# EXAMPLE docker-compose .env file SF_BASEDIR=${HOME}/segfault ## The Master SEED to generate all other secrets ## If unset then it's auto-generated by ## head -c 1024 /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alpha:]' | head -c 32 #SF_SEED= ## Status information between containers is exchanged via _SHMDIR/run #SF_SHMDIR=/dev/shm/sf #SF_SSH_PORT=22 #SF_DEBUG=1 #SF_USER=root #SF_USER_PASSWORD=segfault #SF_FQDN=CHANGEME.segfault-net ## Obtain the private key by executing: ## docker run --rm --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -e USER=XXX -e PASS=YYY bubuntux/nordvpn:get_private_key #SF_NORDVPN_PRIVATE_KEY= ## Obtain the config by executing: ## docker run --rm --e CRYPTOSTORM_TOKEN=XXX --entrypoint /getkey.sh hackerschoice/cryptostorm #SF_CRYPTOSTORM_CONFIG= ## Obtain from https://mullvad.net/account/wireguard-config/ and open any *.conf file. ## Format :::::::
## Example: de-dus-wg-003:::QCY26Tnz7Kzp2IlDo9JPvBrzEzV+Z7RG1Hx/rXGgmH4=::: #SF_MULLVAD_CONFIG=