#! /bin/bash # https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/traffic-shaping/packet.scheduler.example4 # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/advanced_traffic_control # https://mirrors.bieringer.de/Linux+IPv6-HOWTO/x2759.html # Note: hsfc and fq_codel stop working after 30 seconds or so (100% packet loss). (odd?) # Testing: # docker run --rm -p7575 -p7576 -p7677 -it sf-guest bash -il # -> 3 tmux panes with each iperf3 -s -p 757[567] # docker run --rm -it --privileged sf-guest bash -il # ifconfig eth0:0 # iperf3 -c -p 7575 -l1024 -t60- & iperf3 -c -p 7576 -l1024 -t60- & iperf3 -B -c -l1024 -p7577 -t60 # # tc -s -d qdisc show # shellcheck disable=SC1091 # Do not follow source "/sf/bin/funcs.sh" source "/sf/bin/funcs_net.sh" unset SF_MAXOUT unset SF_MAXIN eval "$(grep ^SF_MAX /config/host/etc/sf/sf.conf)" [[ -z $SF_MAXOUT ]] && [[ -z $SF_MAXIN ]] && { echo -e >&2 "WARNING: NO TRAFFIC LIMIT configured."; exit 0; } # User's INCOMING traffic to his shell. Normally not limited. DEV_SHELL=${1:-eth1} # All outgoing interfaces DEV_GW=${2:-eth3} # Traffic via VPN (from User's shell) DEV_DIRECT=${3:-eth0} # SSHD return traffic to User tc qdisc del dev "${DEV_GW}" root 2>/dev/null tc qdisc del dev "${DEV_DIRECT}" root 2>/dev/null tc qdisc del dev "${DEV_SHELL}" root 2>/dev/null unset err [[ -n $SF_MAXOUT ]] && { ### Shape/Limit VPN gateway (LG -> VPN) tc_set "${DEV_GW}" "${SF_MAXOUT}" "nfct-src" || err=1 ### Shape/Limit DIRECT network (LG's SSHD -> DirectInternet) tc_set "${DEV_DIRECT}" "${SF_MAXOUT}" "dst" || err=1 } [[ -n $SF_MAXIN ]] && { tc_set "${DEV_SHELL}" "${SF_MAXIN}" "src" || err=1 } [[ -n $err ]] && SLEEPEXIT 0 5 "cls_matchall.ko not available? NO TRAFFIC LIMIT." exit 0