#! /bin/bash # Executed by OpenVPN --up within master/OpenVPN context source /sf/bin/funcs_net.sh # echo "$*" >/tmp/up_args.txt # set >/tmp/up_set.txt [[ -z $WG_DEV ]] && WG_DEV="vpnEXIT" # Inside this context the PATH needs to be exported: export PATH # Add the OpenVPN PEER as default route nsenter.u1000 --setuid 0 --setgid 0 -t "${PID:?}" -n ip route add "${trusted_ip:?}" via "${SF_NET_LG_ROUTER_IP:?}" dev eth0 # Remove old default route. cd "/tmp/lg-${LID:?}/conf" [[ -f "route" ]] && IFS=$'\n' readarray -t R_ROUTE_ARR <"route" set_route_post_up # Remove all BLOCKING OUTPUT rules that were needed between OpenVPN starting # and the device becoming available. nsenter.u1000 --setuid 0 --setgid 0 -t "${PID}" -n iptables -F OUTPUT rm -rf "/tmp/lg-${LID}/conf"