#! /bin/bash # Executed on MASTER WG_PORT_MIN=32768 WG_PORT_MAX=65535 source /sf/bin/funcs.sh source /sf/bin/funcs_redis.sh [[ ! -d "/config/db" ]] && ERREXIT 255 "Not found: /config/db" [[ ! -d "/config/db/wg-port" ]] && mkdir -p "/config/db/wg-port" [[ -z $SF_FQDN ]] && SF_FQDN="SF_FQDN-NOT-SET.hack.segfault.net" echo -en "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n" DEBUGF "FCGI_CMD=$FCGI_CMD" # BAIL # STDOUT goes to user. # STDERR is logged. BAIL() { echo -e "$1" [[ -n $2 ]] && echo -e >&2 "[${CB}${REMOTE_ADDR}${CN}] ${CR}$2${CN}$3" exit 255 } # Load PID of WireGuard container load_config() { source /dev/shm/config.txt && return BAIL "Not ready" "Failed to load: " "/dev/shm/config.txt" } GenSecret() { local len len=16 [[ -n $1 ]] && len=$1 str=$(head -c $((len*2)) /${CN} To show WireGuard peers: ${CDC}curl rpc/net/show${CN} To connect with WireGuard use either one of these two commands (on the remote host): ${CDC}X=${WG_PUBLIC//=}:de:${WG_PORT} bash -c \"\$(curl -fsSL thc.org/segfault/x)\" ${CDC}X=${WG_PUBLIC//=}:de:${WG_PORT} bash -c \"\$(wget --no-verbose -O- thc.org/segfault/x)\"${CN} " } write_portfile() { echo "\ WG_PORT=${WG_PORT} WG_PRIVATE=${WG_PRIVATE} WG_PUBLIC=${WG_PUBLIC} ASSIGNED_LID=${LID} PORTSECRET=${PORTSECRET}" >"/config/db/wg-port/port-${WG_PORT}" || BAIL "Failed to store WireGuard Port." echo "WG_PORT=${WG_PORT}" >"/config/db/wg-port/sec2port-${PORTSECRET}" # Link to LID: ln -sf "/config/db/wg-port/port-${WG_PORT}" "/config/db/db-${LID}/wg-port" cmd_net_print_info } wgkey_from_user() { local priv [[ ${#ARGS[@]} -le 3 ]] && return 255 # No key supplied by user priv=$(printf "%s/" "${ARGS[@]:3}") priv="${priv%\/*}" [[ ${#priv} -ne 44 ]] && BAIL "PrivateKey of wrong length (is ${#priv}, must be 44)" "Bad PrivateKey: " "(len=${#priv})" WG_PRIVATE="$priv" WG_PUBLIC=$(echo "$WG_PRIVATE" | wg pubkey) } # Assign port to _this_ LID cmd_net_init_move() { PORTSECRET="${ARGS[2]}" source "/config/db/wg-port/sec2port-${PORTSECRET}" 2>/dev/null && { # HERE already exists (correct PORT + SECRET) source "/config/db/wg-port/port-${WG_PORT}" || BAIL "Oops. port file missing" wgkey_from_user # Will overwrite WG_PRIVATE if supplied by user. [[ ${ASSIGNED_LID} == $LID ]] && BAIL "Already assigned to this LID" rm -f "/config/db/db-${ASSIGNED_LID}/wg-port" # Update LID entry: write_portfile exit } # All of below no longer legit if we have unique private keys per server. WG_PORT=${PORTSECRET%%_*} [[ -z $WG_PORT || ${WG_PORT} =~ [^0-9] ]] && BAIL "Not a valid port number." [[ $WG_PORT -lt 32768 || $WG_PORT -gt 65535 ]] && BAIL "Port must be in the range of 32768-65535." source "/config/db/wg-port/port-${WG_PORT}" 2>/dev/null && { # HERE: Port already in use by another LID. [[ ${ASSIGNED_LID} != $LID ]] && BAIL "The port ${CY}${WG_PORT}${CN} is already in use by another server.\nThe supplied SECRET is wrong or missing.\nUse ${CDC}curl rpc/net/init/${WG_PORT}_/${CN} to move it to this server." # HERE: Already assigned to this LID. cmd_net_print_info exit } # HERE: Port not yet assigned. # rpc/net/init/31337/ (port without password or unused password) wgkey_from_user || BAIL "No key supplied. Call ${CDC}curl rpc/net/init/${PORTSECRET}//" sec=${PORTSECRET##*_} sec="${sec//[^[:alnum:]]}" [[ ${#sec} -ne 16 ]] && sec=$(GenSecret) PORTSECRET="${WG_PORT}_${sec}" write_portfile exit } # rpc/net/init # Assign/Retrieve WireGuard port for this LID cmd_net_init() { local n [[ -n ${ARGS[2]} ]] && cmd_net_init_move source "/config/db/db-${LID}/wg-port" 2>/dev/null && { cmd_net_print_info exit } # Assign random port 32768...65535 n=0 while :; do WG_PORT="$((WG_PORT_MIN + RANDOM % (WG_PORT_MAX - WG_PORT_MIN + 1)))" [[ ! -e "/config/db/wg-port/port-${WG_PORT}" ]] && break ((n++)) [[ $n -gt 5 ]] && BAIL "Failed to find free WireGuard Port." done WG_PRIVATE=$(wg genkey) WG_PUBLIC=$(echo "$WG_PRIVATE" | wg pubkey) PORTSECRET="${WG_PORT}_$(GenSecret)" write_portfile exit } print_err_exit() { echo "ERROR: No port found." echo -e "Call ${CDC}curl rpc/net/init${CN} first." exit } load_port() { source "/config/db/db-${LID}/wg-port" 2>/dev/null || print_err_exit WG_DEV="wg${WG_PORT}" } cmd_net_del() { load_port # Shut down all WG interfaces nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip link delete dev "${WG_DEV}" # Restore default routing nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip route add default via "${SF_NET_LG_ROUTER_IP}" rm -f "/config/db/wg-port/sec2port-${PORTSECRET}" rm -f "/config/db/db-${LID}/wg-port" rm -f "/config/db/wg-port/port-${WG_PORT:?}" echo -e "\ Private key deleted. To restore: ${CDC}curl rpc/net/init/${PORTSECRET}/${WG_PRIVATE}/${CN}" exit } cmd_net() { load_port cmd_net_print_info exit } cmd_net_show() { local str # Use 'script' to force color output IFS= str=$(script -q -c "nsenter -t \"${PID}\" -n wg show" /dev/null) [[ -n $str ]] && { echo "$str"; exit; } echo -e "\ No Peer connected. To connect a peer: ${CDC}curl rpc/net/up/${CN}" exit } cmd_net_down() { local dev dev="${ARGS[2]}" dev="${dev//[^wg0-9]}" [[ -z $dev ]] && BAIL "Please specify device." nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip link delete dev "${dev}" 2>&1 || exit echo -e "Device ${CDY}${dev}${CN} is now down." exit } # Split into arguments str="${REQUEST_URI//[^[:alnum:]_+=\/]}" _IFS=$IFS IFS=/ ARGS=(${str:1}) # Ignore first '/'. Split into arguements. IFS=$_IFS [[ "${FCGI_CMD}" == "dmesg" ]] && { color="always" [[ "$REQUEST_URI" == *"nocolor"* ]] && color="never" # dmesg --color=always -f kern --level err,warn -e | tail -n100 dmesg --color="${color}" -f kern --level err -e | tail -n20 exit } [[ -n $SF_DEBUG ]] && [[ "${FCGI_CMD}" == "env" ]] && { env; exit; } # /net -> Show port assignment # /net/init -> Assigned port to this LID or create new port. # /net/up -> Create WireGuard interface # /net/show -> Show WireGuard peers [[ "${FCGI_CMD}" == "net" ]] && { # Retrieve (LID CID PID) arr=($(redr GET "ip:${REMOTE_ADDR}")) || BAIL "Bad Value" "Bad Value: " "ret=$?, ${#arr[@]}" [[ ${#arr[@]} -ne 3 ]] && BAIL "Value != 3" "Value != 3: " "${#arr[@]}" LID="${arr[0]}" # CID="${arr[1]}" PID="${arr[2]}" # Show current port configuration [[ ${ARGS[0]} == 'net' && ${#ARGS[@]} -eq 1 ]] && cmd_net [[ ${ARGS[0]} == 'net' && ${ARGS[1]} == 'show' ]] && cmd_net_show # Initialize or set port [[ ${ARGS[1]} == 'init' ]] && cmd_net_init [[ ${ARGS[1]} == 'del' ]] && cmd_net_del [[ ${ARGS[1]} == 'down' ]] && cmd_net_down # NOT 'up' -> EXIT [[ ${ARGS[1]} != 'up' ]] && print_err_exit [[ ${ARGS[1]} == 'up' && ${#ARGS[@]} -lt 3 ]] && BAIL "No public key specified. Use ${CDC}curl rpc/net/up/${CN}." load_port dev="wg${WG_PORT}" opt="${REQUEST_URI#/net/up/}" # Remove trailing rubbish such as / or any further characters after '=' wg_peer_public="${opt%=*}=" [[ ${#wg_peer_public} -ne 44 ]] && BAIL "PublicKey of wrong length (is ${#wg_peer_public}, must be 44)" "Bad PublicKey: " "(len=${#wg_peer_public})" load_config # Delete old interface in either namespace: nsenter -t "${WG_PID}" -n ip link del "${dev}" 2>/dev/null nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip link del "${dev}" 2>/dev/null err=$(nsenter -t "${WG_PID}" -n ip link add "${dev}" type wireguard 2>&1) || BAIL "Failed: ip link add $dev ($err)." "Failed $dev" ": $err" echo "$WG_PRIVATE" >/dev/shm/private.$$ nsenter -t "${WG_PID}" -n wg set "${dev}" listen-port "${WG_PORT}" private-key "/dev/shm/private.$$" peer "${wg_peer_public}" allowed-ips || BAIL "Failed: wg set" rm -f /dev/shm/private.$$ # Move Interface to user's container: err=$(nsenter -t "${WG_PID}" -n ip link set "${dev}" netns "${PID}" 2>&1) || BAIL "Failed to move $dev." "Failed $dev netns $PID" ": $err" # Configure interface after moving nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip -4 address add dev "${dev}" err=$(nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip -6 address add fd::2/128 dev "${dev}" 2>&1) || echo >&2 "ip -6: $err" nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip link set mtu 1420 up dev "${dev}" # Add static routes for RPC # nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip route add "${RPC_IP}/32" dev eth0 # NOT NEEDED: RPC is on same network nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip route add "${SF_DNS}" via "${SF_NET_LG_ROUTER_IP}" nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip route del default 2>/dev/null nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip route add default dev "${dev}" nsenter -t "${PID}" -n ip --color=always addr show "${WG_DEV}" echo -e "\ ==================================================== To take the device down: ${CDC}curl rpc/net/down/${WG_DEV}/${CN} To take all down and destroy the private key: ${CDC}curl rpc/net/del${CN}" exit }