":null,\"jsonrpc\":\"([\w._-]+)\"}
HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Boa/([\w._-]+)\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>400 Bad Request</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>400 Bad Request</H1>\nYour client has issued a malformed or illegal request\.\n</BODY></HTML>\n
\0.\0\0\x02\0\0\0.*\(IAGENT = \(AGENT_VERSION = ([\d.]+)\)\(RPC_VERSION = ([\d.]+)\)\)
\0,\0\0\x04\0\0\0\"\0\0 \(CONNECT_DATA=\(COMMAND=version\)\)