229 lines
7.1 KiB

package main
import (
valid ""
var hash []byte
var uid string
var key string
func txtFin(c *gin.Context, id string, key string) {
txturl := baseUrl + "t/" + string(id)
keyurl := "duplicate"
if key != "nil" {
keyurl = baseUrl + "d/t/" + string(key)
log.Info().Str("func", "txtPost").Str("id", id).Str("status", "201").Str("txturl", txturl).Str("keyurl", keyurl).Msg("success")
c.JSON(201, gin.H{"delkey": keyurl, "txturl": txturl})
func txtDel(c *gin.Context) {
fn = "txtDel"
// make sure its the proper amount of characters and is alphanumeric
log.Info().Str("func", fn).Msg("delete request received")
rKey := c.Param("key")
if len(rKey) != keySize || !valid.IsAlphanumeric(rKey) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("func", fn).Msg("delete request failed sanity check!")
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "400")
// first we see if the key even exists, and if it does, is it a txt key (vs txt or url)
targettxt, _ := keyDB.Get([]byte(rKey))
if targettxt == nil || !strings.Contains(string(targettxt), "t.") {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("func", fn).Str("rkey", rKey).Msg("no txt delete entry found with provided key")
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "400")
// seperate the key from the indicator to get the actual txt delete key
finalTarget := strings.Split(string(targettxt), ".")
// somehow we have a key that doesn't correspond with with an actual entry
if !txtDB.Has([]byte(finalTarget[1])) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("func", fn).Str("rkey", rKey).Msg("corresponding text entry not found in database!")
errThrow(c, 500, "500", "500")
// if we passed all those checks, delete the txt entry from the database
err := txtDB.Delete([]byte(finalTarget[1]))
// failed to delete it? shouldn't happen
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("func", fn).Str("rkey", finalTarget[1]).Msg("delete failed!")
errThrow(c, 500, "500", "500")
// make sure its actually gone
if txtDB.Has([]byte(finalTarget[1])) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("func", fn).Str("rkey", finalTarget[1]).Msg("delete failed!?")
errThrow(c, 500, "500", "500")
// remove the delete key entry but not the hash (see below)
log.Info().Str("func", fn).Str("rkey", finalTarget[1]).Msg("text deleted successfully")
log.Debug().Str("func", fn).Str("rkey", finalTarget[1]).Msg("Removing delete key entry")
err = keyDB.Delete([]byte(rKey))
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("func", fn).Str("rkey", finalTarget[1]).Msg("Couldn't delete key")
// it would be insane to try and delete the hash here
// if someone is uploading this text again after del
// and the file corresponding to the hash no longer exists
// we will delete the hash entry then and re-add then
func txtView(c *gin.Context) {
fn = "txtView"
// the user can access their text with or without a file extension in URI
// however it must be a valid extension (more checks further down)
log.Info().Str("func", fn).Msg("request received")
sUid := strings.Split(c.Param("uid"), ".")
rUid := sUid[0]
if len(sUid) > 1 {
fExt = strings.ToLower(sUid[1])
log.Debug().Str("func", fn).Str("ext", fExt).Msg("detected file extension")
if fExt != "txt" {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("func", fn).Msg("Bad file extension!")
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "400")
} else {
fExt = "nil"
if !valid.IsAlphanumeric(rUid) || len(rUid) != uidSize {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("func", fn).Msg("request discarded as invalid")
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "400")
// now that we think its a valid request we will query
log.Debug().Str("func", fn).Str("rUid", rUid).Msg("request validated")
fBytes, _ := txtDB.Get([]byte(rUid))
if fBytes == nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("func", fn).Str("rUid", rUid).Msg("no corresponding file for this id")
errThrow(c, 404, "404", "File not found")
c.Data(200, "text/plain", fBytes)
log.Info().Str("func", fn).Str("rUid", rUid).Msg("Success")
func txtPost(c *gin.Context) {
fn = "txtPost"
t := c.PostForm("txt")
priv := c.PostForm("priv")
tbyte := []byte(t)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("fn", fn).Msg("Oh?")
errThrow(c, 500, "500", "500")
if len(t) == 0 {
log.Warn().Str("fn", fn).Msg("received an empty request")
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "400")
if c.ContentType() != "text/plain" {
log.Warn().Str("fn", fn).Str("ContentType", c.ContentType()).Msg("received a non-text content-type")
errThrow(c, 400, "400", "400")
// an optional switch for a privnote style burn after read
// priv := c.GetBool("private")
if err != nil {
// incoming POST data is invalid
errThrow(c, http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error(), "400") // 400 bad request
log.Debug().Str("func", fn).Msg("New paste")
if priv == "on" {
// check for dupes
log.Debug().Str("func", fn).Msg("calculating blake2b checksum")
Hashr, _ := blake2b.New(64, nil)
hash := Hashr.Sum(nil)
log.Debug().Str("func", fn).Msg("Checking for duplicate's in database")
txtRef, _ := txtDB.Get(hash)
ogUid := string(txtRef)
if txtRef != nil {
log.Debug().Str("func", fn).Str("ogUid", ogUid).Msg("duplicate checksum in hash database, checking if file still exists...")
if txtDB.Has(txtRef) {
log.Debug().Str("func", fn).Str("ogUid", ogUid).Msg("duplicate file found! returning original URL")
// they weren't the original uploader so they don't get a delete key
txtFin(c, ogUid, "nil")
} else {
log.Debug().Str("func", fn).Str("ogUid", ogUid).Msg("stale hash found, deleting entry...")
log.Info().Str("func", fn).Msg("no duplicate txts found, generating uid and delete key")
// generate identifier and delete key based on configured sizes
uid := gouid.String(uidSize, gouid.MixedCaseAlphaNum)
key := gouid.String(keySize, gouid.MixedCaseAlphaNum)
// lets make sure that we don't clash even though its highly unlikely
for uidRef, _ := txtDB.Get([]byte(uid)); uidRef != nil; {
log.Info().Str("func", fn).Msg("uid already exists! generating another...")
uid = gouid.String(uidSize, gouid.MixedCaseAlphaNum)
for keyRef, _ := keyDB.Get([]byte(key)); keyRef != nil; {
log.Info().Str("func", fn).Msg(" delete key already exists! generating another...")
key = gouid.String(keySize, gouid.MixedCaseAlphaNum)
// save checksum to db to prevent dupes in the future
hashDB.Put([]byte(hash), []byte(uid))
log.Debug().Str("func", fn).Str("uid", uid).Msg("saving file to database")
err = txtDB.Put([]byte(uid), []byte(tbyte))
if err != nil {
errThrow(c, 500, err.Error(), "upload failed")
// add delete key to database with txt prefix
err = keyDB.Put([]byte(key), []byte("t."+uid))
if err != nil {
errThrow(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error(), "internal error")
log.Debug().Str("func", fn).Str("uid", uid).Msg("saved to database successfully, sending to txtFin")
txtFin(c, uid, key)