2024-01-20 20:44:05 +00:00

154 lines
5.0 KiB
Executable File

# [LID] <1=encfs> <1=Container> <message>
# Either parameter can be "" to not stop encfs or lg-container
local is_encfs
local is_container
local lid
local ts_born
LOG "$lid" "Stopping [$((NOW - ts_born)) sec]. $5"
red RPUSH portd:cmd "remport ${lid}" >/dev/null
rm -f "/sf/run/encfsd/user/lg-${lid}"
rm -f "/sf/run/pids/lg-${lid}.pid"
rm -f "/sf/run/ips/lg-${lid}.ip"
rm -rf "/config/self-for-guest/lg-${lid}"
rm -rf "/sf/run/users/lg-${lid}"
# Kill the OpenVPN process (if running)
docker exec sf-master killall "openvpn-$lid" 2>/dev/null
docker exec sf-master rm -rf "/tmp/lg-$lid" 2>/dev/null
# Tear down container
[[ -n $is_container ]] && docker stop "lg-$lid" &>/dev/nuill
# Odd: On cgroup2 the command 'docker top lg-*' shows that encfs is running
# inside the container even that we never moved it into the container's
# Process Namespace. EncFS will also die when the lg- is shut down.
# This is only neede for cgroup1:
[[ -n $is_encfs ]] && {
pkill -SIGTERM -f "^\[encfs-${lid}\]" 2>/dev/null
# Give kernel time to unmount mountpoint
sleep 1
# Do not use 'rm -rf' here as this might still be a mounted drive
# when encfsd is not killed fast enough (failing to delete is acceptable).
rm -f "/encfs/sec/lg-${lid}/THIS-DIRECTORY-IS-NOT-ENCRYPTED--DO-NOT-USE.txt"
rmdir "/encfs/sec/lg-${lid}"
try_syscop_msg() {
local lid="$1"
echo -en "\
🤷‍♂️ ${CDM}Your server shut down automatically because you did not log in for $(( (NOW - ts_logout) / 60 / 60 )) h.
🫵 Please type ${CDC}halt${CDM} to stop your server or...
❤️ ...get a ${CM}TOKEN${CDM} to stop this message: ${CUL}${CB}${CN}${CDM}
🌈 ${CW}Yours sincerely, The SysCops 😘 ${CN}
# [lg-$LID]
# Check if lg- is running and
# 1. EncFS died
# 2. Container should be stopped (stale, idle)
local c
local lid
local IFS=$'\n'
local fn
local comm
local ts_logout
local ts_born
local to_with_shell=$SF_TIMEOUT_WITH_SHELL
local to_no_shell=$SF_TIMEOUT_NO_SHELL
local is_token
[[ ${#lid} -ne 10 ]] && return
ts_born=$(stat -c %Y "/sf/run/encfsd/user/lg-${lid}") || { ERR "[${CDM}${lid}${CN}] run/encfsd/user/lg-* missing?"; return; }
# Skip if EncFS only started recently (zsh not yet started).
[[ $((NOW - ts_born)) -lt 20 ]] && return 0
# Check if EncFS is still running.
pgrep -f "^\[encfs-${lid}\]" &>/dev/null || {
# NOTE: On CGROUPv2 the encfs dies when the lg container stops (user called 'halt' or 'docker stop')
stop_lg "$lid" "${ts_born}" "" "lg" "EncFS died..."
# ts_logout may not exist (stale)
[[ -f "$fn" ]] && ts_logout=$(stat -c %Y "$fn")
# Check if there is still a shell running inside the container:
set -o pipefail
comm=$(docker top "lg-${lid}" -eo pid,comm 2>/dev/null | tail +2 | awk '{print $2;}') || {
# HERE: lg died or top failed.
set +o pipefail
stop_lg "${lid}" "${ts_born}" "encfs" "lg" "LG no longer running."
# Load timers
[[ -e "/config/db/user/lg-${lid}/token" ]] && {
set +o pipefail
# Note: We must set 'set +o pipefail' (e.g. fail only if last command errors). Otherwise the rare
# condition can happen where grep exits (first match found) but 'echo' is still writing. Then echo
# will receive a SIGPIPE and exit with 141 and the entire pipe will fail.
# [[ -f "/config/db/user/lg-${lid}/is_logged_in" ]] && return
# FIXME: many stale is_logged_in exists without ssh connected ;/
# HERE: LG & EncFS are running.
echo "$comm" | grep -m1 -E '(^zsh$|^bash$|^sh$|^sftp-server$)' >/dev/null && {
# HERE: User still has shell running
[[ -f "/config/db/user/lg-${lid}/is_logged_in" ]] && return
[[ $((NOW - ts_logout)) -lt ${to_with_shell} ]] && return
# HERE: Not logged in. logged out more than 1 week ago.
stop_lg "${lid}" "${ts_born}" "encfs" "lg" "Not logged in for $((NOW - ts_logout))sec (shell running)."
[[ -z $is_token ]] && try_syscop_msg "$lid"
# HERE: No shell running, ts_logout=0 if never logged out
# Skip if only recently logged out.
[[ $((NOW - ts_logout)) -lt 60 ]] && return # Recently logged out.
# Filter out stale processes
echo "$comm" | grep -m1 -v -E '(^docker-init$|^sleep$|^encfs$|^gpg-agent$)' >/dev/null || {
# HERE: Nothing running but stale processes
stop_lg "${lid}" "${ts_born}" "encfs" "lg" "No processes running."
# HERE: Something running (but no shell, and no known processes)
[[ $((NOW - ts_logout)) -ge ${to_no_shell} ]] && {
# User logged out 1.5 days ago. No shell. No known processes.
stop_lg "${lid}" "${ts_born}" "encfs" "lg" "Not logged in for ${to_no_shell}sec (no shell running)."
[[ -z $is_token ]] && try_syscop_msg "$lid"
# HERE: No shell. No known processes. Less than 1.5 days ago.