[Unit] Description=Slice for Segfault guest container's Before=slices.target # Test with # docker run --rm --name stress --cgroup-parent sf_guest.slice -it progrium/stress --cpu 2 --io 1 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128M --timeout 10s [Slice] # CPU Management CPUAccounting=true #CPUQuota=800% # During resource contention give docker 50%. Docker gets 100% if # there is n contention. # 100 = host & docker share equally (50%) # 50 = docker gets 1/3 and host gets 2/3 #CPUWeight=50 IOAccounting=true # Cgroup cant do QUOTA for IO. Instead there is WEIGHT only. # This only kicks in if there is a contention for resources. # 100 == Host and docker get 50% each # 10 == Host gets 10x more than docker #IOWeight=100 # Memory Management #MemoryAccounting=true #MemoryHigh=4G #MemoryMax=6G