# TCP-WIKI Feel free to commit, leave suggestions/ideas, issues, or really anything <3 # What is TCP-WIKI ?
example screenshot
TCP.WIKI is a secure and verifiable wiki platform designed for projects, code, courses, documents, articles, blogs, tutorials, and more. ### Project Goals The aim is to provide a secure, minimal, and easily verifiable wiki environment that supports a wide range of content types, from technical documentation, to educational materials, to blogs, and more. ## Setup First clone this repository: ```bash git clone https://git.tcp.direct/S4D/tcp-wiki.git ``` Then you have to cd into the repo's folder and run/compile: ```bash cd tcp-wiki go run ./src ``` Then you goto your browser and visit: ## Want to use with your own data? All you have to do is modify the following lines in the `config.toml` file: ```toml [Git] UseGit = true # Set to false to use LocalPath RepoURL = "https://git.tcp.direct/S4D/tcp-wiki.git" # Your Repo Here Branch = "main" # Your Repo Branch Here LocalPath = "data" # Directory to clone the git repo too ``` Change the `RepoURL` line `https://git.tcp.direct/S4D/tcp-wiki.git` to your repo link, change `main` to your specific repo's branch and you should be good to go! #### Want to use a local directory other then git repo? To do this you just need to set `UseGit` to `false` and set your directory in config.toml ```toml [Git] UseGit = false # Set this to false RepoURL = "" # Ignored Branch = "" # Ignored LocalPath = "/home/crazy/blog" # The directory of your project ``` make sure to also set `LocalPath` to the directory of your project > ### Want to use your own theme/layout? > > Have a look at the `assets/` directory for the templates ## TODO - [x] config file - [ ] Webhook support for auto pull on push/update of the git repo - [x] Git Branch support - [ ] add a star/upvote/like feature for pages - [x] edit/version tracker - [x] Author - [x] last edited - [x] last editor/commit - maybe working - [ ] PGP Signed & Verification - [ ] pgp signed intergration - [x] comments using bitcask - generated in comments.db/ - [ ] verification - no login pgp - [ ] captcha - [ ] sub rating system - [ ] sort by date etc - [ ] reply to replies - [ ] set security controls per page - [ ] auto refresh on post - [x] dynamically generated links for all avaiable pages - [x] sitemap - kinda - [x] working pages - [ ] image support