package main import ( "bytes" valid "" "" "" exifremove "" "" "" "image" _ "image/gif" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "strings" ) var fExt string func imgDel(c *gin.Context) { slog := log.With().Str("caller", "imgView").Logger() rKey := c.Param("key") if !validateKey(rKey) { slog.Error().Msg("delete request failed sanity check!") errThrow(c, 400, "invalid request", "invalid request") return } targetImg, _ := keyDB.Get([]byte(rKey)) if targetImg == nil || !strings.Contains(string(targetImg), "i.") { slog.Error().Str("rkey", rKey).Msg("no img delete entry found with provided key") errThrow(c, 400, "invalid request", "invalid request") return } finalTarget := strings.Split(string(targetImg), ".") if !imgDB.Has([]byte(finalTarget[1])) { slog.Error().Str("rkey", rKey).Msg("corresponding image not found in database!") errThrow(c, 500, "500", "500") // this shouldn't happen...? return } err := imgDB.Delete([]byte(finalTarget[1])) if err != nil { slog.Error().Str("rkey", finalTarget[1]).Msg("delete failed!") errThrow(c, 500, "500", "500") return } if imgDB.Has([]byte(finalTarget[1])) { slog.Error().Str("rkey", finalTarget[1]).Msg("delete failed!?") errThrow(c, 500, "500", "500") return } slog.Info().Str("rkey", finalTarget[1]).Msg("Image file deleted successfully") slog.Debug().Str("rkey", finalTarget[1]).Msg("Removing delete key entry") err = keyDB.Delete([]byte(rKey)) if err != nil { slog.Error().Str("rkey", finalTarget[1]).Msg("Couldn't delete key") // it would be insane to try and delete the hash here } // if someone is uploading this image again after del c.JSON(200, "DELETE_SUCCESS") // and the file corresponding to the hash no longer exists // we will delete the hash entry then and re-add then } func imgView(c *gin.Context) { slog := log.With().Str("caller", "imgView").Logger() // the user can access their image with or without a file extension in URI slog.Debug().Msg("request received") // however it must be a valid extension (more checks further down) sUid := strings.Split(c.Param("uid"), ".") rUid := sUid[0] if len(sUid) > 1 { fExt = strings.ToLower(sUid[1]) slog.Debug().Str("ext", fExt).Msg("detected file extension") if fExt != "png" && fExt != "jpg" && fExt != "jpeg" && fExt != "gif" { slog.Error().Msg("Bad file extension!") errThrow(c, 400, "invalid request", "invalid request") return } } else { fExt = "nil" } // if it doesn't match the key size or it isn't alphanumeric - throw it out if !valid.IsAlphanumeric(rUid) || len(rUid) != uidSize { slog.Warn(). Str("remoteaddr", c.ClientIP()). Msg("request discarded as invalid") errThrow(c, 400, "invalid request", "invalid request") return } // now that we think its a valid request we will query slog.Debug().Str("rUid", rUid).Msg("request validated") // query bitcask for the id fBytes, _ := imgDB.Get([]byte(rUid)) if fBytes == nil { slog.Error().Str("rUid", rUid).Msg("no corresponding file for this id") errThrow(c, 404, "404", "File not found") return } // read the data from bitcask into a reader file := bytes.NewReader(fBytes) imageFormat, ok := checkImage(file) if !ok { // extra sanity check to make sure we don't serve non-image data that somehow got into the database errThrow(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "invalid request", "invalid request") slog.Error().Str("rUid", rUid).Msg("the file we grabbed is not an image!?") return } else { // seems like its an image, we will proceed slog.Debug().Str("rUid", rUid).Str("imageFormat", imageFormat).Msg("Image format detected") } // additional extension sanity check - if they're gonna use an extension it needs to be the right one if fExt != "nil" && fExt != imageFormat { slog.Error().Str("rUid", rUid).Msg("requested file extension does not match filetype") errThrow(c, 400, "invalid request", "invalid request") return } // extension or not (they are optional) // we give them the proper content type contentType := "image/" + imageFormat c.Data(200, contentType, fBytes) slog.Info().Str("rUid", rUid).Msg("Successful upload") } func imgPost(c *gin.Context) { slog := log.With().Str("caller", "imgPost").Logger() var ( Scrubbed []byte priv bool = false key string = "" ) // check if incoming POST data is invalid f, err := c.FormFile("upload") if err != nil { errThrow(c, http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error(), "invalid request") } slog.Debug().Str("filename", f.Filename).Msg("[+] New upload") // read the incoming file into an io file reader file, err := f.Open() if err != nil { errThrow(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error(), "error processing file\n") } imageFormat, ok := checkImage(file) if !ok { errThrow(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "invalid request", "input does not appear to be an image") return } else { slog.Debug().Msg("image file type detected") } // dump this into a byte object and scrub it // TO-DO: Write our own function for scrubbing exif fbytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file) if imageFormat != "gif" { Scrubbed, err = exifremove.Remove(fbytes) if err != nil { slog.Warn().Err(err).Msg("error scrubbing exif") errThrow(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error(), "error scrubbing exif") return } } else { slog.Debug().Msg("skipping exif scrub for gif image") Scrubbed = fbytes } // time to start checking for duplicates slog.Debug().Msg("calculating blake2b checksum") Hashr, _ := blake2b.New(64, nil) Hashr.Write(Scrubbed) hash := Hashr.Sum(nil) // the keys (stored in memory) for hashDb are hashes // making it quick to find duplicates. the value is the uid imgRef, _ := hashDB.Get(hash) ogUid := string(imgRef) // if we get a hit we redirect them to the original image file with no delete key if imgRef != nil { slog.Debug().Str("ogUid", ogUid).Msg("duplicate checksum in hash database, checking if file still exists...") if imgDB.Has(imgRef) { slog.Debug().Str("ogUid", ogUid).Msg("duplicate file found! returning original URL") post := &Post{ Type: "i", Uid: ogUid, Key: "", Priv: false, } post.Serve(c) return } else { slog.Debug().Str("ogUid", ogUid).Msg("stale hash found, deleting entry...") hashDB.Delete(hash) } } // generate new uid and delete key uid := gouid.String(uidSize, gouid.MixedCaseAlphaNum) key = gouid.String(keySize, gouid.MixedCaseAlphaNum) // lets make sure that we don't clash even though its highly unlikely for uidRef, _ := imgDB.Get([]byte(uid)); uidRef != nil; { slog.Info().Msg(" uid already exists! generating new...") uid = gouid.String(uidSize, gouid.MixedCaseAlphaNum) } for keyRef, _ := keyDB.Get([]byte(key)); keyRef != nil; { slog.Info().Msg(" delete key already exists! generating new...") key = gouid.String(keySize, gouid.MixedCaseAlphaNum) } // save checksum to db to prevent dupes in the future hashDB.Put([]byte(hash), []byte(uid)) // insert actual file to database slog.Debug().Str("uid", uid).Msg("saving file to database") err = imgDB.Put([]byte(uid), []byte(Scrubbed)) if err != nil { errThrow(c, 500, err.Error(), "upload failed") return } // add delete key to database with image prefix // there is a whole db for delete keys err = keyDB.Put([]byte(key), []byte("i."+uid)) if err != nil { errThrow(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error(), "internal error") return } // good to go, send them to the finisher function slog.Debug().Str("uid", uid).Msg("saved to database successfully, sending to Serve") post := &Post{ Type: "i", Uid: uid, Key: key, Priv: priv, } post.Serve(c) } func checkImage(r io.ReadSeeker) (string, bool) { // in theory this makes sure the file is an image via magic bytes _, fmt, err := image.Decode(r) _, err2 := r.Seek(0, 0) if err != nil || err2 != nil { return "", false } return fmt, true } func getSize(s io.Seeker) (size int64, err error) { // get size of file if _, err = s.Seek(0, 0); err != nil { return } // 2 == from the end of the file if size, err = s.Seek(0, 2); err != nil { return } _, err = s.Seek(0, 0) return }