#! /bin/bash # CONTEXT: VPN context. Call from portd.sh (sf-portd context) # Executed by portd.sh inside VPN context. # Set the FW and routing for reverse ip port forwarding. source "/sf/bin/funcs.sh" source "/sf/bin/funcs_redis.sh" ipbydev() { local _ip _ip="$(ip addr show "${1}")" _ip="${_ip#*inet }" _ip="${_ip%%/*}" [[ -n $_ip ]] && { echo "$_ip"; return; } echo -e >&2 "IP for dev '${1}' not found. Using ${2:-ERROR}" echo "${2:?}" } # Remove a single iptable line and associated forward rules. # ["output of iptables -L -n"] as a single string. fw_del_single() { local line local c_ip local port line="$1" a=($line) c_ip="${a[7]##*:}" port="${a[6]##*:}" iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i wg0 -p "${a[5]}" -d "${a[4]}" --dport "${port}" -j DNAT --to-destination "${c_ip}" iptables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -p "${a[5]}" -d "${c_ip}" --dport "${port}" -j ACCEPT } # Delete all Port Forwarding rules matching this R-PORT # [R-PORT] fw_del() { local port port="$1" local line iptables -t nat -L PREROUTING -n | grep -F "dpt:${port}" | while read line; do fw_del_single "$line" done return } # [IP] - String matches such as "10.11." or ""] are permitted. fw_del_byip() { local match match="$1" iptables -t nat -L PREROUTING -n | while read x; do [[ "${a[4]}" != "${match}"* ]] && continue del_single "$x" done return } # Remove the Port Forward & FW rules for a list of ports. # Called from portd.sh when a container exited (by sf-destructor) # # [...] cmd_delipports() { local ipport local r_port local res local err [[ "${PROVIDER,,}" != "cryptostorm" ]] && return DEBUGF "cmd_delipports ${PROVIDER} '${*}'" err=1 for ipport in "$@"; do r_port="${ipport##*:}" res=$(curl -fsSL --retry 3 --max-time 10 "-ddelfwd=${r_port}" 2>/dev/null) && { [[ $res == *"has been removed"* ]] && unset err } [[ -n $err ]] && { ERR "${PROVIDER} Failed to remove Port Forward (${ipport})" echo "------------------------" echo "${res:0:1024}" echo "------------------------" } fw_del "${r_port}" done } # Add firewall/routing information for this port. # # [R-IP] [PORT] [CONTAINER-IP] [LID] cmd_fwport() { local port local r_ip local c_ip local wg_ip local lid r_ip="$1" port="$2" c_ip="$3" lid="$4" [[ -z $c_ip || -z $port ]] && { echo "Bad IP:PORT. ip='${c_ip}' port='$port'"; return 255; } fw_del "${port}" wg_ip=$(ipbydev wg0 "") [[ -z $wg_ip ]] && { echo "Could not retrieve my own wg0 address."; return 255; } for proto in tcp udp; do iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wg0 -p ${proto} -d "${wg_ip}" --dport "${port}" -j DNAT --to-destination "${c_ip}" || break iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -p ${proto} -d "${c_ip}" --dport "${port}" -j ACCEPT || break done [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && { echo "iptables failed with $?."; return 255; } LOG "${lid}" "Forwarding ${r_ip}:${port} -> ${c_ip}:${port}" return 0 } # Delete stale ports # This can happen if there was a timeout to reach the VPN provider. # Check through all ports and compare to assigned ports in ReDis # Testing: delstale_cs "$(curl -fsSL --retry 3 --max-time 10" # [res] [port] # + +---- The last port that got added (and not yet added to portd:ports and thus must be ignored) # +----------- The result from curl -dport=asdf output delstale_cs() { local res local IFS_old local arr local rarr local r local str local skip_port res="$1" skip_port="$2" IFS_old="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' # Assigned to containers rarr=($(redr SMEMBERS "portd:assigned-CryptoStorm")) for str in "${rarr[@]}"; do r+=("${str##* }") done # Assigned in pool of available ports rarr=($(redr SMEMBERS "portd:ports")) for str in "${rarr[@]}"; do [[ "${str%% *}" != "CryptoStorm" ]] && continue r+=("${str##* }") done # Check if CS's return of forwarded port are all # still in our list "r" and delete from CS if they are not. arr=($res) for str in "${arr[@]}"; do [[ "$str" != *" ->"* ]] && continue ipport="${str%% *}" [[ ${r[*]} == *"$ipport"* ]] && continue port=${ipport##*:} [[ "$port" == "$skip_port" ]] && continue WARN "${PROVIDER}: Removing STALE ${ipport}" [[ "$port" =~ [^0-9] ]] && continue curl -fsSL --max-time 5 -ddelfwd="${port}" >/dev/null done IFS="$IFS_old" } # Try to request [NUMBER] more ports from the provider. # Return ="[PROVIDER] ip:ports"= (with quotes) to STDOUT and 0 if # any port was successfully requested. # # Return 255 if this provider should never be tried again. # Return 0 on success. # # [NUMBER] cmd_moreports() { local members local members_num local req_num local err err=200 req_num="$1" [[ "${PROVIDER,,}" != "cryptostorm" ]] && return 255 local i i=0 members_num=0 # Try 5x the number requested in case we accidentally request a port # that was already requested (by us or somebody else). while [[ $i -lt $((req_num * 5)) ]]; do port=$((30000 + RANDOM % 35534)) res=$(curl -fsSL --retry 3 --max-time 10 -dport="$port") || break # Check and delete and stale ports [[ $i -eq 0 ]] && delstale_cs "$res" "$port" >/dev/null ((i++)) # You already have 100 forwards. The max is 100. Please delete some of the existing ones first. [[ "$res" == *"You already have "* ]] && { ERR "${PROVIDER} Out of ports!!!"; err=255; break; } # Max Port Forward reached. [[ "$res" != *"is now forwarding"* ]] && { WARN "${PROVIDER} Failed to get port=${port}."; continue; } # Failed. Try again. res="${res%% is now forwarding*}" ip="${res##* }" # Must sanitize [[ "$ip" =~ [^0-9.] ]] && break members+="${PROVIDER} ${ip}:${port}"$'\n' ((members_num++)) [[ $members_num -ge $req_num ]] && break done # Could be a temporary failure of curl (200) or fatal (255, out of ports) [[ $members_num -le 0 ]] && return "$err" echo "${members[*]}" return 0 } cmd="$1" shift 1 [[ "$cmd" == fwport ]] && { cmd_fwport "$@"; exit; } [[ "$cmd" == moreports ]] && { cmd_moreports "$@"; exit; } [[ "$cmd" == delipports ]] && { cmd_delipports "$@"; exit; } # [ ...] [[ "$cmd" == fw_delall ]] && { fw_del_byip "10.11."; exit; }