# segfault.net - back from the dead --- * THIS IS BETA TESTING ONLY * * JOIN US ON TELEGRAM. LET US KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND NEED * --- A root shell for every (creative) person. Free. Anonymous. Secure. ```shell $ ssh root@beta.segfault.net # password is 'segfault' ``` A new instance is spawned for every new connection. Each instance has these features: 1. Dedicated ```root server``` for every user. 1. All traffic is routed via NordVPN. 1. All DNS traffic is encrypted (DNS over HTTPS). 1. TOR pre-installed. 1. Encrypted/Persistent storage in ```/sec```. Private to the User. 1. Each User has his own ```SECRET``` to access his data. 1. No trace (beside encrypted data) after the User logs off. 1. No logs are kept. --- # BETA TESTING BETA TESTING Please report back 1. Tools missing 1. Features needed Some suggestions by others: 1. Allow user to share data via webserver accessible by normal Internet and TOR (.onion) [thanks 0xD1G, L] 1. Allow email access [thanks L] 1. Proxychain [thanks DrWho] 1. **PM me if you have more suggestions** --- Cluster can be deployed in various regions for less latency. Misc infos: 1. https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/userns-remap/ 1. On small deployments the ```OpenVPN Server``` can be the same as Server[12]. This allows to run *everything* off 1 single server. 1. AWS Fargate could be utilized by nesting the entire setup in a Docker-in-Docker (dind) configuration. Helpful links 1. https://github.com/nicolaka/netshoot 1. https://www.linuxserver.io/ and https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay 1. https://jordanelver.co.uk/blog/2019/06/03/routing-docker-traffic-through-a-vpn-connection/ 1. https://hub.docker.com/r/alexaso/dnsmasq-dnscrypt and https://github.com/crazy-max/docker-cloudflared 2. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/EncFS 3. https://www.supertechcrew.com/wetty-browser-ssh-terminal/ VPN Providers: 1. ProtonVPN 1. NordVPN 1. https://www.cryptostorm.is/ 1. https://mullvad.net/en/ Hosting providers: 1. https://www.linode.com/ 1. https://1984hosting.com/ --- Telegram: https://t.me/thcorg Twitter: https://twitter.com/hackerschoice