package main import ( "" "" "" "" "strconv" "fmt" ) ////////////// global declarations // datastores var imgDB *bitcask.Bitcask var hashDB *bitcask.Bitcask var keyDB *bitcask.Bitcask var urlDB *bitcask.Bitcask var txtDB *bitcask.Bitcask // config directives var debugBool bool var baseUrl string var webPort string var webIP string var dbDir string var logDir string // utilitarian globals var s string var f string var i int var err error //////////////////////////////// func configRead() { viper.SetConfigName("config") // filename without ext viper.SetConfigType("toml") // also defines extension viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/tcpac/") // multiple possible viper.AddConfigPath(".") // locations for config err = viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { // this should be replaced with more intelligent handling panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error reading config file: %s \n", err)) } //// fetch config directives from file //// debugBool = viper.GetBool("global.debug") // we need to load the debug boolean first // so we can output config directives if debugBool { log.Debug().Msg("Debug mode enabled") zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.DebugLevel) } s = "http.baseurl" baseUrl = viper.GetString(s) log.Debug().Str(s, baseUrl).Msg("[config]") s = "http.port" i := viper.GetInt(s) webPort = strconv.Itoa(i) // int looks cleaner in config log.Debug().Str(s,webPort).Msg("[config]") // but we reference it as a string later s = "http.bindip" webIP = viper.GetString(s) log.Debug().Str(s,webIP).Msg("[config]") s = "" dbDir = viper.GetString(s) log.Debug().Str(s,dbDir).Msg("[config]") // where we're actually gonna store everything s = "files.logs" logDir = viper.GetString(s) log.Debug().Str(s,logDir).Msg("[config]") }